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Welcome to ArcGIS Desktop Help
Copyright information
GIS Dictionary
What's new in ArcGIS
Getting started
Map projections and coordinate systems
Mapping and visualization
An overview of mapping and visualization
Using ArcMap
Working with layers
Navigating and interacting with maps
Adding graphics and text to maps
Symbolizing data
Using cartographic representations
Page layout and map composition
Working with graphs and reports
Looking at data with graphs
(Pre-ArcGIS 9.2) Looking at data with graphs
Creating reports
Working with web maps in ArcGIS
Publishing optimized map services in ArcGIS

Publishing optimized map services

Drawing differences between ArcMap and optimized map services
Map Service Publication Toolbar error messages

00001: Data frame does not have layers

00002: Data frame does not have a spatial reference

00003: Layer's data source is inaccessible

00004: Layer's data source is not supported

00005: Layer type is not supported

00006: Layer's symbology is not supported

00007: Layer's definition query is invalid

00008: Maplex Label Engine is not supported

00011: Raster symbology uses statistics from the current display extent

00012: The combination of spatial reference and the units used in the layer's proportional symbology is not supported

00013: Layer uses a symbol that is not supported

00014: Annotation layer does not draw in table of contents order

00015: Annotation layer is being drawn with the densify annotation baseline option enabled

00016: The option to not rotate marker symbols with the data frame is not supported

00017: Data frame has at least one annotation group that is enabled and contains graphics

00018: Data frame uses a background symbol that is not a solid fill

00019: Layer contains a symbol type that does not match the referenced data source's geometry type

00020: Annotation layer uses a symbol that is not supported

00021: Feature selections are not supported

00022: Data frame uses unsupported 8.x style symbol level drawing

00023: Layer uses unsupported dynamic hillshade illumination

00024: Route hatch symbology is not supported

00025: Selection layers are not supported

00026: Data frames with a clip shape are not supported

00027: Layer uses a simple fill symbol that is a non-solid fill

00028: Annotation layer's feature class contains a symbol in the symbol collection that is not supported

00029: Layer uses dynamic orthorectification

00030: Layer masking is not supported
Map Service Publication Toolbar warning messages

10001: Layer's data source has a different projection than the data frame's projection

10002: Layer's data source doesn't have a spatial index

10003: Layer doesn't have an attribute index on field(s) used for a join

10004: Group layer is empty

10005: Layer's data source is a personal geodatabase

10006: Layer's definition query uses unqualified field names for fields that exist in more than one table

10007: Label class value has an SQL query that uses unqualified field names for fields that exist in more than one table

10008: Label class value has a label expression that uses unqualified field names for fields that exist in more than one table

10009: Enabling the option to convert layer transparency to color transparency may improve performance

10010: Raster layer's data source does not have image statistics

10011: Layer's data source uses wavelet compression

10012: Layer uses dynamic panchromatic sharpening

10014: Layer's draw time may be affected by slow join access times

10017: Layer uses symbol level drawing with a picture marker symbol

10018: Layer uses symbol level drawing with a character marker symbol

10019: Layer uses symbol level drawing with a non-simple fill symbol

10020: Layer uses symbol level drawing with a marker symbol with a halo

10026: Layer uses symbol level drawing with field-based transparency

10027: Layer's data source is referenced via a UNC path

10028: Annotation layer's feature class does not have a symbol stored in a symbol collection

10029: Raster layer's data source does not have pyramids

10030: Layer's data source is ArcSDE not accessed via a direct connection

10031: Raster catalog layer uses color correction

10032: Layer's data source consists of nested joins

10033: Layer uses symbol level drawing with layer transparency

10035: Layer's definition query references field names that are not indexed

10036: Label class value has an SQL query that references field names that are not indexed:

10037: Label class value has an SQL query that is not optimizable

20001: Layer uses a picture symbol with a reference scale

20002: Layer uses an EMF picture symbol with image separation

20003: Layer uses a simple marker symbol with a halo

20004: Layer uses a simple line symbol with a style other than solid

20005: Annotation feature class contains a symbol in the symbol collection with the Rotate With Transform option disabled

20007: Layer contains a multilayer line symbol whose symbol widths may result in aliasing

20008: Layer uses a text symbol which draws with faux bold or italic styles
Map Service Publishing Toolbar information messages
Editing and data compilation

An overview of editing and data compilation
Getting started with editing
Common editing tasks
Creating new features
Editing existing features
Editing attributes
Editing annotation

