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Highlight temporal data that satisfies a condition

Tracking Analyst

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You can create and apply actions that will affect the data’s display or properties. In this example you will see how to apply a highlight action that will affect the display of the temporal data layer during playback. You will use the Actions tab in the Layer Properties dialog box to apply the highlight. You will enter parameters in the Action Wizard to highlight a hurricane’s path when it meets or exceeds a certain wind speed.

Actions can highlight or filter out data in a layer. You can also apply actions to a tracking service in ArcCatalog, or on a tracking server.

A Filter action lets you use attributes or geography to include or exclude data from the display.

A Highlight/Suppression action can highlight your data on a map, or prevent it from being displayed.

You will use an attribute query to selectively highlight the places where the hurricane windspeeds exceed 75 mile per hour. You can trigger actions by using an attribute query, a spatial query, or a combination of the two.

You can build the query yourself, or use an expression that has been saved in a .exp file. In this example you see how to load an existing expression.

When you play the data with the highlight action, the existing symbology is used, but the highlight symbol appears behind the hurricanes with winds faster than 75 mph. The Highlight symbol does not appear in the ArcMap table of contents.

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