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Welcome to ArcGIS Desktop Help
Copyright information
GIS Dictionary
What's new in ArcGIS
Getting started
Map projections and coordinate systems
Mapping and visualization
An overview of mapping and visualization

An overview of ArcMap

Data frames

Map layers

Symbols and styles

Text on maps

Cartographic representations

Map layouts and map printing

Graphs, reports, and animations

Common tasks within ArcMap

Keyboard shortcuts for use within ArcMap

ArcMap application patterns
Using ArcMap
Working with layers

Adding layers to a map

Adding a layer package to your map

Adding x,y coordinate data as a layer

Changing a layer's drawing order

Changing a layer's text description

Setting layer properties

Managing group layers

Saving a layer to disk

Copying layers

Displaying layers at certain scales

Displaying a subset of features in a layer

Repairing broken data links

Viewing a layer's metadata in ArcMap

Setting HTML pop-up properties for feature layers
Navigating and interacting with maps
Navigating maps and layout pages
Interacting with maps
Adding graphics and text to maps
Symbolizing data
Applying symbology
Styles and symbols
Using cartographic representations
Page layout and map composition
Working with graphs and reports
Working with web maps in ArcGIS
Publishing optimized map services in ArcGIS
Editing and data compilation

An overview of editing and data compilation
Getting started with editing

About editing your geodatabase in ArcMap

Adding the data you want to edit

Editing ArcSDE geodatabases

The structure of vector datasets

Adding the editing toolbars

Starting and stopping an edit session

The sketch construction tools

Using the snapping environment

About setting distance units

Setting direction measuring systems and units

Editing features that have z-values

Shortcut keys for editing in ArcMap

Frequently asked questions about editing
Common editing tasks

Common point editing tasks

Common line editing tasks

Common polygon editing tasks

Common annotation editing tasks

Common multipoint editing tasks

Editing data in a different projection
Creating new features

About creating new features

Creating point features and vertices

Creating lines and polygons

Creating segments using angles and lengths

Creating segments using angles from existing segments

Creating segments that are circular arc curves

Creating segments by tracing features

Creating buffers

Mirroring features

Combining features from different layers

Intersecting features

Merging and separating features

Copying parallel line features

Creating a fillet curve between two lines

Creating cul-de-sac lines

Creating lines with the Traverse window

Creating lines with the 2-Point Line window

Creating lines with the Offset Line window
Editing existing features
Editing attributes
Editing annotation

An overview of editing annotation

Creating new annotation features

Creating and editing annotation that follows features

Editing the size and position of annotation features

Editing annotation in the Attributes dialog box

Editing the appearance of annotation features

Editing feature-linked annotation
Editing dimension features
Using a digitizer
Spatial adjustment

An overview of spatial adjustment

Adding the Spatial Adjustment toolbar

Setting up the spatial adjustment

Working with links

Working with link files and control point files

Previewing and performing the adjustment

Transferring attributes between features
Editing topology

About topology

Topology rules

Topology error fixes

Basic topology tasks

Creating a map topology

Editing features in a topology

Editing shared geometry

Topology validation

Topology errors and exceptions

Correcting topology errors

Finding features with shared topology elements

Clearing selected topology elements

Changing the symbology for topology features

Making new features with topology tools
Editing relationships and related objects

About editing relationships and related objects

Editing relationships and related objects

An overview of COGO

Common COGO workflows

About COGO descriptions

Adding COGO fields to a feature class

Traverse file format

Offset points file format

Applying a ground to grid correction

Reporting COGO descriptions

Using the Curve Calculator command

Using the COGO Area command

Splitting features into COGO lines
Tables and attribute information
Understanding tables and attribute information
Creating tables and managing attribute information

Creating new tables

About ObjectID fields

Adding and deleting fields

Editing values in a table

Making field calculations

Working with date fields

Reloading the table cache

Exporting records

About joining and relating tables

Joining tables

Relating tables

Joining the attributes of features by location

Creating spatial data from tables

Working with Microsoft Excel files in ArcGIS

Working with Microsoft Access files in ArcGIS
Displaying tables and attribute information

