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Open a published map with ArcReader


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ArcReader can open published map files (.pmf) that have been created in ArcMap and ArcGlobe with the ArcGIS Publisher extension. These published maps do not actually store the data shown on the map but rather reference the data, which may be stored on a local disk, another computer, or the Internet. The map document stores map elements, such as titles, scale bars, and north arrows.

A data frame is a frame on the map that groups the layers you want to display together. This map contains four data frames.

The map portrays Angelus Oaks and the surrounding region. Notice that there are check boxes next to each layer name in the table of contents (except Angelus Oaks). All layers that are checked are drawn in the map display area. Notice that the check box next to the Houses layer is unavailable, and a small scale bar appears underneath the check box. This is because there is a visible scale range set for that layer. In this case, the Houses layer will only display when you are zoomed in close to the residential area.

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