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Flipping lines

Release 9.3
Last modified May 21, 2009
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About flipping lines

Note: This topic was updated for 9.3.1.

The Flip command reverses the direction of a selected line so that the last vertex of the sketch becomes the first, thereby changing the from-to direction of the feature. Flipping can be useful for editing lines in which the line orientation represents flow direction, and when using symbols, such as arrowheads, that depend on the orientation of the line.

Original line Flipped line

In addition, when you modify a line by trimming or extending it, the line is automatically trimmed or extended from its last vertex. If you want to trim or extend a line from the first vertex instead of the last, you can use the Flip command.

How to flip lines

  1. Click the Current Task drop-down arrow and click Modify Feature.
  2. Click the Edit tool Edit tool.
  3. Click the line whose direction you want to change.
  4. Right-click any part of the sketch and click Flip.

  5. The sketch becomes inverted (the first vertex becomes the last, marked in red).
  6. When you are finished modifying the line, right-click any part of the sketch and click Finish Sketch.


  • Double-click a feature with the Edit tool to set the task to Modify Feature and expose its sketch.
  • You can double-click the last vertex of a sketch to finish it, or you can press F2.

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