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Geoprocessing tool reference

Licensing for geoprocessing tools

Release 9.3
Last modified April 24, 2009
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Note: This topic was updated for 9.3.1.

The core toolboxes contain a mixture of tools available with specific license levels. These are shown
in the tables below. An X means the tool is available for that license level.

NOTE: The Coverage Tools toolbox is only available with an ArcInfo license. All tools provided with extensions are available at any license level.

3D Analyst tools

All 3D Analyst tools are available at all license levels (ArcView, ArcEditor, and ArcInfo) if you have the ArcGIS 3D Analyst extension.

Analysis tools

Toolset/Tool ArcView ArcEditor ArcInfo
Extract toolset

Clip x x x
Select x x x

Table Select x x x
Overlay toolset



Intersect x x x
Spatial Join x x x
Symmetrical Difference

Union x x x

Proximity toolset

Buffer x x x
Create Thiessen Polygons

Generate Near Table

Multiple Ring Buffer x x x

Point Distance

Statistics toolset


Summary Statistics x x x

Cartography tools

Tool ArcView ArcEditor ArcInfo
Graphic Quality toolset

Detect Graphic Conflict

Masking Tools toolset

Cul-de-Sac Masks

Feature Outline Masks

Intersecting Layers Masks

Representation Management toolset

Add Representation

Calculate Representation Rule

Drop Representation

Remove Override

Select Feature by Override

Set Layer Representation

Update Override

Symbolization Refinement toolset

Align Marker to Stroke or Fill

Calculate Geodesic Angle

Calculate Line Caps

Calculate Polygon Main Angle

Create Overpass

Create Underpass

Disperse Markers

Set Representation Control Point At Intersect

Set Representation Contol Point By Angle


Conversion tools

Toolset/Tool ArcView ArcEditor ArcInfo
From Raster toolset

Raster to ASCII x x x
Raster to Float x x x
Raster to Point x x x
Raster to Polygon x x x
Raster to Polyline x x x
From WFS

WFS to Feature Class x x x
Metadata toolset

ESRI Metadata Translator x x x
Metadata Importer x x x
Metadata Publisher x x x
USGS MP Metadata Translator x x x
XSLT Transformation x x x
To CAD toolset

Add CAD Fields x x x
Create CAD XData x x x
Export to CAD x x x
Set CAD Alias x x x
To Coverage toolset

Feature Class to Coverage

To dBASE toolset

Table to dBASE (multiple) x x x
To Geodatabase toolset

Feature Class to Feature Class x x x
Feature Class to Geodatabase (multiple) x x x
Import CAD Annotation x x x
Import Coverage Annotation x x x
Import from CAD x x x
Raster to Geodatabase (multiple) x x x
Table to Geodatabase (multiple) x x x
Table to Table x x x

Layer to KML

Map to KML

To Raster toolset

ASCII to Raster x x x
DEM to Raster x x x
Feature to Raster x x x
Float to Raster x x x
Point to Raster

NOTE: This tool is available with an ArcView or ArcEditor license if the Spatial Analyst extension or the 3D Analyst extension is installed.

Polygon to Raster

NOTE: This tool is available with an ArcView or ArcEditor license if the Spatial Analyst extension or the 3D Analyst extension is installed.

Polyline to Raster

NOTE: This tool is available with an ArcView or ArcEditor license if the Spatial Analyst extension or the 3D Analyst extension is installed.

Raster to Other Format (multiple) x x x
To Shapefile toolset

Feature Class to Shapefile (multiple) x x x

Coverage tools

All Coverage tools require an ArcInfo license. No Coverage tools are available with an ArcView or ArcEditor license.

Data Interoperability tools

All Data Interoperability tools are available at all license levels—ArcView, ArcEditor, and ArcInfo—if you have the ArcGIS Data Interoperability extension.

Data Management tools

Toolset/Tool ArcView ArcEditor ArcInfo
Data Comparison toolset

Feature Compare x x x
File Compare x x x
Raster Compare x x x
Table Compare x x x
TIN Compare x x x
Database toolset

Clear Workspace Cache x x x
Compact x x x
x x
Migrate Storage
x x
Upgrade Spatial Reference x x x
Disconnected Editing toolset

Check In x x x
Check In from Delta
x x
Check Out x x x
Export to Delta
x x
Distributed Geodatabase toolset

Add Global IDs
x x
Compare Replica Schema
x x
Create Replica
x x
Create Replica Footprints
x x
Create Replica from Server
x x
Export Acknowledgment Message
x x
Export Data Change Message
x x
Export Replica Schema
x x
Import Message
x x
Import Replica Schema
x x
Re-Export Unacknowledged Messages
x x
x x
Domains toolset

