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Compressing a geodatabase on an ArcSDE database server

Compressing a geodatabase on an ArcSDE database server

Release 9.3 E-mail This TopicPrintable VersionGive Us feedback

About compressing a geodatabase on a database server

You must be an ArcSDE database server administrator or a geodatabase administrator to compress a geodatabase. The Compress Database function will be deactivated if you are not in one of these two roles.

While the compress operation is running, a progress bar will appear, which will advance until compress is complete.

How to compress a geodatabase on a database server

  1. In the Catalog tree, connect to the database server that contains the geodatabase you want to compress.
  2. Right-click the geodatabase you want to compress.
  3. Choose Administration from the geodatabase context menu and click Compress Database.


  • To find out when the geodatabase was last compressed, click the Administration tab on the Geodatabase Properties dialog box. The date of the last compression will appear in the Compress section.
  • After you have compressed the database, you should update the statistics. For instructions on how to do this, see Updating statistics on geodatabases on ArcSDE database servers.

See Also

  • About compressing a geodatabase
  • Updating statistics on geodatabases on ArcSDE database servers