An overview of editing annotation

Creating new annotation features

Creating and editing annotation that follows features

Editing the size and position of annotation features

Editing annotation in the Attributes dialog box

Editing the appearance of annotation features

Editing feature-linked annotation
Editing dimension features

About editing dimension features

Creating dimension features

Modifying a dimension feature's geometry and style
Using a digitizer

About digitizing

An overview of preparing to digitize

Registering the paper map

Digitizing features on a paper map
Spatial adjustment
Editing topology

About topology

Topology rules

Topology error fixes

Basic topology tasks

Creating a map topology

Editing features in a topology

Editing shared geometry

Topology validation

Topology errors and exceptions

Correcting topology errors

Finding features with shared topology elements

Clearing selected topology elements

Changing the symbology for topology features

Making new features with topology tools
Editing relationships and related objects
Tables and attribute information
Geoprocessing tool reference
Geodatabases and ArcSDE
An overview of the geodatabase

An overview of the geodatabase

Essential readings about the geodatabase

Table basics

Feature class basics

Raster basics

Types of geodatabases

Client and geodatabase compatibility

Common geodatabase tasks
Architecture of a geodatabase

Architecture of a geodatabase

Geodatabase storage is based on relational principles

Where does the application logic belong?

The geodatabase is object-relational

Geodatabase storage in relational databases

Geodatabase transaction management

Geodatabase XML
Designing a geodatabase

An overview of geodatabase design

Geodatabase design steps

Using ArcGIS Data Model designs

Documenting your geodatabase design

Modeling feature classes

A note about the use of UML for geodatabase design

Design Tips
Building a geodatabase
Creating a geodatabase

An overview of creating geodatabases

Determining which type of geodatabase to create

Creating a new geodatabase

Schema locking

Copying the schema of a geodatabase
Copying geodatabases
Geodatabase migration
Defining the properties of a geodatabase
Adding datasets and other geodatabase elements

An overview of adding datasets to the geodatabase

Creating new datasets using ArcCatalog

Copying feature datasets, classes, and tables to another geodatabase
Exporting data
Loading data
Importing data
Working with geodatabase datasets
Data management workflows, transactions, and versioning
Geodatabase data storage and schema
Administering ArcSDE geodatabases

An overview of ArcSDE geodatabase administration

What is ArcSDE?

Administering ArcSDE for DB2

Administering ArcSDE for Informix

Administering ArcSDE for Oracle

Administering ArcSDE for PostgreSQL

Administering ArcSDE for SQL Server

Administering a database server
Installing and upgrading the ArcSDE component

An overview of installing the ArcSDE component

About new installations of the ArcSDE component

Installing SQL Server Express and enabling it to store ArcSDE geodatabases

Installation summary for the ArcSDE component for DB2

Installation summary for the ArcSDE component for Informix

Installation summary for the ArcSDE component for Oracle

Sample scripts installed with ArcSDE for Oracle

Installation summary for the ArcSDE component for PostgreSQL

Sample scripts provided with ArcSDE for PostgreSQL

Installation summary for the ArcSDE component for SQL Server

Managing multiple ArcSDE component installations on the same machine

After ArcSDE component installation and geodatabase creation

About upgrading ArcSDE geodatabases

Upgrading geodatabases on ArcSDE database servers

Upgrade summary for ArcSDE geodatabases
Configuring an ArcSDE geodatabase
Creating and administering user accounts

An overview of user accounts

Adding users to an ArcSDE geodatabase

Adding and removing users or groups for ArcSDE database servers

Grouping users by access needs

The ArcSDE administrative account

User permissions

Administering user permissions for ArcSDE database servers

Granting and revoking privileges on datasets
Connecting to an ArcSDE geodatabase
Maintaining a geodatabase
Tuning an ArcSDE geodatabase
Scaling and moving your geodatabase
Administering File and Personal geodatabases

An overview of administering file and personal geodatabases

File geodatabases: compressing vs. compacting

Compacting file and personal geodatabases

About compressing file geodatabase data

Upgrading file and personal geodatabases

File geodatabases and Windows Explorer

File geodatabase size and name limits

File geodatabases and locking
Working with geodatabases using SQL
Data management with ArcCatalog
Image and raster data management
Data support in ArcGIS

About ArcGIS Desktop extensions

Evaluating ArcGIS Desktop extensions
3D Analyst
Getting started with 3D Analyst
3D Analyst concepts

About 3D Analyst concepts

Understanding the observer and target

Types of 3D layers

What are rasterized 3D layers?