Add Coded Value to Domain x x x
Assign Domain to Field x x x
Create Domain x x x
Delete Coded Value from Domain x x x
Delete Domain x x x
Domain to Table x x x
Remove Domain from Field x x x
Set Value for Range Domain x x x
Table to Domain x x x
Feature Class toolset

Append Annotation Feature Classes x x x
Calculate Default Cluster Tolerance x x x
Calculate Default Spatial Grid Index x x x
Create Feature Class x x x
Create Fishnet x x x
Create Random Points

x x x
Integrate x x x
Update Annotation Feature Class x x x
Features toolset

Add XY Coordinates x x x
Adjust 3D Z x x x
Check Geometry x x x
Copy Features x x x
Delete Features x x x
Feature Envelope to Polygon

Feature to Line

Feature to Point

Feature to Polygon

Feature Vertices to Points

Multipart to Singlepart x x x
Polygon to Line

Repair Geometry x x x
Split Line at Vertices

Fields toolset

Add Field x x x
Assign Default to Field x x x
Calculate End Date x x x
Calculate Field x x x
Delete Field x x x
Transpose Time Fields x x x
File Geodatabase toolset

Compress File Geodatabase Data x x x
Uncompress File Geodatabase Data x x x
General toolset

Append x x x
Calculate Value x x x
Copy x x x
Delete x x x
Merge x x x
Merge Branch x x x
Rename x x x
Select Data x x x
Generalization toolset

Aggregate Polygons

Collapse Dual Lines to Centerline

Dissolve x x x

Simplify Building

Simplify Line
x x
Simplify Polygon

Smooth Line
x x
Smooth Polygon

Indexes toolset

Add Attribute Index x x x
Add Spatial Index x x x
Remove Attribute Index x x x
Remove Spatial Index x x x
Joins toolset

Add Join x x x
Join Field

Remove Join x x x
Layers and Table Views toolset

Apply Symbology from Layer x x x
Make Feature Layer x x x
Make Image Server Layer x x x
Make Query Table x x x
Make Raster Catalog Layer x x x
Make Raster Layer x x x
Make Table View x x x
Make WCS Layer x x x
Make XY Event Layer x x x
Save to Layer File x x x
Select Layer by Attribute x x x
Select Layer by Location x x x
Projections and Transformations toolset

Create Custom Geographic Transformation x x x
Define Projection x x x
Feature toolset

Batch Project x x x
Create Spatial Reference x x x
Project x x x
Raster toolset

Flip x x x
Mirror x x x
Project Raster x x x
Rescale x x x
Rotate x x x
Shift x x x
Warp x x x
Raster toolset

Raster Catalog toolset

Copy Raster Catalog Items x x x
Create Raster Catalog x x x
Delete Raster Catalog Items x x x
Export Raster Catalog Paths x x x
Repair Raster Catalog Paths x x x
Workspace to Raster Catalog x x x
Raster Dataset toolset

Copy Raster x x x
Create Random Raster

NOTE: This tool is available with an ArcView or ArcEditor license if the Spatial Analyst extension or the 3D Analyst extension is installed.

Create Raster Dataset x x x
Mosaic x x x
Mosaic to New Raster x x x
Raster Catalog to Raster Dataset x x x
Workspace to Raster Dataset x x x
Raster Processing toolset

Clip x x x
Composite Bands x x x
Create Ortho Corrected Raster Dataset x x x
Create Pan-sharpened Raster Dataset x x x
Extract Subdataset x x x
Resample x x x
Raster Properties toolset

Add Colormap x x x
Batch Build Pyramids x x x
Batch Calculate Statistics x x x
Build Pyramids x x x
Build Raster Attribute Table x x x
Calculate Statistics x x x
Delete Colormap x x x
Delete Raster Attribute Table x x x
Export Raster World File x x x
Get Cell Value x x x
Get Raster Properties x x x
Relationship Classes toolset

Create Relationship Class
x x
Table to Relationship Class
x x
Subtypes toolset

Add Subtype
x x
Remove Subtype
x x
Set Default Subtype
x x
Set Subtype Field
x x
Table toolset

x x
Change Privileges
x x
Copy Rows x x x
Create Table x x x
Delete Rows x x x
Get Count x x x
Pivot Table

