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Welcome to ArcGIS Desktop Help
Copyright information
GIS Dictionary
What's new in ArcGIS
Getting started
Map projections and coordinate systems
Mapping and visualization
An overview of mapping and visualization
Using ArcMap
Working with layers
Navigating and interacting with maps
Adding graphics and text to maps
Symbolizing data
Using cartographic representations
Page layout and map composition
Working with graphs and reports
Looking at data with graphs
(Pre-ArcGIS 9.2) Looking at data with graphs
Creating reports
Working with web maps in ArcGIS
Publishing optimized map services in ArcGIS

Publishing optimized map services

Drawing differences between ArcMap and optimized map services
Map Service Publication Toolbar error messages

00001: Data frame does not have layers

00002: Data frame does not have a spatial reference

00003: Layer's data source is inaccessible

00004: Layer's data source is not supported

00005: Layer type is not supported

00006: Layer's symbology is not supported

00007: Layer's definition query is invalid

00008: Maplex Label Engine is not supported

00011: Raster symbology uses statistics from the current display extent

00012: The combination of spatial reference and the units used in the layer's proportional symbology is not supported

00013: Layer uses a symbol that is not supported

00014: Annotation layer does not draw in table of contents order

00015: Annotation layer is being drawn with the densify annotation baseline option enabled

00016: The option to not rotate marker symbols with the data frame is not supported

00017: Data frame has at least one annotation group that is enabled and contains graphics

00018: Data frame uses a background symbol that is not a solid fill

00019: Layer contains a symbol type that does not match the referenced data source's geometry type

00020: Annotation layer uses a symbol that is not supported

00021: Feature selections are not supported

00022: Data frame uses unsupported 8.x style symbol level drawing

00023: Layer uses unsupported dynamic hillshade illumination

00024: Route hatch symbology is not supported

00025: Selection layers are not supported

00026: Data frames with a clip shape are not supported

00027: Layer uses a simple fill symbol that is a non-solid fill

00028: Annotation layer's feature class contains a symbol in the symbol collection that is not supported

00029: Layer uses dynamic orthorectification

00030: Layer masking is not supported
Map Service Publication Toolbar warning messages

10001: Layer's data source has a different projection than the data frame's projection

10002: Layer's data source doesn't have a spatial index

10003: Layer doesn't have an attribute index on field(s) used for a join

10004: Group layer is empty

10005: Layer's data source is a personal geodatabase

10006: Layer's definition query uses unqualified field names for fields that exist in more than one table

10007: Label class value has an SQL query that uses unqualified field names for fields that exist in more than one table

10008: Label class value has a label expression that uses unqualified field names for fields that exist in more than one table

10009: Enabling the option to convert layer transparency to color transparency may improve performance

10010: Raster layer's data source does not have image statistics

10011: Layer's data source uses wavelet compression

10012: Layer uses dynamic panchromatic sharpening

10014: Layer's draw time may be affected by slow join access times

10017: Layer uses symbol level drawing with a picture marker symbol

10018: Layer uses symbol level drawing with a character marker symbol

10019: Layer uses symbol level drawing with a non-simple fill symbol

10020: Layer uses symbol level drawing with a marker symbol with a halo

10026: Layer uses symbol level drawing with field-based transparency

10027: Layer's data source is referenced via a UNC path

10028: Annotation layer's feature class does not have a symbol stored in a symbol collection

10029: Raster layer's data source does not have pyramids

10030: Layer's data source is ArcSDE not accessed via a direct connection

10031: Raster catalog layer uses color correction

10032: Layer's data source consists of nested joins

10033: Layer uses symbol level drawing with layer transparency

10035: Layer's definition query references field names that are not indexed

10036: Label class value has an SQL query that references field names that are not indexed:

10037: Label class value has an SQL query that is not optimizable

20001: Layer uses a picture symbol with a reference scale

20002: Layer uses an EMF picture symbol with image separation

20003: Layer uses a simple marker symbol with a halo

20004: Layer uses a simple line symbol with a style other than solid

20005: Annotation feature class contains a symbol in the symbol collection with the Rotate With Transform option disabled

20007: Layer contains a multilayer line symbol whose symbol widths may result in aliasing

20008: Layer uses a text symbol which draws with faux bold or italic styles
Map Service Publishing Toolbar information messages
Editing and data compilation

An overview of editing and data compilation
Getting started with editing
Common editing tasks
Creating new features
Editing existing features
Editing attributes
Editing annotation

An overview of editing annotation

Creating new annotation features

Creating and editing annotation that follows features

Editing the size and position of annotation features

Editing annotation in the Attributes dialog box

Editing the appearance of annotation features

Editing feature-linked annotation
Editing dimension features

About editing dimension features

Creating dimension features

Modifying a dimension feature's geometry and style
Using a digitizer

About digitizing

An overview of preparing to digitize

Registering the paper map

Digitizing features on a paper map
Spatial adjustment
Editing topology

About topology

Topology rules

Topology error fixes

Basic topology tasks

Creating a map topology

Editing features in a topology

Editing shared geometry

Topology validation

Topology errors and exceptions

Correcting topology errors

Finding features with shared topology elements

Clearing selected topology elements

Changing the symbology for topology features

Making new features with topology tools
Editing relationships and related objects
Tables and attribute information
Geoprocessing tool reference
Geodatabases and ArcSDE
Data management with ArcCatalog
Image and raster data management
Data support in ArcGIS

About ArcGIS Desktop extensions

Evaluating ArcGIS Desktop extensions
3D Analyst
Data Interoperability
ArcGIS for AutoCAD
ArcGIS Publisher
A whirlwind tour of ArcSketch
Getting started with ArcSketch
Creating and modifying features
Managing Symbols
Business Analyst
About ArcGIS Business Analyst
Business Analyst toolbar
Projects and Data Organization
Study Areas
Adding data to Business Analyst
Trade Areas - no customer data required
Trade Areas - customer data required
Trade Areas - monitor and manage
Tools - Geoprocessing in Business Analyst
Business Analyst Preferences
Working with maps
Reports - general
Reports - point and ranking based

About point and ranking based reports

Locator report

Market Ranking report

Wind Rose report

Geographic Customer Summary report

Average Drive Time report

Summarize Points report

Customer Demographic Comparison report

Business reports
Documentation - USA Data
Documentation - Canada Data
Business Analyst Server
Territory Design
Geostatistical Analyst
Military Analyst
Military Overlay Editor
Network Analyst
Spatial Analyst
Survey Analyst
Tracking Analyst
Geocoding and address management
Linear referencing
Network analysis
Mobile GIS

An overview of Mobile GIS
ArcGIS Mobile integration
Tablet PC
ArcPad integration
Interoperability and standards support
Customizing and developing with ArcGIS
Guide to data that comes with ArcGIS
Licensing and desktop administration
GIS Servers and services