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Stopping an ArcSDE service

Release 9.3
Last modified December 3, 2010
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About stopping an ArcSDE service

Note: This topic was updated for 9.3.1.

NOTE: Applies to geodatabases created with an ArcGIS Server Enterprise license only

Stopping the ArcSDE service relinquishes all of its processes and operating system resources. You can stop an ArcSDE service if no server tasks are running. If server tasks are running, you must remove the running tasks before the service will shut down. See Removing ArcSDE service user processes for information ending user processes.

There are different reasons why you might need to stop the ArcSDE service, such as if the giomgr process stalls or if you change an environment variable and need to stop then restart the service for the variable to take effect.

On local Windows servers, you can stop the ArcSDE service from within the Services menu.

You can use the sdemon command to shut down the service on Windows or UNIX platforms. When the ArcSDE service is shut down, the sdemon command notes any ArcSDE processes still running and prompts for confirmation that these tasks should be terminated before continuing with the shutdown. For details on the use of sdemon and other administration commands, consult the Administration Command Reference that is provided with the ArcSDE component of ArcGIS Server Enterprise. You can also download a PDF version of the file from the Geodatabase Resource Center.

Clients that attempt to connect using an ArcSDE service while the service is stopped will receive the following error message:

"Failed to connect to the specified server.
SDE not running on server"

NOTE: Users connecting via a direct connection are not blocked when the ArcSDE service is shut down.

How to stop an ArcSDE service

Stop a local ArcSDE service on Windows

  1. Open the Control Panel, then Administrative Tools.
  2. Click Services and scroll through the list of Windows services to find the ArcSDE service to shut down.
  3. Click the service name and click Stop to shut down the service.


  • The ArcSDE service will appear in the services list in the format ArcSde Service(<service name>).
  • Windows users must have power user or administrator group permissions to pause, resume, or shut down a local or remote ArcSDE service.

Stop a remote ArcSDE service on Windows

  1. At an MS-DOS command prompt, type the sdemon command using the shutdown operation and specify the port number of the remote service and the server name. You will be prompted to provide the password of the ArcSDE administrator user.

  2. sdemon –o shutdown  –i 4300 –s our_server
    Please enter ArcSDE DBA password:
ArcSDE Instance 4300 on our_server is Shutdown!

  3. Type the sdemon command with the status operation to confirm the ArcSDE service has been shut down.

  4. sdemon –o status –i 4300 –s our_server
ArcSDE instance 4300 is not available on our_server.


  • Any user can run the sdemon status operation, so a password is not necessary.
  • You can use the service name instead of the service port with the –i option; however, if you do, the service name and port have to be in the Windows services file on the computer from which you are running the sdemon command.

Shut down a stalled giomgr process on Windows

  1. Right-click the Windows taskbar and click Task Manager. Identify the process ID (PID) of the stalled giomgr process.

  2. Type "killp" at the MS-DOS command prompt. Include the PID obtained from the Task Manager window. When prompted, confirm your intent to kill the process by typing "y".

  3. C:\> cd %SDEHOME%\tools
    C:\%SDEHOME%\tools> killp 100
    Do you really want to kill process with pid 100(y/n)

Stop a local ArcSDE service on UNIX

  1. At a shell command prompt, type the sdemon command using the shutdown operation. If you are not using the default service name and port, provide it with the command. You will be prompted to provide the ArcSDE administrator password.

  2. sdemon –o shutdown –i 2468
    Please enter ArcSDE DBA password:
    ArcSDE Instance 2468 on <local_server> is Shutdown!

  3. Type the sdemon command with the status operation to confirm the ArcSDE service has been shut down.

  4. sdemon –o status –i 2468
    ArcSDE Instance 2468 on <local_server> is not available.

Stop a remote ArcSDE service on UNIX

  1. At a shell prompt, type the sdemon command using the shutdown operation. Specify the port number of the remote service and the server name. You will be prompted to provide the password of the ArcSDE administrator user.

  2. sdemon –o shutdown –i 5678 –s gis_server
    Please enter ArcSDE DBA password:
ArcSDE Instance 5678 on gis_server is Shutdown!

  3. Type the sdemon command with the status operation to confirm the ArcSDE service has been shut down.

  4. sdemon –o status
    ArcSDE instance 5678 is not available on gis_server.


  • Any user can run the sdemon status operation, so a password is not necessary.

Shut down a stalled giomgr process on UNIX

  1. Identify the PID of the stalled ArcSDE service or giomgr process using the UNIX ps -ef command that was piped through grep to isolate the giomgr process.

  2. ps -ef | grep giomgr
    arcsde 3403 1 0 06:00:03 ? 0:03
    /prod/sdeexe91/bin/giomgr /prod/sdeexe91

  3. Type the UNIX kill command. Include the PID to terminate the giomgr process.

  4. kill -9 3403

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