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Welcome to ArcGIS Desktop Help
Copyright information
GIS Dictionary
What's new in ArcGIS
Getting started
Fundamentals of GIS
Introducing ArcGIS Desktop

What is ArcGIS 9.3

An overview of ArcGIS Desktop

Using ArcGIS Desktop

Mapping and visualization in ArcMap

The geodatabase

Workspace and dataset management with ArcCatalog

Data compilation and editing

Geoprocessing and analysis

Tips and tricks within ArcGIS


3D Analyst Tutorial

Animation in ArcMap Tutorial

ArcCatalog Tutorial

ArcMap Tutorial

ArcGIS Publisher Tutorial

ArcReader Tutorial

ArcScan Tutorial

Building a Geodatabase Tutorial

Database Servers Tutorial

Data Interoperability Tutorial

Editing Geodatabases Tutorial

Editing GIS Features Tutorial

Geocoding Tutorial

Geoprocessing Tutorial

Geostatistical Analyst Tutorial

Getting Started with ArcGIS Tutorial

Linear Referencing Tutorial

Maplex Tutorial

Network Analyst Tutorial

Representations Tutorial

Schematics Tutorial

Spatial Analyst Tutorial

StreetMap Tutorial

Survey Analyst Tutorial

Tracking Analyst Tutorial

Core ArcMap toolbars

ArcCatalog toolbars

Extension toolbars

ArcScene toolbars

ArcGlobe toolbars

ArcReader toolbars
Getting more help
Map projections and coordinate systems
Getting started with map projections

An overview of map projections

Projection basics the GIS professional needs to know

About the geoid, ellipsoid, spheroid and datum, and how they are related

Identifying an unknown coordinate system

Converting Degrees Minutes Seconds values to Decimal Degree values
Geographic coordinate systems

About geographic coordinate systems

Spheroids and spheres


North American datums

What happens to features at +/-180 (dateline)?

Projected coordinate systems

About projected coordinate systems

About map projections

Projection types

Planar projections

Conic projections

Cylindrical projections

Other projections

Projection parameters
Geographic transformations
Supported map projections
Vertical coordinate systems

About vertical coordinate systems

Vertical datums

Mapping and visualization
An overview of mapping and visualization
Using ArcMap

Layers, data frames, and the table of contents

Starting ArcMap

Creating a new map

Opening a map

Using the table of contents

About coordinate systems and map projections

Specifying a coordinate system

Referencing data in the map

Working with data frames

Pausing the map's drawing

Saving a map and exiting ArcMap

Saving to previous versions of ArcGIS

Keyboard shortcuts in ArcMap
Working with layers
Navigating and interacting with maps
Navigating maps and layout pages
Interacting with maps
Adding graphics and text to maps
Symbolizing data
Applying symbology
Styles and symbols
Using cartographic representations
Getting started with representations
Representation concepts
Working with representations
Editing feature representations
Page layout and map composition
Working with graphs and reports
Looking at data with graphs
(Pre-ArcGIS 9.2) Looking at data with graphs
Creating reports
Working with web maps in ArcGIS
Publishing optimized map services in ArcGIS

Publishing optimized map services

Drawing differences between ArcMap and optimized map services
Map Service Publication Toolbar error messages
Map Service Publication Toolbar warning messages
Map Service Publishing Toolbar information messages
Editing and data compilation
Tables and attribute information
Geoprocessing tool reference

An overview of commonly used tools

Geoprocessing commands quick reference guide

Licensing for geoprocessing tools

Data types for geoprocessing tool parameters
Input and output data considerations
3D Analyst toolbox
Analysis toolbox
Business Analyst toolbox
Cartography toolbox

An overview of the Cartography toolbox

Cartography toolbox sample applications
Graphic Quality toolset
Masking toolset
Representation Management toolset
Symbolization Refinement toolset
Conversion toolbox

An overview of the Conversion toolbox
From Raster toolset
From WFS
Metadata toolset
To CAD toolset
To Coverage toolset
To dBASE toolset
To Geodatabase toolset
To Raster toolset
To Shapefile toolset
To KML toolset
Coverage toolbox

An overview of the Coverage toolbox
Analysis toolset
Conversion toolset
Data Management toolset
Data Interoperability toolbox

An overview of the Data Interoperability toolbox
Data Management toolbox
Geocoding toolbox

An overview of the Geocoding toolbox

Understanding geocoding

Preparing for geocoding

Building an address locator

Locating addresses

Keeping an address locator current

Distributing your address locator

Geocoding toolbox sample applications
Geostatistical Analyst toolbox
Linear Referencing toolbox
Military Analyst toolbox

An overview of the Military Analyst toolbox
Analysis toolset
Data Management toolset
Geometry toolset
Utilities toolset
Mobile toolbox
Military Overlay Editor toolbox
Multidimensional toolbox

An overview of the Multidimension toolbox
Network Analyst toolbox

An overview of the Network Analyst toolbox
Analysis toolset
Network Dataset toolset
Turn Feature Class toolset
Server toolbox