Understanding the layer draw order in 3D

Caching in ArcGlobe
Creating 3D views
3D surfaces
TIN surfaces
Raster surfaces

About raster surfaces

Resolution of a raster surface

Creating raster surface data from vector data

Creating raster surface data from TIN data
Terrain surfaces
3D features
3D navigation
3D navigation tools

About 3D navigation tools

Using the 3D Navigate tool

Using the Center on Target tool

Using the Zoom to Target tool

Using the Set Observer tool

Using the 3D Zoom In/Out tool

Using the Fly tool

Using the Orbital fly tool

Using the Walk tool

Using the 3D Pan tool

Draft mode
Displaying rasters, terrains, and TINs
Displaying features in 3D

About displaying features in 3D

Displaying 2D features in ArcGlobe

Displaying 2D features in ArcScene

Displaying 3D multipatch features

Displaying annotation features in ArcGlobe

Displaying data from GlobeServer

Rasterizing features for 3D

How to display features as rasters in ArcGlobe

Vertical exaggeration and z-unit conversion of layers

Vertical offsets for feature layers

Scale-dependent rendering in ArcGlobe

Controlling when a layer is rendered in ArcScene

Using the 3D Effects toolbar

Selecting features in 3D

Optimizing 3D multipatch layers
3D symbology

About 3D symbology

About 3D symbols

About 3D styles

3D symbolizing of points

3D symbolizing of polylines

3D symbolizing of polygons

Symbolizing multipatches

Textured 3D objects

Creating 3D symbols and elements

3D symbol display properties

3D symbol placement properties

Using extrusion as 3D symbology

Disabling bottom faces of extruded polygons

Managing 3D styles
Displaying 3D graphics

The 3D Graphics toolbars

About displaying 3D graphics

Adding 3D graphics

Editing 3D graphics

Setting defaults for 3D graphics

Working with 3D graphics layers

Displaying KML data in ArcGlobe
Interactive 3D analysis tools

About interactive 3D analysis tools

Creating contours

Deriving steepest path

Creating a line of sight

Digitizing 3D shapes

Creating profile graphs
Geoprocesing with 3D Analyst

About geoprocessing with 3D Analyst
Data Interoperability
ArcGIS for AutoCAD
ArcGIS Publisher
Getting started with ArcScan

What can you do with ArcScan?

An overview of ArcScan

How ArcScan works in the editing environment

Enabling the ArcScan extension

Adding the ArcScan toolbar

Changing the raster layer symbology

Selecting the target raster layer
Interactive vectorization
Automatic vectorization
Cell selection

About cell selection

Interactively selecting connected cells

Selecting connected cells using an expression query

Using additional cell selection tools and commands
Raster cleanup

About preparing raster data for vectorization

Starting and stopping the raster cleanup session

Using the raster cleanup commands

Using the Raster Painting tools
Vectorization options and settings
A whirlwind tour of ArcSketch

The ArcSketch concept

How ArcSketch is being used

What is ArcSketch

The ArcSketch components

The vision for ArcSketch
Getting started with ArcSketch
Creating and modifying features
Managing Symbols
Business Analyst
About ArcGIS Business Analyst

Introduction to ArcGIS Business Analyst features

How ArcGIS Business Analyst helps you make better business decisions

Overview of the Business Analyst menu

A short introduction to ArcGIS

About the provided Map Documents

What's new in ArcGIS Business Analyst

Getting additional help for Business Analyst

Business Analyst Service Packs

Data License

BDS Layers

Business Analyst Video Tutorials
Business Analyst toolbar
Projects and Data Organization
Study Areas

About Study Areas

Using ZIP codes

Creating a study area from a map

Choosing a study area from a list

Using the entire United States

Clipping all your data so it only includes the study area

Using a currently selected shape on the map

Selecting subgeographies inside an existing study area

Using a simple ring

Using the current map extent

Managing existing study areas

Renaming or modifying a study area

Deleting a study area
Adding data to Business Analyst

Adding data to your map

Adding customers or stores from tabular data to your study area

Adding stores as tabular data to your study area

Adding customers or stores from map-ready data

Creating an empty customer or store layer

Entering customer or store addresses manually

Adding customer or store data containing x,y coordinates

Analysis Layer Setup

Adding business listings

Importing a Business Analyst add-on datapack

Setting field visiblity

Managing existing customer or store layers

Substituting your own terms for customers and stores
Trade Areas - no customer data required

About Trade Areas - no customer data required

Simple Rings

Nonoverlapping Rings

Data-driven Rings

Drive-time Polygons

Threshold Trade Areas

Equal Competition (Thiessen) Polygons

Huff Equal Probability Areas


Draw Areas

Standard Levels of Geography

Trade Areas - customer data required
Trade Areas - monitor and manage
Tools - Geoprocessing in Business Analyst

