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PostgreSQL DBTUNE configuration parameters

PostgreSQL DBTUNE configuration parameters

Release 9.3 E-mail This TopicPrintable VersionGive Us feedback
Note:This topic was updated for 9.3.1.

Configuration parameters, which are stored in the parameter_name column of the sde_dbtune table, identify the database object to be configured or denote a specific setting. Their corresponding values, which are stored in the config_string column of sde_dbtune, identify how the object or setting will be configured. The parameters and their configuration strings are grouped together in the sde_dbtune table by configuration keywords. Keyword/Parameter_name combinations are unique, but most parameter_names are not and are reused under a number of different keywords throughout the sde_dbtune table.

Valid values for the parameter_names column are fixed; you cannot invent new parameter_names. Likewise, the config_strings accept only certain numeric values or SQL strings. In most cases, these strings are appended to SQL CREATE TABLE and CREATE INDEX statements.

In geodatabases stored in a PostgreSQL database, parameter name–configuration string pairs are used by ArcSDE to do the following:

By default, PostgreSQL stores tables and indexes in the pg_default tablespace. To store tables and indexes in other tablespaces, the super user needs to create additional tablespaces and grant CREATE privileges on the tablespaces to the users who will be creating objects in them. You can use the psql meta-command \db+ to list existing tablespaces and their permissions.

Once this configuration is complete, you can specify different tablespaces to store various tables using DBTUNE storage parameters.

The syntax for specifying tablespace storage varies depending on the parameter. The dbtune.sde file installed with ArcSDE for PostgreSQL includes commented-out example entries for each parameter to assist you in using the correct syntax.

NOTE: Tablespaces in PostgreSQL use symbolic links; therefore, user-defined tablespaces can only be used on systems that support symbolic links.

The following table is an alphabetic list of all the possible configuration parameters that can be used in a geodatabase in PostgreSQL. Following that is a more in-depth explanation of the parameters grouped by their functionality

Parameter name Description Values
A_INDEX_ROWID Adds table object ID column index storage definition See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE INDEX parameters.
A_INDEX_STATEID Adds table sde_state_id column index storage definition See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE INDEX parameters.
A_INDEX_USER Adds table index storage definition See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE INDEX parameters.
A_INDEX_XML Adds table XML column index table storage definition See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE INDEX parameters.
A_STORAGE Adds table storage definition See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE TABLE parameters.
AUX_INDEX_COMPOSITE Raster AUX table composite column index storage definition See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE INDEX parameters.
AUX_STORAGE Raster AUX table storage definition See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE TABLE parameters.
B_INDEX_RASTER Business table raster column index storage definition See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE INDEX parameters.
B_INDEX_ROWID Business table object ID column index aster rowid index R<N>_SDE_ROWID_UK storage definition See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE INDEX parameters.
B_INDEX_TO_DATE Storage parameter info for creating the index r<registration_id>_sde_todate, which is used when updating the history table during an archive operation See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE INDEX parameters.
B_INDEX_USER Business table user index storage definition See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE INDEX parameters.
B_INDEX_XML Business table XML column index table storage definition See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE INDEX parameters.
B_STORAGE Business table and raster attribute table storage definition See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE TABLE parameters.
BLK_INDEX_COMPOSITE Raster BLK table composite column index storage definition See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE INDEX parameters.
BLK_STORAGE Raster BLK table storage definition See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE TABLE parameters.
BND_INDEX_COMPOSITE Raster BND table composite column index storage definition See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE INDEX parameters.
BND_INDEX_ID Raster BND table rid column index storage definition See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE INDEX parameters.
BND_STORAGE Raster BND table storage definition See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE TABLE parameters.
COMMENT Line used for comments Can place any comment up to 2048 characters
D_INDEX_ALL FILLFACTOR for index on sde_states_id, sde_deletes_row_id, and deleted_at columns See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE INDEX parameters.
D_INDEX_DELETED_AT Deletes table sde_deleted_at column index storage definition See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE INDEX parameters.
D_STORAGE Deletes table storage definition See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE TABLE parameters.
GEOMETRY_STORAGE Indicates storage data type for spatial column ST_GEOMETRY or PG_GEOMETRY