An overview of the Server toolbox
Caching toolset
Schematics toolbox
Spatial Analyst toolbox
Spatial Statistics toolbox

An overview of the Spatial Statistics toolbox

Modeling spatial relationships

Spatial Statistics toolbox sample applications

What is a Z score What is a p-value
Analyzing Patterns toolset
Mapping Clusters toolset
Measuring Geographic Distributions toolset
Modeling Spatial Relationships toolset
Rendering toolset
Utilities toolset
Samples toolbox

An overview of the Samples toolbox
Data Management
Tracking Analyst toolbox
Environment Settings
Tool errors and warnings
Geodatabases and ArcSDE
An overview of the geodatabase

An overview of the geodatabase

Essential readings about the geodatabase

Table basics

Feature class basics

Raster basics

Types of geodatabases

Client and geodatabase compatibility

Common geodatabase tasks
Architecture of a geodatabase
Designing a geodatabase

An overview of geodatabase design

Geodatabase design steps

Using ArcGIS Data Model designs

Documenting your geodatabase design

Modeling feature classes

A note about the use of UML for geodatabase design

Design Tips
Building a geodatabase
Creating a geodatabase
Defining the properties of a geodatabase
Adding datasets and other geodatabase elements
Working with geodatabase datasets
Data management workflows, transactions, and versioning
Geodatabase data storage and schema
Administering ArcSDE geodatabases
Administering File and Personal geodatabases
Working with geodatabases using SQL

An overview of working with ST_Geometry storage using SQL

Spatial relationships

Spatial operations

Geometry properties

SQL implementation differences for the ST_Geometry type
Using spatial types with SQL
SQL functions reference
Data management with ArcCatalog
Image and raster data management
Data support in ArcGIS

An overview of data support in ArcGIS

Data formats supported in ArcGIS
CAD data
NetCDF: multidimensional, time series data

About shapefiles, dBASE tables, and file types

Shapefile file extensions

Creating new shapefiles and dBASE tables

Adding and deleting fields in shapefiles

Creating and updating indexes in shapefiles

Defining a shapefile's coordinate system

How to salvage a corrupt shapefile

An overview of terrain datasets

FAQs for terrain datasets

Terrain dataset troubleshooting

Known limitations of terrain datasets
Understanding terrain datasets
Properties of terrain datasets
Building terrain datasets
Managing terrain datasets
Terrain analysis
Terrain visualization
Geocoding and address management
Getting started with geocoding
Understanding geocoding

What is an address?

The geocoding work flow

The geocoding framework

The process of geocoding

Customization of the address locator

Common geocoding tasks
Preparing for geocoding

Understanding address locator styles

Commonly used address locator styles

Preparing reference and address data

Standardizing your reference data
Building an address locator
Locating addresses
Additional geocoding techniques
Keeping an address locator current
Distributing your address locator
Adjusting your address locator file

Exploring the address locator file

Why change your address locator file?

Changing default settings

Changing default settings in the address locator template file

Table schema and the locator file

Accommodating alternative reference table schema

Modifying the query

Accommodating changes in the geocoding rule base files

Address Locator Properties dialog box
About StreetMap data
Linear referencing
Getting started with linear referencing
Creating route feature classes
Displaying and querying route feature classes
Displaying and querying route events
Editing routes
Creating and editing event data
Working with route event data
Network analysis
Mobile GIS

An overview of Mobile GIS
ArcGIS Mobile integration
Tablet PC

An overview of Tablet PC technology

Adding the Tablet toolbar

Pen tool

Highlighter tool

Eraser tool

Commands on the Tablet toolbar
ArcPad integration
Interoperability and standards support

Overview of interoperability

Overview of OGC and ISO support

ESRI protocols and programming interfaces
GML support in ArcGIS

An overview of GML support in ArcGIS

How to work with GML in ArcGIS

Using the GML simple features profile

Using supported GML profiles

Adding new GML profiles

Working with WFS within ArcGIS
WFS support in ArcGIS
WCS support in ArcGIS
WMS support in ArcGIS

An overview of WMS support in ArcGIS
KML support in ArcGIS
Customizing and developing with ArcGIS

An overview of customizing ArcGIS
Customizing the user interface
Writing macros using VBA

Getting started with VBA

Creating, editing, and running macros

Creating custom commands with VBA and UI Controls

Adding custom commands and toolbars from .dlls

Updating the ArcID module

Locking documents and templates

Changing VBA security

Sample VBA code
Extending ArcGIS desktop applications
Guide to data that comes with ArcGIS
Licensing and desktop administration

Administering the ArcGIS License Manager

Setting up license managers for ArcGIS 93 concurrent use products

Checking license availability

Viewing and changing the license manager

Common license manager problems and how to solve them

Setting the software product

Registering ArcView or ArcEditor and extensions

Evaluating an ArcGIS Desktop extension

Error reporting for ArcGIS software crash data

Frequently asked questions about error reporting
GIS Servers and services