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Feature classes in a geodatabase in SQL Server

Feature classes in a geodatabase in SQL Server

Release 9.3 E-mail This TopicPrintable VersionGive Us feedback
A feature class is a collection of geographic features, all of the same geometric type (point, line, polygon, multipoint, annotation, dimension, or multipatch). For example, you could store points for all the train depots along a railroad line in one feature class. In another feature class, you could store lines that represent all the railroad tracks.

Below is a description of the way a feature class appears in ArcCatalog, in a SQL Server DBMS, and in an XML document. Following that is a description of subtypes, which are used to create subgroups of feature types in a feature class.

Feature classes in ArcCatalog

In the Catalog tree, a feature class looks like this:

Feature class in ArcCatalog (SQL Server)

If you preview the attribute table for this feature class, you will see the something similar to the following:

Preview of the Parcel attribute table

This is a polygon feature class named Parcels, which is owned by user RJP and is stored in a database named sde.

The icon to the left of the feature class name indicates the type of feature class it is. The icon above represents a polygon feature class. The icons for the other types of feature classes you can create in ArcGIS are as follows:

Point feature class icon A point or multipoint feature class

Line feature class icon A line feature class

Annotation feature class icon An annotation feature class

Dimension feature class icon A dimension feature class

Multipatch feature class icon A multipatch feature class

For a description of the different types of feature classes, see Feature class basics.

Feature classes stored in a binary format in a SQL Server DBMS

Geodatabases in a SQL Server DBMS can store spatial data in a binary format—either ArcSDE Compressed binary or the OGC well-known binary representation of geometry. By default, features are stored using the ArcSDE Compressed binary type.

Feature classes stored in a binary format consist of a business table and associated feature and spatial index tables as described below. The dashed lines indicate an implicit relationship between tables.

The business, f, and s tables for a feature class in SQL Server

Feature classes stored using the Microsoft geometry or geography type in a SQL Server DBMS

Beginning with ArcGIS 9.3, geodatabases stored in a SQL Server 2008 database can use the Microsoft geometry or geography storage types for feature storage. Feature classes that use one of these storage types also have a business table, as described in the previous section. However, for this storage type, the business table contains a column of type GEOMETRY or GEOGRAPHY, in which the feature class geometry is stored; there is no associated feature table.

Feature class tables that use geometry or geography storage also have associated system tables plus associated views. Click the following link to see a diagram of a feature class that uses the Microsoft geometry or geography storage type.

SQL Server geometry or geography feature class diagram

In the diagram, the feature class business table, buildings, is linked to the system tables by way of the table name.

The views used for the geometry or geography feature classes, ST_SPATIAL_REFERENCE_SYSTEMS and ST_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS, are not shown in the diagram because they are based on the system tables SDE_spatial_references and SDE_geometry_columns, which are already included in the diagram.

If the feature class is enabled to store CAD entities, a side table is created for the feature class to store CAD data, such as curves. All feature classes created through ArcCatalog are set to store CAD entities. If data is imported or registered with ArcSDE using ArcSDE administration commands, you specify whether or not CAD data can be stored in the resultant feature class. The feature class diagram also shows a CAD table, SDE_geometry42. The 42 in the table name refers to the feature class's layer_id from the SDE_layers table.

Joins against the CAD side table are not enabled until CAD data, such as true curves, have been added to the feature class. Once enabled, queries against the feature class will always include the CAD side table, even if the CAD data is no longer present.

Feature classes in an XML document

The following is a small portion of the content of an XML document for the Parcels feature class. The first section is the header; subsequent lines define fields and records in the feature class.

