Used in



Image  Feature  ArcMap  

Parent elements



<RASTERMARKERSYMBOLAttribute Description Table

     When using ArcMap Server:
     (r)image="path to image file"
     size="1,1 - N,N"
     url="url string"

     When using Feature Server:
     (r)url="url string"
     antialiasing="true | false" [false]
     image="path to image file"
     shadow="0,0,0 - 255,255,255"
     size="1,1 - N,N"
     transparency="0.0 - 1.0" [1.0]
     usecentroid="true | false" [false]

     When using Image Server:
     (r)image="path to image file"
     antialiasing="true | false" [false]
     hotspot="0,0 - N,N" [centered]
     overlap="true | false" [true]
     shadow="0,0,0 - 255,255,255"
     size="1,1 - N,N"
     transparency="0.0 - 1.0" [1.0]
     url="url string"
     usecentroid="true | false" [false]

     No Child Elements
(r): Attribute or child element is required.


Symbolizes point features using the specified raster image.



Attribute Descriptions for RASTERMARKERSYMBOL

antialiasingUsed to make edges of labels and symbols smoother. When set to "true", antialiasing is active. Note that the time to generate a map may significantly increase when antialiasing is turned on.
hotspotDetermines where marker symbol is placed in relation to actual x,y location of the point the marker symbol represents. A hotspot of 0,0 places the point at the top left corner of the marker symbol. X,y coordinates are positive and measured in pixels. The default hotspot centers the marker symbol over the point based on its actual size. For example, if a marker symbol is 16x16 pixels, the default location is 8,8. If the size attribute is set to 32x32, the default hotspot center is still 8,8. Valid only with Image Services.
imageFull pathname to image. ArcIMS Spatial Server uses this pathname to find the image and add it to the map. UNC pathnames can be used (\\myComputer\arcims\output). Required for Image and ArcMap Image Services, and ignored by Feature Services.
overlapDetermines if labels can overlap this symbol. When "true", labels can overlap. When "false", labels will not overlap the symbol. If labels are not drawing as expected, check if overlap is set to "false" for this symbol or any other symbol in the ArcIMS service. Valid only with Image Services.
shadowShadow color using RGB values.
sizeResizes marker symbol to new size in pixels. The default size is the actual width and height of the marker symbol. If size="0,0" is specified, the ImageServer writes a warning message to the log file and uses the default size settings.
transparencyValue to set percentage of transparency. 1.0 is 0 percent transparent. 0.0 is 100 percent transparent.
urlURL used by client to retrieve image. Required for Feature Services, and ignored by Image and ArcMap Image Services.
usecentroidBy default, a marker symbol used on polygon layers draws markers at all polygon vertices. If usecentroid is "true", marker is placed in the centroid of the polygon. If multiple polygon parts exist, the marker falls on the part with the biggest area. Attribute not valid with acetate layers.
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Example 1: When in CONFIG or REQUEST.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ARCXML version="1.1">
      <LOCALE country="US" language="en" variant="" />
      <UIFONT color="0,0,0" name="Arial" size="12" style="regular" />
      <SCREEN dpi="96" />
        <ENVELOPE minx="-180" miny="-90" maxx="180" maxy="90" name="Initial_Extent" />
         <MAPUNITS units="decimal_degrees" />
        <FILTERCOORDSYS id="4326" />
        <FEATURECOORDSYS id="4326"/>
         <SHAPEWORKSPACE name="shp_ws-0" directory="<path to WORLD ESRIDATA>"/>
      <LAYER type="featureclass" name="CITIES" visible="true" id="2">
        <DATASET name="CITIES" type="point" workspace="shp_ws-10" />
          <RASTERMARKERSYMBOL shadow="0,0,0" overlap="true" url="http://mymachine.domain.com/website/color.gif" image="C:\ArcIMS\WebSite\color.gif" transparency="1.0" size="16,16" hotspot="1,1" antialiasing="false" />

Example 2: When using usecentroid with a polygon layer.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ARCXML version="1.1">
      <LOCALE country="US" language="en" variant="" />
      <UIFONT color="0,0,0" name="Arial" size="12" style="regular" />
      <SCREEN dpi="96" />
        <ENVELOPE minx="-180" miny="-90" maxx="180" maxy="90" name="Initial_Extent" />
        <MAPUNITS units="decimal_degrees" />
        <FILTERCOORDSYS id="4326" />
        <FEATURECOORDSYS id="4326"/>
         <SHAPEWORKSPACE name="shp_ws-0" directory="<path to WORLD ESRIDATA>"/>
      <LAYER type="featureclass" name="CNTRY94" visible="true" id="0">
        <DATASET name="CNTRY94" type="polygon" workspace="shp_ws-0" />
            <SIMPLEPOLYGONSYMBOL filltype="solid" fillcolor="127,227,227" />
            <RASTERMARKERSYMBOL usecentroid="true" url="http://mymachine.domain.com/website/color.gif" image="C:\ArcIMS\WebSite\color.gif" size="16,16" />

Example 3: When layer rendering is included in SERVICEINFO and RASTERMARKERSYMBOL is restricted.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ARCXML version="1.1">
        <LOCALE language="en" country="US" />
        <UIFONT name="Arial" color="0,0,0" size="12" style="regular" />
        <SEPARATORS cs=" " ts=";"/>
        <CAPABILITIES forbidden="GET_EXTRACT" disabledtypes=""/>
        <SCREEN dpi="120"/>
        <IMAGELIMIT pixelcount="1048576" />
        <FEATURECOORDSYS id="4326"/>
        <FILTERCOORDSYS id="4326"/>
        <ENVELOPE minx="-141.003005981445" miny="29.9125167103556" maxx="-52.6202812194824" maxy="83.1083221435546" name="Initial_Extent" />
        <MAPUNITS units="decimal_degrees" />
      <LAYERINFO type="featureclass" visible="true" name="Cities" id="Cities">
        <FCLASS type="point"> </FCLASS>
          <RASTERMARKERSYMBOL url="http://mymachine.domain.com/website/city.gif" overlap="true" />

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