LD_INDEX_ALL Sde_logfile_data and sde_logpool tables' primary key storage definition See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE INDEX parameters.
LD_STORAGE Sde_logfile_data and sde_logpool tables' storage definition See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE TABLE parameters.
LF_INDEX_ID Sde_logfile primary key storage definition See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE INDEX parameters.
LF_INDEX_NAME Storage definition for sde_logfiles unique index See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE INDEX parameters.
LF_STORAGE Sde_logfiles table storage definition See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE TABLE parameters.
MVTABLES_MODIFIED_INDEX Mvtables_modified index storage definition See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE INDEX parameters.
MVTABLES_MODIFIED_TABLE Mvtables_modified table storage definition See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE TABLE parameters.
RAS_INDEX_ID Raster RAS table RID index storage definition See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE INDEX parameters.
RAS_STORAGE Raster RAS table storage definition See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE TABLE parameters.
SESSION_INDEX ArcSDE session-based and stand-alone log file indexes storage definition See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE INDEX parameters.
SESSION_STORAGE ArcSDE session-based and stand-alone log file tables storage definition See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE TABLE parameters.
SESSION_TEMP_TABLE Controls whether or not log files get created in tempdb 1 or 0

1 = create in tempdb

0 = don't create in tempdb

This parameter is present but not currently used in PostgreSQL.
STATES_INDEX States table storage definition See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE INDEX parameters.
STATES_LINEAGES_INDEX Controls the storage of the index on the sde_state_lineages table's primary key See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE INDEX parameters.
STATES_LINEAGES_TABLE Sde_state_lineages table storage definition See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE TABLE parameters.
STATES_TABLE Sde_states table storage definition See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE TABLE parameters.
UI_NETWORK_TEXT User interface parameter, which indicates associated configuration keyword will appear in the ArcGIS user interface; contains description of network configuration Description up to 2048 characters
UI_TERRAIN_TEXT User interface parameter, which indicates associated configuration keyword will appear in the ArcGIS user interface; contains description of terrain configuration Description up to 2048 characters
UI_TEXT User interface parameter, which indicates associated configuration keyword will appear in the ArcGIS user interface; contains description of associated noncomposite configuration keyword Description up to 2048 characters
UI_TOPOLOGY_TEXT User interface parameter, which indicates associated configuration keyword will appear in the ArcGIS user interface; contains description of topoology configuration Description up to 2048 characters
VERSIONS_INDEX Sde_versions index storage definition See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE INDEX parameters.
VERSIONS_TABLE Sde_versions table storage definition See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE TABLE parameters.
XML_DOC_INDEX Storage clause for xmldoc<n>_pk and xml_doc<n>_ix indexes on the sde_xml_doc<n> table See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE INDEX parameters.
XML_DOC_STORAGE Storage clause for sde_xml_doc<n> table See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE TABLE parameters.
XML_DOC_UNCOMPRESSED_TYPE Determines the storage format for XML documents BINARY orTEXT
XML_IDX_FULLTEXT_UPDATE_METHOD Dictates how changes made to the xml_doc_val column in the sde_xml_doc<n> table (the XML document table) and the text_tag column of the sde_xml_idx<n> table (the index table of an XML column) are propagated to the full-text index AUTOMATIC or MANUAL
XML_IDX_INDEX_DOUBLE Storage clause for the xmlix<n>_db index on the double_tag column of the sde_xml_idx<n> table See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE INDEX parameters.
XML_IDX_INDEX_ID Storage clause for the xmlix<n>_id index on the ID column of the xml_idx<n> table See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE INDEX parameters.
XML_IDX_INDEX_PK Storage clause for xmlix<n>_pk index on the xml_key_column identity column of the sde_xml_idx<n> table See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE INDEX parameters.
XML_IDX_INDEX_STRING Storage clause for xmlix<n>_st index on the string_tag column of the sde_xml_idx<n> table See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE INDEX parameters.
XML_IDX_INDEX_TAG Storage clause for the xmlix<n>_tg index on the tag_id column of the sde_xml_idx<n> table See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE INDEX parameters.
XML_IDX_STORAGE Storage clause for sde_xml_idx<n> table (the index table of an XML column) See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE TABLE parameters.

NOTE: For the XML parameters, <n> refers to the xml_column_id associated with a specific XML column.

Functional descriptions of parameters

See Also

  • DBTUNE configuration parameter name-configuration string pairs