<ESRI:RecordSetData xmlns:ESRI="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xs="">
<Data xsi:type="ESRI:RecordSet">
   <Fields xsi:type="ESRI:Fields">
     <FieldArray xsi:type="ESRI:ArrayOfField">
        <Field xsi:type="esri:Field">
        <Field xsi:type="esri:Field">
        <Field xsi:type="esri:Field">
         <Field xsi:type="esri:Field">
            <Domain xsi:type="esri:CodedValueDomain">
                  <Description>Simplified zoning codes</Description> 
                <CodedValues xsi:type="esri:ArrayOfCodedValue">
                     - <CodedValue xsi:type="esri:CodedValue">
                       <Code xsi:type="xs:string">B</Code> 
                <CodedValue xsi:type="esri:CodedValue">
                       <Name>Flood Hazard Area</Name> 
                       <Code xsi:type="xs:string">FH</Code> 
                <CodedValue xsi:type="esri:CodedValue">
                       <Code xsi:type="xs:string">INST</Code> 
                <CodedValue xsi:type="esri:CodedValue">
                       <Code xsi:type="xs:string">M</Code> 
                <CodedValue xsi:type="esri:CodedValue">
                       <Code xsi:type="xs:string">O</Code> 
                <CodedValue xsi:type="esri:CodedValue">
                       <Code xsi:type="xs:string">U</Code> 
                <CodedValue xsi:type="esri:CodedValue">
                       <Code xsi:type="xs:string">R</Code> 
          <Field xsi:type="esri:Field">
            <GeometryDef xsi:type="esri:GeometryDef">
            <SpatialReference xsi:type="esri:ProjectedCoordinateSystem">
...all other fields...
<Records xsi:type="esri:ArrayOfRecord">
<Record xsi:type="esri:Record">
    <Values xsi:type="esri:ArrayOfValue">
         <Value xsi:type="xs:int">1</Value> 
         <Value xsi:type="xs:double">5001</Value> 
         <Value xsi:type="xs:string">0</Value> 
         <Value xsi:type="xs:string">1</Value> 
         <Value xsi:type="xs:int">6358</Value> 
         <Value xsi:type="xs:short">0</Value> 
         <Value xsi:nil="true" /> 
        <Value xsi:type="esri:PolygonB">
        <Value xsi:type="xs:double">112367.21137978</Value> 
      <Value xsi:type="xs:double">3597.78157570024</Value> 
...all other records...

Subtypes in feature classes

Subtypes are used to differentiate feature types within a feature class based on their default values, attribute domains, connectivity rules, and relationship rules. Subtypes are defined for a feature class, and only one field in the feature class can have subtypes defined for it.

Subtypes in ArcCatalog

Since subtypes are defined on the feature class, you define and view subtypes in ArcCatalog from the Feature Class Properties dialog box. Right-click the feature class, click Properties, and click the Subtypes tab to see the following dialog box:

Subtype tab of Feature Class Properties dialog box in ArcCatalog

This example shows subtypes applied to the TYPECODE field for a feature class called Laterals. You see the codes used for the subtypes, the descriptions (names) of the subtypes, and the default subtype for the TYPECODE field in the Laterals feature class.

Subtypes in a SQL Server DBMS

For the subtypes applied to the TYPECODE field of the Laterals feature class, the tables in a SQL Server DBMS would look those shown below. Dashed lines indicate implicit relationships between tables.

Subtype system tables in SQL Server

The subtypes for feature classes are tracked in the GDB_SUBTYPE system table, the default values for the subtypes are tracked in the GDB_DEFAULTVALUES system table, and the fields to which these apply are tracked in the GDB_FIELDINFO system table. The subtypes are associated to the feature class by way of the GDB_OBJECTCLASSES table. The GDB_DEFAULTVALUES table is associated with the GDB_SUBTYPES table by the subtype code, which is stored in the SubtypeCode field in the GDB_SUBTYPES table and the Subtype field in the GDB_DEFAULTVALUES table.

The name of the field to which the subtype applies is stored in the SubtypeField column of the GDB_OBJECTCLASSES table. This field is linked to the FieldName column in the GDB_FIELDINFO table, which in turn is associated to the FieldName column in the GDB_DEFAULTVALUES table.

Subtypes in an XML document

Subtypes appear in XML documents as part of the information for the feature class. They are grouped under a Subtypes tag. For the Laterals example, the subtype information in an XML document is as follows:

