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Welcome to ArcGIS Desktop Help
Copyright information
GIS Dictionary
What's new in ArcGIS
Getting started
Map projections and coordinate systems
Getting started with map projections
Geographic coordinate systems

About geographic coordinate systems

Spheroids and spheres


North American datums

What happens to features at +/-180 (dateline)?

Projected coordinate systems

About projected coordinate systems

About map projections

Projection types

Planar projections

Conic projections

Cylindrical projections

Other projections

Projection parameters
Geographic transformations
Supported map projections

List of supported map projections


Alaska Grid

Alaska Series E

Albers Equal Area Conic

Azimuthal Equidistant

Behrmann Equal Area Cylindrical

Bipolar Oblique Conformal Conic



Chamberlin Trimetric

Craster Parabolic


Cylindrical Equal Area

Double Stereographic

Eckert I

Eckert II

Eckert III

Eckert IV

Eckert V

Eckert VI

Equidistant Conic

Equidistant Cylindrical



Gall's Stereographic


Geocentric Coordinate System

Geographic Coordinate System


Goodes Homolosine

Great Britain National Grid


Hotine Oblique Mercator


Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area

Lambert Conformal Conic

Local Cartesian Projection


McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Quartic


Miller Cylindrical


New Zealand National Grid



Plate Carrée

Polar Stereographic


Quartic Authalic

Rectified Skewed Orthomorphic


Simple Conic


Space Oblique Mercator

State Plane Coordinate System


Times projection

Transverse Mercator

Two-Point Equidistant

Universal Polar Stereographic

Universal Transverse Mercator

Van der Grinten I

Vertical Near-Side Perspective

Winkel I

Winkel II

Winkel Tripel
Vertical coordinate systems

About vertical coordinate systems

Vertical datums

Mapping and visualization
An overview of mapping and visualization
Using ArcMap

Layers, data frames, and the table of contents

Starting ArcMap

Creating a new map

Opening a map

Using the table of contents

About coordinate systems and map projections

Specifying a coordinate system

Referencing data in the map

Working with data frames

Pausing the map's drawing

Saving a map and exiting ArcMap

Saving to previous versions of ArcGIS

Keyboard shortcuts in ArcMap
Working with layers
Navigating and interacting with maps
Adding graphics and text to maps
Symbolizing data
Applying symbology
Styles and symbols
Getting started with animation
Animation concepts
Building animations
Playing animations
Editing animations
Saving, exporting, and loading animations
Common animation work flows
Using cartographic representations
Getting started with representations
Representation concepts
Working with representations
Editing feature representations
Page layout and map composition
Getting started with laying out and printing maps
Map elements
Grids and graticules
Rulers and guides
Working with data frames in layout view
Creating interactive and paperless maps
Map output
Map series
Designing maps for optimal performance
Working with graphs and reports
Looking at data with graphs
(Pre-ArcGIS 9.2) Looking at data with graphs
Creating reports
Working with web maps in ArcGIS
Publishing optimized map services in ArcGIS

Publishing optimized map services

Drawing differences between ArcMap and optimized map services
Map Service Publication Toolbar error messages
Map Service Publication Toolbar warning messages
Map Service Publishing Toolbar information messages
Editing and data compilation
Tables and attribute information
Geoprocessing tool reference
Geodatabases and ArcSDE
Data management with ArcCatalog
Image and raster data management
Understanding raster data
Supported raster data

Supported raster dataset file formats

Technical specifications for raster dataset formats

About the ESRI Grid format

About MrSID rasters

BIL, BIP, and BSQ raster files

Raster data with subdatasets

Building a customized raster format
Properties of raster data
Designing a raster database
Building and managing a raster database
Raster display and visualization

Displaying rasters

Adding a raster dataset to a map

Adding a raster catalog to a map

Saving a raster dataset or catalog layer file

About setting default raster display options

Choosing which raster formats can be viewed

Setting the default bands to display multiband rasters

Displaying the raster's spatial resolution

Georeferencing a raster dataset

Georeferencing video sample

Orthorectifying a raster dataset

About projecting raster datasets on the fly

Improving the display of raster data

Color correcting using raster data

Working with the histogram when displaying raster data

Changing the appearance of background values

Symbolizing values of NoData in raster datasets

Interactively viewing pixel values using the Pixel Inspector

Interactively reveal rasters using the Swipe Layer tool

Panchromatic sharpening

Performance tuning for displaying raster data
Raster analysis and geoprocessing

About analyzing raster data

Making selections using the geodatabase raster catalog

Raster conversion

Core geoprocessing tools for raster data

About environment settings for raster data

Specifying raster storage environment settings

Specifying raster analysis environment settings

Specifying the snap raster environment setting
Serving raster data
Serving raster data
Data support in ArcGIS

