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There are several instances in which you can share an ArcGIS Explorer map and its content with colleagues and others via e-mail. You can e-mail the entire map, one or more selected notes, a view, link, or folder, or one or more network-based, non-local layers.

To e-mail the entire map or the current view
  1. Click the ArcGIS Explorer Button , select Share...
  2. Choose whether to e-mail the entire map or the current view.
To e-mail one or more layers, notes, folders, views, or links
In the Contents window, select one or more items, then switch to the Tools tab and click the E-Mail button in the Organize group or hold down the right mouse button on an item and choose Share...

To e-mail a note from its popup window
If you want to send an e-mail from the open popup window of a note on the map display, click the E-Mail button in the lower left corner of the window:
