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Repair Raster Catalog Paths (Data Management)

Release 9.3
Last modified March 8, 2012
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NOTE: This topic was updated for 9.3.1.

Repairs broken raster catalog paths or deletes broken links within an unmanaged raster catalog

Usage tips

Command line syntax
An overview of the Command Line window
RepairRasterCatalogPaths_management <in_raster_catalog> <FIX | REMOVE> <original_path> <new_path>

Parameter Explanation Data Type

The unmanaged raster catalog to be repaired.

Raster catalog

Choose the repair mode you would like to use.

  • Fix — This option will allow you to fix the raster catalog paths.
  • Remove — This option will remove any broken links that exist in the unmanaged raster catalog.


Type the original raster catalog path that needs to be repaired. This is a required parameter if the FIX option was chosen.

If you want to change all your paths to the new path, you are able to use the asterisk (*) as the original path.


Type the new path to use. This is a required parameter if the FIX option was chosen.

Data types for geoprocessing tool parameters

Command line example

RepairRasterCatalogPaths \\temp\fgdb.gdb\airphoto FIX * \\temp\source

Scripting syntax
About getting started with writing geoprocessing scripts
RepairRasterCatalogPaths_management (in_raster_catalog, repair_mode, original_path, new_path)

Parameter Explanation Data Type
in_raster_catalog (Required)

The unmanaged raster catalog to be repaired.

Raster catalog
repair_mode (Required)

Choose the repair mode you would like to use.

  • Fix — This option will allow you to fix the raster catalog paths.
  • Remove — This option will remove any broken links that exist in the unmanaged raster catalog.

original_path (Required)

Type the original raster catalog path that needs to be repaired. This is a required parameter if the FIX option was chosen.

If you want to change all your paths to the new path, you are able to use the asterisk (*) as the original path.

new_path (Required)

Type the new path to use. This is a required parameter if the FIX option was chosen.


Data types for geoprocessing tool parameters

Script example

# Create the geoprocessing object
import arcgisscripting
gp = arcgisscripting.create()

gp.repairRasterCatalogPaths_management(r"\\temp\fgdb.gdb\airphoto", "FIX" , "*", r"\\temp\source")

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