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Using multiple geodatabases within a DBMS

Using multiple geodatabases within a DBMS

Release 9.3 E-mail This TopicPrintable VersionGive Us feedback
Note:This topic was updated for 9.3.1.

Each database management system (DBMS) has different rules for using multiple geodatabases. In general, though, it is possible to create separate databases, store a geodatabase in each one, and connect to each one using separate ArcSDE services no matter what DBMS you are using.

Beginning with ArcGIS 9.2, you can also create multiple geodatabases inside one Oracle database. This model for storing multiple geodatabases in one Oracle database is in Using multiple geodatabases in Oracle as is information on creating more than one geodatabase in different Oracle databases. This is followed by topics containing specific information for storing multiple geodatabases using other DBMS types and models.

The following table lists sections of each of the DBMS-specific topics. Use it to help you find the information you need.

Oracle Creating multiple geodatabases in multiple Oracle databases

A description of using multiple geodatabases in one Oracle database

Creating multiple geodatabases in one Oracle database

Managing multiple geodatabases in one Oracle database

Listing the geodatabases in an Oracle database

Creating stored procedures in the geodatabases stored in Oracle users' schemas

Connecting to geodatabases in Oracle users' schemas

Loading data into geodatabases in Oracle users' schemas

Creating backups of geodatabases in Oracle users' schemas

Deleting a geodatabase from a user's schema
SQL Server Creating multiple geodatabases in a SQL Server instance using the single spatial database model

A description of the SQL Server multiple spatial database model

Migrating from the SQL Server multiple spatial database model to the single spatial database model
DB2 Creating multiple geodatabases in a DB2 instance
Informix Creating multiple geodatabases in Informix
PostgreSQL Creating multiple geodatabases in a PostgreSQL database cluster