The easiest way to create a custom transformer is from an existing workspace, and by choosing transformers that you are often reusing, or transformers that take up a lot of space on the canvas.
Open a workspace.
Select a group of transformers: click and hold the left mouse button, and drag a box around the transformers. Release the left mouse button.
Right-click and select Create Custom Transformer from the command menu.
Enter a transformer name, category and a description (optional) in the dialog that appears.
Tip: If you create your own category, you can easily reference any transformers that you create. The category will be visible in the Transformer Gallery. |
Click OK. The new custom transformer will appear in green in the main workspace:
A new tab will appear at the top of the workspace. The tab's name corresponds to the custom transformer name.
Click on the tab to see the original transformers.
NOTE: You cannot include any source or destination feature types in a custom transformer.
The input (blue) and output (green) arrows are for reference only, to reflect the input/output to the custom transformer in the main workspace.
The navigator pane displays details about custom transformers. If you select the custom transformer tab, the navigator pane displays the transformers (and their attributes) that are included in the custom transformer. If you're viewing the main workspace, the custom transformers are listed in the navigator pane (much like any other transformer).
Tips: You can also create custom transformers by:
After you have created a custom transformer, you can:
edit its definition in separate tabbed window
duplicate it (copy/paste it) within the same workspace
select it from the Transformer Gallery, and include it any number of times
cut/paste it into a new workspace (its elements are also copied)
share it with other users
export it as a Custom Transformer (by default, it will be stored in My Documents\FME\Transformers)