Topology toolset

Add Feature Class to Topology
x x
Add Rule to Topology
x x
Create Topology
x x
Remove Feature Class from Topology
x x
Remove Rule from Topology
x x
Set Cluster Tolerance
x x
Validate Topology
x x
Versions toolset

Alter Version
x x
Create Version
x x
Delete Version
x x
Post Version
x x
Reconcile Version
x x
Register as Versioned
x x
Unregister as Versioned
x x
Workspace toolset

Create ArcInfo Workspace

Create Feature Dataset x x x
Create File GDB x x x
Create Folder x x x
Create Personal GDB x x x

Geocoding tools

Tool ArcView ArcEditor ArcInfo
Create Address Locator x x x
Geocode Addresses x x x
Rebuild Address Locator x x x
Rematch Addresses x x x
Standardize Addresses x x x

Geostatistical Analyst tools

All Geostatistical Analyst tools are available at all license levels—ArcView, ArcEditor, and ArcInfo—if you have the ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst extension.

Linear Referencing tools

Tool ArcView ArcEditor ArcInfo
Calibrate Routes x x x
Create Routes x x x
Dissolve Route Events x x x
Locate Features Along Routes x x x
Make Route Event Layer x x x
Overlay Route Events x x x
Transform Route Events x x x

Military Analyst tools

All Military Analyst tools are available at all license levels—ArcView, ArcEditor, and ArcInfo—if you have the ArcGIS Military Analyst extension.

Mobile tools

Tool ArcView ArcEditor ArcInfo
Create Mobile Basemap x x x
Generate Mobile Service Cache x x x

MOLE tools

All Military Overlay Editor (MOLE) tools are available at all license levels—ArcView, ArcEditor, and ArcInfo—if you have the ArcGIS Military Overlay Editor (MOLE) extension.

Multidimension tools

Tool ArcView ArcEditor ArcInfo
Feature to NetCDF x x x
Make NetCDF Feature Layer x x x
Make NetCDF Raster Layer x x x
Make NetCDF Table View x x x
Raster to NetCDF x x x
Select by Dimension x x x
Table to NetCDF x x x

Network Analyst tools

All Network Analyst tools are available at all license levels—ArcView, ArcEditor, and ArcInfo—if you have the ArcGIS Network Analyst extension.


All Schematics tools are available at all license levels—ArcView, ArcEditor, and ArcInfo—if you have the ArcGIS Schematics extension.

Server tools

Tool ArcView ArcEditor ArcInfo
Create Map Server Cache x x x
Delete Globe Server Cache x x x
Delete Map Server Cache x x x
Generate Map Server Cache Tiling Scheme x x x
Manage Globe Server Cache Tiles x x x
Manage Map Server Cache Scales x x x
Manage Map Server Cache Tiles x x x

Spatial Analyst tools

All Spatial Analyst tools are available at all license levels—ArcView, ArcEditor, and ArcInfo—if you have the ArcGIS Spatial Analyst extension.

Spatial Statistics tools

Toolset/Tool ArcView ArcEditor ArcInfo
Analyzing Patterns toolset

Average Nearest Neighbor x x x
High/Low Clustering (Getis-Ord General G) x x x
Multi-Distance Spatial Cluster Analysis (Ripleys K Function) x x x
Spatial Autocorrelation (Morans I) x x x
Mapping Clusters toolset

Cluster and Outlier Analysis (Anselin Local Morans I) x x x
Hot Spot Analysis (Getis-Ord Gi*) x x x
Measuring Geographic Distributions toolset

Central Feature x x x
Directional Distribution (Standard Deviational Ellipse) x x x
Linear Directional Mean x x x
Mean Center x x x
Standard Distance x x x
Modeling Spatial Relationships

Generate Network Spatial Weights

NOTE: This tool is available with any license if the Network Analyst extension is installed.

x x x
Generate Spatial Weights Matrix x x x
Geographically Weighted Regression

NOTE: This tool is available with any license if the Geostatistical Analyst or Spatial Analyst extension is installed.

Ordinary Least Squares x x x
Rendering toolset

Cluster/Outlier Analysis with Rendering x x x
Collect Events with Rendering x x x
Count Rendering

Hot Spot Analysis with Rendering x x x
Z Score Rendering

Utilities toolset

Calculate Areas x x x
Calculate Distance Band from Neighbor Count x x x
Collect Events x x x
Convert Spatial Weights Matrix to Table x x x
Export Feature Attribute to ASCII x x x

Tracking Analyst tools

All Tracking Analyst tools are available at all license levels—ArcView, ArcEditor, and ArcInfo—if you have the ArcGIS Tracking Analyst extension.

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