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Welcome to ArcGIS Desktop Help
Copyright information
GIS Dictionary
What's new in ArcGIS
Getting started
Map projections and coordinate systems
Mapping and visualization
Editing and data compilation

What is geoprocessing?

A whirlwind tour of geoprocessing

Geoprocessing tools

Geoprocessing framework

Frequently Asked Questions about geoprocessing
Fundamental tool concepts
Using geoprocessing tools

An overview of using tools
Using the tool dialog
Managing toolboxes
Managing tools and toolsets
Batch processing
Using tools in the command line
Tool layers
Automating your work with models
Automating your work with scripts
Geoprocessing environments

An overview of geoprocessing environments

Environment levels and hierarchy

Script environments

Specifying application environment settings

Specifying tool environment settings

Specifying model environment settings

Specifying model process environment settings
Environment categories
Documenting tools and toolboxes

An overview of documenting tools and toolboxes

An overview of the Documentation Editor

Entering topics in the Documentation Editor

Using the page editor

Documenting models

Documenting scripts

Viewing documentation for tools

Changing tool dialog appearance

Referencing a compiled help file

Exporting tool documentation to an HTML file
Sharing tools and toolboxes
Keeping track of geoprocessing history
Advanced modeling through simulations
Geoprocessing tool reference
Geodatabases and ArcSDE
An overview of the Geodatabase
Architecture of a geodatabase
Designing a geodatabase

An overview of geodatabase design

Geodatabase design steps

Using ArcGIS Data Model designs

Documenting your geodatabase design

Modeling feature classes

A note about the use of UML for geodatabase design

Design Tips
Building a geodatabase
Data management workflows, transactions, and versioning
Geodatabase data storage and schema
Administering ArcSDE geodatabases

An overview of ArcSDE geodatabase administration

What is ArcSDE?
Installing and upgrading ArcSDE
Configuring an ArcSDE geodatabase
Creating and administering user accounts
Connecting to an ArcSDE geodatabase

An overview of ArcSDE geodatabase connections

Starting an ArcSDE service

Stopping an ArcSDE service

Pausing and resuming an ArcSDE service

Accessing an ArcSDE service through a firewall

Displaying ArcSDE service statistics and session information

Troubleshooting the ArcSDE service

Properties of a direct connection to an ArcSDE geodatabase

Setting up clients for a direct connection

An overview of database server connections

Adding an ArcSDE database server

Deleting an ArcSDE database server

Disconnecting from an ArcSDE database server

Pausing, stopping, and starting an ArcSDE database server

Troubleshooting connections to the database server

Saving a geodatabase connection
Maintaining a geodatabase

An overview of maintaining an ArcSDE geodatabase

About database backup and recovery

Back up and restore geodatabases on an ArcSDE database server

About compressing a geodatabase

Compressing an ArcSDE Personal or Workgroup geodatabase

Compressing an ArcSDE Enterprise geodatabase

About updating statistics

Updating statistics on an ArcSDE Personal or Workgroup geodatabase

Updating statistics on an ArcSDE Enterprise geodatabase

Rebuilding indexes on an ArcSDE Personal or Workgroup geodatabase
Tuning an ArcSDE geodatabase
Scaling and moving your geodatabase
Administering File and Personal geodatabases
Working with geodatabases using SQL

An overview of working with a geodatabase using SQL

Spatial relationships

Spatial operations

SQL implementation differences
Using spatial types with SQL
SQL functions reference
Data management with ArcCatalog

An overview of ArcCatalog

About workspaces
Getting started with ArcCatalog

Starting ArcCatalog

Browsing through the Catalog

What's in the Catalog

Repositioning the Catalog tree

Stopping ArcCatalog
Building the Catalog
Managing the Catalog's contents
Exploring an item's geography
Searching for items
Working with metadata
Data support in ArcGIS

An overview of data support in ArcGIS

Data formats supported in ArcGIS
CAD data

What is a coverage

Summary of coverage feature classes

Coverage resolution (precision)

How coverages are stored

Creating a new coverage

Understanding and maintaining attributes in a coverage

About fields (items) in coverage attribute tables

Creating a new INFO table

About the coverage extent

Coverage tics

Defining a coverage's coordinate system

Coverage topology

Coverage tolerances

Coverage relationships and relationship classes

Coverage data limitations

Importing an ArcInfo interchange file (E00)
NetCDF: multidimensional, time series data
An overview of netCDF data
Understanding netCDF data
Working with netCDF data in ArcGIS

Representing netCDF data as a raster layer

Representing netCDF data as a point feature layer

Representing netCDF data as a table view

Displaying netCDF data

Exporting a raster to netCDF

Exporting a feature class to netCDF

Exporting a table to netCDF

FAQs about working with netCDF data
Raster data
Understanding raster data
Properties of raster data
Designing a raster database
Building and managing a raster database
Raster display and visualization
Raster analysis and geoprocessing

About shapefiles, dBASE tables, and file types

Shapefile file extensions

Creating new shapefiles and dBASE tables

Adding and deleting fields in shapefiles

Creating and updating indexes in shapefiles

Defining a shapefile's coordinate system

How to salvage a corrupt shapefile
Tables and attribute information
Understanding terrain datasets
Designing and managing terrain datasets
Geoprocessing and terrain analysis
3D Analyst
ArcGIS Data Interoperability extension
ArcGIS Publisher
Business Analyst
Geostatistical Analyst
Getting started with Maplex
Using Maplex to set label positions
Label fitting strategies
Resolving label conflicts
Military Analyst
Military Overlay Editor

