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Map projections and coordinate systems > Supported map projections


Release 9.2
Last modified August 3, 2007
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Originally created to display accurate compass bearings for sea travel. An additional feature of this projection is that all local shapes are accurate and clearly defined.

Illustration of the Mercator projection

Projection method

Cylindrical projection. Meridians are parallel to each other and equally spaced. The lines of latitude are also parallel but become farther apart toward the poles. The poles cannot be shown.

Lines of contact

The equator or two latitudes symmetrical around the equator.

Linear graticules

All meridians and all parallels.



Conformal. Small shapes are well represented because this projection maintains the local angular relationships.


Any straight line drawn on this projection represents an actual compass bearing. These true direction lines are rhumb lines and generally do not describe the shortest distance between points.


Any straight line drawn on this projection represents an actual compass bearing. These true direction lines are rhumb lines and generally do not describe the shortest distance between points.


Scale is true along the equator or along the secant latitudes.


The poles cannot be represented on the Mercator projection. All meridians can be projected, but the upper and lower limits of latitude are approximately 80° N and S. Large area distortion makes the Mercator projection unsuitable for general geographic world maps.

Uses and applications

The best use of this projection's conformal properties applies to regions near the equator such as Indonesia and parts of the Pacific Ocean.




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