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Tool errors and warnings: 726-750

Release 9.3
Last modified April 24, 2009
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Note: This topic was updated for 9.3.1.

Error code: 000726: <value>: coverage name cannot be longer than 13 characters.
Description: A coverage's name can only be from 1 to 13 characters in length.
Solution: Review the coverage named specified and shorten to 13 or less characters.

Error code: 000727: <value>: has a duplicate value <value>
Description: The same value has been specified multiple times.
Solution: Only unique values should be used for this parameter. Remove all duplicates that exist.

Error code: 000728: Field <value> does not exist within table
Description: The field name specified does not exist within the table.
Solution: Check in the table for existing field names and update the field used as appropriate.

Error code: 000729: <value>: Value is not valid. <value>
Description: This parameter has a list of preset options; the value specified does not belong to this list.
Solution: Check the tool's help for the specific keywords that are valid for this tool.

Error code: 000730: Item <value> does not exist within table
Description: The item name specified does not exist within the table.
Solution: Check in the table for existing item names and update the item used as appropriate.

Error code: 000731: Name <value> cannot exceed <value> characters
Description: The field name specified is too long for the data format.
Solution: All data formats have limits on how long a field name can be. Re-use the tool with a shorter field name.

Error code: 000732: <value>: Dataset <value> does not exist or is not supported
Description: The input data path was typed in incorrectly or no longer exists.
In some cases, this error may occur when the dataset does exist. In these cases, it is because the tool is unable to 'see' the particular dataset.

Solution: Check the data path used, correct as required and run the tool again.
If the data does exist, one of the following situations may have occurred.
  • An invalid subtype on the dataset. To fix it, go to the feature class properties, then click the Subtypes tab and re-enter the default subtype code. If the default is 0, then click the cell with 0 and re-enter that same value. Then apply the change by clicking the OK button. You will now be able to use the dataset.
  • In UNIX, a text file cannot be used as an input to a tool with an input table parameter, such as CopyRows or MakeXYEventLayer.

Error code: 000733: <value>: Same as input <value>
Description: The input and output have been given the same name.
Solution: To prevent overwriting your input during the operation, change the output name to be unique from the input.

Error code: 000734: <value>: spaces in the path or file name are not supported.
Description: Spaces are not supported in coverages or INFO tables, and their path names.
Solution: If spaces are included in the coverage or INFO tables, adjust the output name to excludes spaces; hyphens are often used as a substitute. If the spaces are included in the pathnames, eliminate any spaces included in the path structure.

Error code: 000735: <value>: Value is required
Description: A parameter required by the tool has not been utilized.
Solution: For a tool to execute, at a minimum, all required parameters must have a value provided.
For help in determining whether a parameter is required or optional, look under the syntax sections of the tool's help page.

Error code: 000736: You can not include the Unique ID Field as an Independent Variable. Dropping <value> from the model....
Description: The Unique ID field identifies each feature in the dataset and, consequently, is processed different than other fields. Typically, the Unique ID field would not be a good explanatory or dependent variable for a regression model.
Solution: Do not include the Unique ID field as one of the explanatory variables. If you need to do this, however, first add a new field to your input dataset, then use the calculate field tool to set the new field values to the values in the Unique ID field.

Error code: 000737: You must have at least one independent variable.
Description: This tool constructs an equation to model the dependent variable as a function of a set of independent variables. At least one independent variable is required to model the dependent variable.
Solution: Identify a list of independent variables for your model.

Error code: 000738: At least one statistical result was invalid (NULL). Please check the VIF values to determine whether near perfect multicollinearity is present.
Description: Poor models with extreme multicollinearity will occasionally produce invalid test statistics.
Solution: Look for extreme multicollinearity (redundancy in the explanatory variables) by examining the VIF values. Remove variables that are redundant, as indicated by VIF values larger than about 7. If the VIF values do not indicate a multicollinearity problem, make sure the dependent variable is specified correctly.

