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Welcome to ArcGIS Desktop Help
Copyright information
GIS Dictionary
What's new in ArcGIS
Getting started
Map projections and coordinate systems
Mapping and visualization
An overview of mapping and visualization
Using ArcMap

Layers, data frames, and the table of contents

Starting ArcMap

Creating a new map

Opening a map

Using the table of contents

About coordinate systems and map projections

Specifying a coordinate system

Referencing data in the map

Working with data frames

Pausing the map's drawing

Saving a map and exiting ArcMap

Saving to previous versions of ArcGIS

Keyboard shortcuts in ArcMap
Working with layers

Adding layers to a map

Adding a layer package to your map

Adding x,y coordinate data as a layer

Changing a layer's drawing order

Changing a layer's text description

Setting layer properties

Managing group layers

Saving a layer to disk

Copying layers

Displaying layers at certain scales

Displaying a subset of features in a layer

Repairing broken data links

Viewing a layer's metadata in ArcMap

Setting HTML pop-up properties for feature layers
Navigating and interacting with maps
Adding graphics and text to maps
Symbolizing data
Using cartographic representations
Getting started with representations
Representation concepts
Working with representations
Editing feature representations
Page layout and map composition
Working with graphs and reports
Working with web maps in ArcGIS
Publishing optimized map services in ArcGIS
Editing and data compilation

An overview of editing and data compilation
Getting started with editing
Common editing tasks
Creating new features
Editing existing features

Moving features

Rotating features

Copying and pasting features

Deleting features

Adding and deleting vertices

Moving vertices

Editing attribute values of a vertex

Reshaping lines and polygons using a sketch

Splitting polygon features

Splitting line features

Trimming lines

Extending lines

Flipping lines

Scaling features

Clipping features

Stretching a feature's geometry proportionately

Simplifying and smoothing features
Editing attributes
Editing annotation
Editing dimension features
Using a digitizer

About digitizing

An overview of preparing to digitize

Registering the paper map

Digitizing features on a paper map
Spatial adjustment
Editing topology
Editing relationships and related objects
Tables and attribute information

What is geoprocessing?

A whirlwind tour of geoprocessing

Geoprocessing tools

Geoprocessing framework

Frequently Asked Questions about geoprocessing
Fundamental tool concepts
Using geoprocessing tools

An overview of using tools
Using the tool dialog
Managing toolboxes
Managing tools and toolsets
Batch processing
Using tools in the command line
Tool layers
Automating your work with models
Automating your work with scripts
Geoprocessing environments
Documenting tools and toolboxes

An overview of documenting tools and toolboxes

An overview of the Documentation Editor

Entering topics in the Documentation Editor

Using the page editor

Documenting models

Documenting scripts

Viewing documentation for tools

Changing tool dialog appearance

Referencing a compiled help file

Exporting tool documentation to an HTML file
Sharing tools and toolboxes
Geoprocessing with ArcGIS Server
Keeping track of geoprocessing history
Advanced modeling through simulations

An overview of advanced modeling through simulations

General concepts of modeling through simulations
Developing the different modeling approaches
Geoprocessing tool reference

An overview of commonly used tools

Geoprocessing commands quick reference guide

Licensing for geoprocessing tools

Data types for geoprocessing tool parameters
Input and output data considerations
3D Analyst toolbox
Analysis toolbox
Business Analyst toolbox
Cartography toolbox
Conversion toolbox
Coverage toolbox
Data Interoperability toolbox

An overview of the Data Interoperability toolbox
Data Management toolbox

An overview of the Data Management toolbox
Data Comparison toolset
Database toolset
Disconnected Editing toolset
Distributed Geodatabase toolset
Domains toolset
Feature Class toolset
Features toolset
Fields toolset
File Geodatabase toolset
General toolset
Generalization toolset
Indexes toolset
Joins toolset
Layers and Table Views toolset
Projections and Transformations toolset
Raster toolset
Relationship Classes toolset
Subtypes toolset
Table toolset
Topology toolset
Versions toolset
Workspace toolset
Geocoding toolbox
Geostatistical Analyst toolbox
Linear Referencing toolbox
Military Analyst toolbox
Mobile toolbox
Military Overlay Editor toolbox
Multidimensional toolbox
Network Analyst toolbox
Server toolbox
Schematics toolbox
Spatial Analyst toolbox
Spatial Statistics toolbox

An overview of the Spatial Statistics toolbox

Modeling spatial relationships

Spatial Statistics toolbox sample applications

What is a Z score What is a p-value
Analyzing Patterns toolset
Mapping Clusters toolset
Measuring Geographic Distributions toolset
Modeling Spatial Relationships toolset
Rendering toolset
Utilities toolset
Samples toolbox
Tracking Analyst toolbox
Environment Settings
Tool errors and warnings
Geodatabases and ArcSDE
Data management with ArcCatalog
Image and raster data management
Understanding raster data
Supported raster data

Supported raster dataset file formats

Technical specifications for raster dataset formats

About the ESRI Grid format

About MrSID rasters

BIL, BIP, and BSQ raster files

Raster data with subdatasets

Building a customized raster format
Properties of raster data
Designing a raster database
Building and managing a raster database
Raster display and visualization
Raster analysis and geoprocessing
Serving raster data
Data support in ArcGIS
Geocoding and address management
Linear referencing
Getting started with linear referencing
Creating route feature classes
Displaying and querying route feature classes
Displaying and querying route events
Editing routes
Creating and editing event data
Working with route event data
Network analysis
Mobile GIS
Interoperability and standards support
Customizing and developing with ArcGIS
Guide to data that comes with ArcGIS
Licensing and desktop administration
GIS Servers and services