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Welcome to ArcGIS Desktop Help
Copyright information
GIS Dictionary
What's new in ArcGIS
Getting started
Map projections and coordinate systems
Mapping and visualization
An overview of mapping and visualization
Using ArcMap

Layers, data frames, and the table of contents

Starting ArcMap

Creating a new map

Opening a map

Using the table of contents

About coordinate systems and map projections

Specifying a coordinate system

Referencing data in the map

Working with data frames

Pausing the map's drawing

Saving a map and exiting ArcMap

Saving to previous versions of ArcGIS

Keyboard shortcuts in ArcMap
Working with layers

Adding layers to a map

Adding x,y coordinate data as a layer

Changing a layer's drawing order

Changing a layer's text description

Setting layer properties

Managing group layers

Saving a layer to disk

Copying layers

Displaying layers at certain scales

Displaying a subset of features in a layer

Repairing broken data links

Viewing a layer's metadata in ArcMap
GIS service layers
Navigating and interacting with maps
Adding graphics and text to maps
Working with graphics
Working with text
Symbolizing data
Using cartographic representations
Getting started with representations
Representation concepts
Working with representations
Editing feature representations
Page layout and map composition
Getting started with laying out and printing maps
Map elements
Grids and graticules

Adding grids and graticules (reference systems)

Disabling wizards in ArcMap

Adding MGRS and US National Grids
Rulers and guides
Working with data frames in layout view
Creating interactive and paperless maps

Creating interactive maps

Displaying layers in interactive maps

Presenting attribute data in interactive maps

Setting map scales in interactive maps

Laying out interactive maps

Using tools with interactive maps
Map output
Working with graphs and reports
Looking at data with graphs
(Pre-ArcGIS 9.2) Looking at data with graphs

About looking at data with graphs (Pre-ArcGIS 9.2)

Types of graphs (Pre-ArcGIS 9.2)

Creating a graph (Pre-ArcGIS 9.2)

Displaying a graph (Pre-ArcGIS 9.2)

Modifying a graph (Pre-ArcGIS 9.2)

Creating a static copy of a graph (Pre-ArcGIS 9.2)

Managing graphs (Pre-ArcGIS 9.2)

Saving and loading a graph (Pre-ArcGIS 9.2)

Exporting a graph (Pre-ArcGIS 9.2)

Enabling pre-ArcGIS 9.2 style graphing
Creating reports

About reports

Creating a simple report

Setting the report type and size

Working with fields in reports

Organizing report data

Adding report elements

Controlling the presentation of a report

Saving and loading a report

Using Crystal Reports
Editing and data compilation

An overview of editing and data compilation
Getting started with editing

About editing your geodatabase in ArcMap

Adding the data you want to edit

The structure of vector datasets

Adding the editing toolbars

Starting and stopping an edit session

The sketch construction tools

Using the snapping environment

About setting distance units

Setting direction measuring systems and units

Shortcut keys for editing in ArcMap
Common editing tasks
Creating new features
Editing existing features

Moving features

Rotating features

Copying and pasting features

Deleting features

Adding and deleting vertices

Moving vertices

Editing attribute values of a vertex

Reshaping lines and polygons using a sketch

Splitting polygon features

Splitting line features

Trimming lines

Extending lines

Flipping lines

Scaling features

Clipping features

Stretching a feature's geometry proportionately

Simplifying and smoothing features
Editing attributes
Editing annotation

An overview of editing annotation

Creating new annotation features

Creating and editing annotation that follows features

Editing the size and position of annotation features

Editing annotation in the Attributes dialog box

Editing the appearance of annotation features

Editing feature-linked annotation
Editing dimension features
Using a digitizer

About digitizing

An overview of preparing to digitize

Registering the paper map

Digitizing features on a paper map
Spatial adjustment
Editing topology
Editing relationships and related objects

About editing relationships and related objects

Editing relationships and related objects

An overview of COGO

Common COGO workflows

About COGO descriptions

Adding COGO fields to a feature class

Traverse file format

Offset points file format

Applying a ground to grid correction

Reporting COGO descriptions

Using the Curve Calculator command

Using the COGO Area command

Splitting features into COGO lines
Geoprocessing tool reference
Geodatabases and ArcSDE
Data management with ArcCatalog
Data support in ArcGIS
Geocoding and address management
Linear referencing
Getting started with linear referencing
Creating route feature classes
Displaying and querying routes feature classes
Displaying and querying route events
Editing routes

An overview of editing routes

Creating route features from existing lines

Using ArcMap to calibrate routes with points

About setting route measures

Remeasuring routes

Adding the Route Editing toolbar
Creating and editing event data
Working with route event data
Network analysis
Mobile GIS
Interoperability and standards support

Overview of interoperability

Overview of OGC and ISO support

ESRI protocols and programming interfaces
GML support in ArcGIS
Customizing and developing with ArcGIS
Guide to data that comes with ArcGIS
Licensing and desktop administration

Administering the ArcGIS License Manager

Checking license availability

Viewing and changing the license manager

Common license manager problems and how to solve them

Setting the software product

Registering ArcView or ArcEditor and extensions

Evaluating an ArcGIS Desktop extension
ArcGIS Image Server
GIS Servers and services