Previewing a table in ArcCatalog

Adding and viewing tables in ArcMap

Setting field properties, aliases, and table display options

Navigating to and finding records in a table

Sorting records in a table

Selecting records in a table

Summarizing data in a table

Printing a table

Adding a table to a layout

Viewing statistics for a table

Creating a graph from a table

Creating a report from a table
Geoprocessing tool reference
Geodatabases and ArcSDE
Data management with ArcCatalog

An overview of ArcCatalog

About workspaces
Getting started with ArcCatalog
Building the Catalog
Managing the Catalog's contents
Exploring an item's geography
Searching for items
Working with metadata
Image and raster data management
Data support in ArcGIS

An overview of data support in ArcGIS

Data formats supported in ArcGIS
CAD data
The composition of a CAD drawing
Working with CAD data in ArcGIS
Displaying CAD features
Georeferencing CAD data
CAD feature attributes and queries
CAD data translation
Geoprocessing tools for CAD translation
Common CAD data workflows
NetCDF: multidimensional, time series data

About ArcGIS Desktop extensions

Evaluating ArcGIS Desktop extensions
3D Analyst
Getting started with 3D Analyst
3D Analyst concepts
Creating 3D views
3D surfaces
TIN surfaces
Raster surfaces
Terrain surfaces
3D features
3D navigation
3D navigation tools
Displaying rasters, terrains, and TINs
Displaying features in 3D
3D symbology
Displaying 3D graphics
Interactive 3D analysis tools
Geoprocesing with 3D Analyst
Data Interoperability

About the Data Interoperability help system

An overview of Data Interoperability

Key concepts of the Data Interoperability extension

Using the Data Interoperability tools
Common tasks using Data Interoperability
Using the Data Interopability tools
ArcGIS for AutoCAD

What is ArcGIS for AutoCAD?

Who should use ArcGIS for AutoCAD


What is ArcGIS Online?
Map service layers
Feature class layers
Coordinate systems
ArcGIS Publisher
Business Analyst
Geostatistical Analyst
Military Analyst
Getting started with Military Analyst
What's new in Military Analyst
Data Management
Coordinate tool
Terrain Analysis tools
Geodesy tools
The conversion tools
Selection and Web Link tools
MA catalog wireframe symbology
Military Analyst in ArcGlobe
Military Analyst tools reference
Military Overlay Editor
Network Analyst
Working with ArcGIS Schematics
Schematics Designer
Spatial Analyst
Getting started with Spatial Analyst
Solving spatial problems
Performing analysis in Spatial Analyst
The Raster Calculator
Analysis concepts
Spatial Analyst functional reference
Survey Analyst

An overview of Survey Analyst
Cadastral Editor
Survey Editor
Tracking Analyst
Geocoding and address management
Linear referencing
Network analysis
Mobile GIS

An overview of Mobile GIS
ArcGIS Mobile integration

Introduction to ArcGIS Mobile

Design and create Mobile maps

Building effective data models for field data collection

Deploying maps to mobile devices

Managing field updates using ArcGIS Desktop

Geoprocessing support for ArcGIS Mobile

Getting started with ArcMap GPS Support

Adding the GPS toolbar

Connecting to a GPS device

Simulating a connection to a GPS device

Using the GPS Position window

Changing the display options

Keeping the current location in the view

Adding a destination

Writing GPS locations to a log
Tablet PC
ArcPad integration
Interoperability and standards support
Customizing and developing with ArcGIS
Guide to data that comes with ArcGIS
Licensing and desktop administration
GIS Servers and services

An overview of GIS servers used with ArcGIS
Using ArcIMS with ArcGIS Desktop
Using ArcGIS Server with ArcGIS Desktop
Authoring and publishing services for ArcGIS Server

An overview of authoring and publishing services

Data access considerations for ArcGIS Server

Publishing resources
Administering ArcGIS Server with ArcCatalog
Creating and publishing web maps for ArcGIS Server