- <Subtypes xsi:type="esri:ArrayOfSubtype">
  <Subtype xsi:type="esri:Subtype">
    <FieldInfos xsi:type="esri:ArrayOfSubtypeFieldInfo">
      <SubtypeFieldInfo xsi:type="esri:SubtypeFieldInfo">
          <DefaultValue xsi:type="xs:int">0</DefaultValue> 
      <SubtypeFieldInfo xsi:type="esri:SubtypeFieldInfo">
          <DefaultValue xsi:type="xs:double">8</DefaultValue> 
      <SubtypeFieldInfo xsi:type="esri:SubtypeFieldInfo">
          <DefaultValue xsi:type="xs:double">0</DefaultValue> 
      <SubtypeFieldInfo xsi:type="esri:SubtypeFieldInfo">
          <DefaultValue xsi:type="xs:double">0</DefaultValue> 
      <SubtypeFieldInfo xsi:type="esri:SubtypeFieldInfo">
          <DefaultValue xsi:type="xs:string">WUNKNOWN</DefaultValue> 
      <SubtypeFieldInfo xsi:type="esri:SubtypeFieldInfo">
          <DefaultValue xsi:type="xs:string">WUNKNOWN</DefaultValue> 
      <SubtypeFieldInfo xsi:type="esri:SubtypeFieldInfo">
          <DefaultValue xsi:type="xs:string">DI</DefaultValue> 
      <SubtypeFieldInfo xsi:type="esri:SubtypeFieldInfo">
          <DefaultValue xsi:type="xs:int">3</DefaultValue> 
      <SubtypeFieldInfo xsi:type="esri:SubtypeFieldInfo">
          <DefaultValue xsi:type="xs:short">1</DefaultValue> 
<Subtype xsi:type="esri:Subtype">
    <SubtypeName>Hydrant laterals</SubtypeName> 
  <FieldInfos xsi:type="esri:ArrayOfSubtypeFieldInfo">
      <SubtypeFieldInfo xsi:type="esri:SubtypeFieldInfo">
          <DefaultValue xsi:type="xs:int">0</DefaultValue> 
      <SubtypeFieldInfo xsi:type="esri:SubtypeFieldInfo">
          <DefaultValue xsi:type="xs:double">8</DefaultValue> 
      <SubtypeFieldInfo xsi:type="esri:SubtypeFieldInfo">
          <DefaultValue xsi:type="xs:double">0</DefaultValue> 
      <SubtypeFieldInfo xsi:type="esri:SubtypeFieldInfo">
          <DefaultValue xsi:type="xs:double">0</DefaultValue> 
      <SubtypeFieldInfo xsi:type="esri:SubtypeFieldInfo">
          <DefaultValue xsi:type="xs:string">WHYDLIN</DefaultValue> 
      <SubtypeFieldInfo xsi:type="esri:SubtypeFieldInfo">
          <DefaultValue xsi:type="xs:string">WHYDLIN</DefaultValue> 
      <SubtypeFieldInfo xsi:type="esri:SubtypeFieldInfo">
          <DefaultValue xsi:type="xs:string">DI</DefaultValue> 
      <SubtypeFieldInfo xsi:type="esri:SubtypeFieldInfo">
          <DefaultValue xsi:type="xs:short">1</DefaultValue> 
<Subtype xsi:type="esri:Subtype">
    <SubtypeName>Fire laterals</SubtypeName> 
  <FieldInfos xsi:type="esri:ArrayOfSubtypeFieldInfo">
      <SubtypeFieldInfo xsi:type="esri:SubtypeFieldInfo">
          <DefaultValue xsi:type="xs:int">0</DefaultValue> 
      <SubtypeFieldInfo xsi:type="esri:SubtypeFieldInfo">
          <DefaultValue xsi:type="xs:double">8</DefaultValue> 
      <SubtypeFieldInfo xsi:type="esri:SubtypeFieldInfo">
          <DefaultValue xsi:type="xs:double">0</DefaultValue> 
      <SubtypeFieldInfo xsi:type="esri:SubtypeFieldInfo">
          <DefaultValue xsi:type="xs:double">0</DefaultValue> 
      <SubtypeFieldInfo xsi:type="esri:SubtypeFieldInfo">
          <DefaultValue xsi:type="xs:string">WFIRELIN</DefaultValue> 
      <SubtypeFieldInfo xsi:type="esri:SubtypeFieldInfo">
          <DefaultValue xsi:type="xs:string">WFIRELIN</DefaultValue> 
      <SubtypeFieldInfo xsi:type="esri:SubtypeFieldInfo">
         <DefaultValue xsi:type="xs:string">DI</DefaultValue> 
      <SubtypeFieldInfo xsi:type="esri:SubtypeFieldInfo">
          <DefaultValue xsi:type="xs:short">1</DefaultValue> 
<Subtype xsi:type="esri:Subtype">
    <SubtypeName>Service laterals</SubtypeName> 
  <FieldInfos xsi:type="esri:ArrayOfSubtypeFieldInfo">
      <SubtypeFieldInfo xsi:type="esri:SubtypeFieldInfo">
          <DefaultValue xsi:type="xs:int">0</DefaultValue> 
      <SubtypeFieldInfo xsi:type="esri:SubtypeFieldInfo">
          <DefaultValue xsi:type="xs:double">8</DefaultValue> 
      <SubtypeFieldInfo xsi:type="esri:SubtypeFieldInfo">
          <DefaultValue xsi:type="xs:double">0</DefaultValue> 
      <SubtypeFieldInfo xsi:type="esri:SubtypeFieldInfo">
          <DefaultValue xsi:type="xs:double">0</DefaultValue> 
      <SubtypeFieldInfo xsi:type="esri:SubtypeFieldInfo">
          <DefaultValue xsi:type="xs:string">WSERVICE</DefaultValue> 
      <SubtypeFieldInfo xsi:type="esri:SubtypeFieldInfo">
          <DefaultValue xsi:type="xs:string">WSERVICE</DefaultValue> 
     <SubtypeFieldInfo xsi:type="esri:SubtypeFieldInfo">
          <DefaultValue xsi:type="xs:string">DI</DefaultValue> 
      <SubtypeFieldInfo xsi:type="esri:SubtypeFieldInfo">
          <DefaultValue xsi:type="xs:short">1</DefaultValue> 