About ArcGIS Desktop extensions

Evaluating ArcGIS Desktop extensions
3D Analyst
Data Interoperability
ArcGIS for AutoCAD
ArcGIS Publisher
Business Analyst
About ArcGIS Business Analyst
Business Analyst toolbar
Projects and Data Organization
Study Areas
Adding data to Business Analyst
Trade Areas - no customer data required
Trade Areas - customer data required
Trade Areas - monitor and manage
Tools - Geoprocessing in Business Analyst
Business Analyst Preferences
Working with maps
Reports - general
Reports - point and ranking based
Documentation - USA Data
Documentation - Canada Data
Business Analyst Server
Territory Design
Geostatistical Analyst
Overview of JTX
Using JTX
Configuring JTX
Administering JTX
Getting started with Maplex
Label Positions for Points
Label Positions for Lines
Label Positions for Polygons
Label fitting strategies
Resolving label conflicts
Common labeling tasks
Military Analyst
Military Overlay Editor
Network Analyst

Welcome to PLTS for ArcGIS
What's new in PLTS for ArcGIS
Getting started with Foundation
Production procedures
Managing map documents with the product library
Creating a geodatabase
Editing data in PLTS
Symbolizing data
Validating data with GIS Data ReViewer
Generating grids with the Grid Manager
Creating map series with MPS-Atlas
Working with PLTS cartographic elements
Creating map series with Map Production System
Geoprocessing tools in PLTS for ArcGIS
PLTS for ArcGIS Aeronautical Solution
PLTS for ArcGIS Defense Solution
PLTS for ArcGIS Nautical Solution
PLTS for ArcGIS product specification development
Spatial Analyst
Getting started with Spatial Analyst
Solving spatial problems
Performing analysis in Spatial Analyst
The Raster Calculator
Analysis concepts
Spatial Analyst functional reference
Survey Analyst

An overview of Survey Analyst
Cadastral Editor
Survey Editor
Tracking Analyst
Getting started with Tracking Analyst
Working with temporal data
Symbolizing temporal data
Displaying temporal data
Tracking Tools
Charting temporal data
Creating and applying actions
Working with real-time data
Geocoding and address management
Linear referencing
Network analysis
Mobile GIS

An overview of Mobile GIS
ArcGIS Mobile integration

Getting started with ArcMap GPS Support

Adding the GPS toolbar

Connecting to a GPS device

Simulating a connection to a GPS device

Using the GPS Position window

Changing the display options

Keeping the current location in the view

Adding a destination

Writing GPS locations to a log
Tablet PC
ArcPad integration
Interoperability and standards support

Overview of interoperability

Overview of OGC and ISO support

ESRI protocols and programming interfaces
GML support in ArcGIS
WFS support in ArcGIS
WCS support in ArcGIS

An overview of WCS support in ArcGIS
WMS support in ArcGIS
KML support in ArcGIS
Customizing and developing with ArcGIS
Guide to data that comes with ArcGIS
ESRI Data and Maps
Working with StreetMap data
Licensing and desktop administration
GIS Servers and services

An overview of GIS servers used with ArcGIS
Using ArcIMS with ArcGIS Desktop
Using ArcGIS Server with ArcGIS Desktop

An overview to using ArcGIS Server with ArcGIS Desktop

About the roles of GIS end users, authors, developers, and administrators

Types of services in ArcGIS Server
Authoring and publishing services for ArcGIS Server
Administering ArcGIS Server with ArcCatalog

Overview of ArcGIS Server administration in ArcCatalog

Connecting to a GIS server

Running ArcCatalog under a different operating system account

Adding a server object container

Adding a new service

Adding multiple services at once

Removing a service

Starting, stopping, and pausing services

Displaying server statistics

Creating a server directory

Specifying the log file location

Using a proxy server to connect to the Internet

Setting the capacity of a server object container

Creating a map cache

Publishing a resource to ArcGIS Server

Creating a globe cache

Adding and removing folders
Creating and publishing web maps for ArcGIS Server