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Licensing and desktop administration
About evaluating ArcGIS Desktop extensions
At any time, you can choose to evaluate ArcGIS Desktop extensions that you have not purchased. The evaluation is free of charge for a fixed period of time.
You can evaluate the following ArcGIS Desktop extensions:
With ArcView or ArcEditor (Single Use), you can enable extensions for evaluation through the ArcView or ArcEditor registration and authorization process.
To evaluate extensions for ArcGIS (Concurrent), you must order evaluation keycodes.
The following are additional ArcGIS Desktop extensions:
For more information about the extensions available for evaluation, how to enable an extension, and how to register an extension with ESRI, see
Learn more about ArcGIS Desktop extensions.
How to evaluate and register an extension for ArcView or ArcEditor (Single Use)
- For Windows 2000, and Windows Server 2003, click the Start menu, point to Programs, point to ArcGIS, then click Desktop Administrator. For Windows XP, click the Start menu, point to All Programs, point to ArcGIS, then click Desktop Administrator.
- In the table of contents, choose Register ArcView (or ArcEditor) and Extensions.
- Click Register Now.
- If you have not registered ArcView or ArcEditor, choose the first registration option, "I have installed ArcView (or ArcEditor) and need to register the software". If you have registered ArcView or ArcEditor and need to register additional ArcGIS extensions or want to evaluate ArcGIS extensions, choose the second registration option, "I have already registered ArcView (or ArcEditor) and need to register additional ArcGIS extensions".
- To order evaluation keycodes for extensions for ArcGIS (Floating):
In the United States, request new keycodes on the Internet at Outside the United States, contact your local ESRI distributor. For the number of your distributor, call ESRI at 909.793.2853, ext. 1-1235, or visit our Web site at
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