About MOLE

What's new in this release

Installation and setup

Accessing the MOLE getting started guide

MOLE documentation and additional ways to get help

MOLE considerations for ArcView users
Using MOLE with 2D maps
Using MOLE with 3D maps
The MOLE geodatabase schema
Using MOLE in terrain analysis
Tracking, real-time, and MOLE
Using MOLE with ArcSDE
Using MOLE with ArcIMS
Advanced topics
Frequently asked questions
Network Analyst
Getting started with Network Analyst
Network dataset concepts
Designing the network dataset
Building and editing the network dataset
Performing network analysis
Migrating to ArcGIS Network Analyst
Network Analyst tools reference
Spatial Analyst
Getting started with Spatial Analyst

An overview of Spatial Analyst

Data formats supported by Spatial Analyst

About raster data in Spatial Analyst

Working with the Spatial Analyst toolbox

Working with the Spatial Analyst toolbar

Sample applications using Spatial Analyst

Enabling the Spatial Analyst extension

Accessing the Spatial Analyst toolbox

Adding the Spatial Analyst toolbar

Spatial Analyst tutorial exercises
Solving spatial problems

Solving spatial problems

Modeling spatial problems

A conceptual model for solving spatial problems

Using the conceptual model to create a suitability map
Performing analysis in Spatial Analyst
The Raster Calculator
Analysis concepts
Spatial Analyst functional reference
Survey Analyst

An overview of Survey Analyst
Survey Editor
Cadastral Editor
Tracking Analyst
Getting started with Tracking Analyst
Working with temporal data
Symbolizing temporal data
Displaying temporal data
Tracking Tools
Charting temporal data

About charting temporal data

Using the Data Clock

Using the Data Clock Manager
Creating and applying actions

About actions

Applying actions to layers in ArcMap

Applying actions to real-time data

Applying custom VB actions in real time

Applying actions using lookup tables
Working with real-time data
Geocoding and address management
Getting started with geocoding
Understanding geocoding
Preparing for geocoding
Building an address locator
Locating addresses

The geocoding process

Finding an individual address

Geocoding a table of addresses

Rematching a geocoded feature class
Additional geocoding techniques
Keeping an address locator current
Distributing your address locator
Adjusting your address locator file
About StreetMap data
Linear referencing
Getting started with linear referencing
Creating route feature classes
Displaying and querying routes feature classes
Displaying and querying route events
Editing routes
Creating and editing event data

An overview of creating and editing event data

Creating event tables in ArcCatalog

About locating features along routes

Locating features along routes

Editing event tables in ArcMap
Working with route event data
Network analysis

Using the Network Analyst extension
Analyzing geometric networks
Mobile GIS
Interoperability and standards support

Overview of interoperability

Overview of OGC and ISO support

ESRI protocols and programming interfaces
GML support in ArcGIS

An overview of GML support in ArcGIS

How to work with GML in ArcGIS

Using the GML simple features profile

Using supported GML profiles

Adding new GML profiles
Customizing and developing with ArcGIS

An overview of customizing ArcGIS
Customizing the user interface
Writing macros using VBA
Extending ArcGIS desktop applications
Guide to data that comes with ArcGIS
ESRI Data and Maps
Getting started with ESRI Data and Maps
United States (census)
United States (hydrography)
United States (landmarks)
United States (transportation)
United States (other)
StreetMap USA
Elevation and image data
Working with StreetMap data
Getting started with StreetMap
Geocoding addresses with StreetMap USA data
Finding a route using StreetMap USA data
Licensing and desktop administration

Administering the ArcGIS License Manager

Checking license availability

Viewing and changing the license manager

Common license manager problems and how to solve them

Setting the software product

Registering ArcView or ArcEditor and extensions

Evaluating an ArcGIS Desktop extension
ArcGIS Image Server
About the ArcGIS Image Server

An overview of the ArcGIS Image Server

ArcGIS Image Server architecture

System requirements for ArcGIS Image Server
Configuration and licensing
Designing an image service
Creating an image service
Working with image service group layers
Working with raster data in a service
Working with the image service

Building an image service

Previewing an image service

Optimizing an image service

Compiling an image service

Analyzing an image service

Opening and editing an existing service

Saving an existing image service

Moving a compiled image service
Image service processes

An overview of image service processes

Adding, removing, and chaining service processes

About specifying an auxiliary raster as the input to a process

Using the Classify Pixel process

Using the Colormap process

Using the Convert Pixel Type process

Using the Convolution Filter process

Using the Extract Bands process

Using the Grayscale process

Using the Histogram process

Using the Image Algebra process

Using the NDVI process

Using the Ortho process

Using the Pan-sharpen process

Using the Sampler2D process

Using the Spectral Matrix process

Using the Stack Bands process

Using the Stretching process

Using the Trend process

Using the Visualize Elevation process

Using the Warp processes
Publishing and administering the ArcGIS Image Server
ArcGIS Image Server Seamline extension
ArcGIS Image Server Ortho extension
ArcGIS Image Server workflows
ArcGIS Image Server Clients
Image Server Viewer
Image Server ArcGIS Clients
Image Server MicroStation Client
Image Server AutoCAD Client
GIS Servers and services