Error code: 000739: The object is not in Replicable format (please configure)
Description: This error happens if the data you are trying to replicate has not been properly configured for replication. For example, you may see this error if the data is not fully versioned, or if you do not have write access to the data.
Solution: Ensure the replica datasets meet the following requirements:
  • The database user must have write access to the data.
  • All data must be registered as versioned.
  • The data connot be versioned with the option to move edits to base.

Two way and one way replicas have these additional requirements:
  • Each dataset must have a GlobalID column. This column is used to maintain row uniqueness across geodatabases.
  • All spatial data must be stored in a high precision spatial reference.

For more information see Preparing data for replication.

Error code: 000740: Conflicts were detected during synchronization between replica pairs.
Description: During synchronization, changes are reconciled and posted into the replica version. During this reconcile conflicts may occur. The synchronization was successful, but conflicts were detected.
Solution: Resolve the conflicts on the target replica.
While conflicts exist, you will be able to synchronize to get changes, but you will not be able to send changes.
See Resolving synchronization conflicts manually for more information on how to resolve these conflicts. See Synchronization and versioning to learn more about how geodatabase replication uses versioning during the synchronization process.

Error code: 000741: Cannot synchronize because the replica version has not be reconciled against the sync version.
Description: This error is encountered when the replica you are trying to synchronize edits from is already in conflict.
Solution: To move passed this error you need to resolve the conflicts on the replica.
While conflicts exist, you will be able to synchronize to get changes, but you will not be able to send changes.
Use the Replica Manager to determine if a replica is in conflict. See Resolving synchronization conflicts manually topic for more information on how to resolve these conflicts. See Synchronization and versioning to learn more about how geodatabase replication uses versioning during the synchronization process.

Error code: 000742: Replica data was not found
Description: The replica data cannot be found in the geodatabase.
Solution: Ensure the data exists in the geodatabase specified.

Error code: 000743: Reconcile failed during replication synchronization.
Description: During synchronization, changes are reconciled and posted into the replica version. A failure has occured during this reconcile. One of the reasons this could occur is if another operation had locked the replica version while attempting to synchronize. If the reconcile fails, the replica will be listed as in conflict. You can use the replica manager to determine whether a replica is in conflict.
Solution: To resolve this you should take the replica out of conflict. See Resolving synchronization conflicts manually for more information.

Error code: 000744: Invalid Replica.
Description: The replica specified does not exist, or is invalid.
Solution: Ensure the replica specified exists in the replica geodatabase(s). You can use the replica manager to list all the replicas in a workspace.

Error code: 000745: Generation numbers are out of order.
Description: This error happens when you are attempting to import new replica data changes before an earlier set of changes has been imported. This can happen if an earlier data change message has been lost, or if delta files are imported out of order.
Solution: One way to solve this issue is to re-send all unacknowledged data changes from the replica that was the source of the data changes and import these into the relative. To do this run the Re-Export Unacknowledged messages to create the new data changes file. Then run the Import Data Changes tool to import the new changes to the data receiver.
See synchronizing disconnected replicas for more information.

Error code: 000746: Previous synchronization had conflicts which are not resolved.
Description: A previous synchronization had conflicts that have not yet been resolved. When a replica is in conflict, it may receive changes, but it cannot send changes. You can use the replica manager to see if a replica is in conflict.
Solution: To solve this issue, you must resolve the synchronization conflicts. For information on how to resolve synchronize conflict see resolving syncrhonization conflicts manually

Error code: 000747: Multi-generation replication not supported in this release of the GeoDatabase
Description: Two way and one way replication are not supported in the release of the geodatabase you are connected to. This type of replication functionality is supported at ArcGIS 9.2 and beyond. If you receive this error it means that a geodatabase you are connected to is from an earlier version.
Solution: You must use geodatabases with a minimum release version of 9.2.

Error code: 000748: Replication not supported in this Geodatabase release.
Description: Replication is not supported in the release of the geodatabase you are connected to. Checkout/Checkin replication, previously refered to as disconnected editing, is supported with a minimum release version of 8.3. Two way and One way replication require a minimum release version of 9.2
Solution: Ensure the geodatabase you are connected to supports the type of replication functionality you are trying to use.

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