How to access the Business Analyst GP Tools

Overview of the Business Analyst toolbox
Business Analyst Preferences

About Business Analyst Preferences

General tab

Dataset tab

Analyses tab

Misc tab

Data tab

Drive Time tab

Segmentation tab
Working with maps
Reports - general

About reports

Running reports for single layers

Running reports for multiple layers

Managing existing reports

Creating custom report templates

Running a map layout report

Benchmark Report

Batch Tasks
Reports - point and ranking based
Documentation - USA Data

Analysis Summarization Statistical Formulas

DMM Major Shopping Centers Data Descriptions

ESRI Community Data Descriptions

ESRI Community Data Glossary

ESRI Community Tapestry Descriptions

ESRI Community Tapestry Summary Tables

ESRI Community Tapestry Segments and Groups Table

ESRI Demographic Update Methodology

Geocoding Results

infoUSA Business Listings Data Descriptions

MRI Market Potential Data Descriptions
Documentation - Canada Data

Adjusted Census 2001 methodology

Base data variable list

Businesses (methodology and variable list)

Demographic methodology

ESRI Geocoder

Expenditure methodology

Geography Hierarchy Chart

PRIZM Methodology

Shopping Centres (methodology and variable list)
Business Analyst Server

About Business Analyst Server

Managing the Business Analyst Server Repository

Authoring and serving content to Business Analyst Server

Downloading content from Business Analyst Server
Territory Design
Geostatistical Analyst
Overview of JTX
Using JTX
Configuring JTX
Administering JTX

JTX Post Installation

Deploying a JTX System

Enabling the AOI edit extension

JTX Servers

JTX Advanced Settings

Imported Job Queries: Qualifying Table Names

Migrating your JTX 3.x System to 9.3

RDBMS Recommendations

Deleting your JTX system tables
Military Analyst
Military Overlay Editor
Network Analyst
Getting started with Network Analyst
Network dataset concepts
Designing the network dataset
Building and editing the network dataset
Performing network analysis
Migrating to ArcGIS Network Analyst
Network Analyst tools reference
Working with ArcGIS Schematics
Schematics Designer
Spatial Analyst
Survey Analyst
Tracking Analyst
Geocoding and address management
Getting started with geocoding

An overview of geocoding

Definition of the address locator
Understanding geocoding
Preparing for geocoding
Building an address locator

Defining the address locator components

Creating an address locator

Modifying an address locator's settings

Managing address locators in ArcMap

Managing address locators in ArcCatalog

Migrating address locators created with ArcGIS prior to version 9.2
Locating addresses
Additional geocoding techniques

Alternative searches

The Alternate Name table tab

The Alias Table dialog box

Building an address locator for alternative searches

Searching for an intersection

Building a composite address locator
Keeping an address locator current

Updating your reference data

Versioned data and the address locator

Rebuilding address locators
Distributing your address locator
Adjusting your address locator file

Exploring the address locator file

Why change your address locator file?

Changing default settings

Changing default settings in the address locator template file

Table schema and the locator file

Accommodating alternative reference table schema

Modifying the query

Accommodating changes in the geocoding rule base files

Address Locator Properties dialog box
About StreetMap data
Linear referencing
Network analysis
Mobile GIS

An overview of Mobile GIS
ArcGIS Mobile integration

Getting started with ArcMap GPS Support

Adding the GPS toolbar

Connecting to a GPS device

Simulating a connection to a GPS device

Using the GPS Position window

Changing the display options

Keeping the current location in the view

Adding a destination

Writing GPS locations to a log
Tablet PC

An overview of Tablet PC technology

Adding the Tablet toolbar

Pen tool

Highlighter tool

Eraser tool

Commands on the Tablet toolbar
ArcPad integration

An overview of ArcPad

Adding the ArcPad toolbar

About managing data in ArcPad

Getting data for ArcPad

Checking in edits from ArcPad

Undoing a checkout for editing
Interoperability and standards support

Overview of interoperability

Overview of OGC and ISO support

ESRI protocols and programming interfaces
GML support in ArcGIS

An overview of GML support in ArcGIS

How to work with GML in ArcGIS

Using the GML simple features profile

Using supported GML profiles

Adding new GML profiles

Working with WFS within ArcGIS
WFS support in ArcGIS

An overview of WFS support in ArcGIS

Adding support for WFS in ArcGIS Desktop

How to work with WFS using ArcGIS Desktop
WCS support in ArcGIS

An overview of WCS support in ArcGIS
WMS support in ArcGIS
KML support in ArcGIS
Customizing and developing with ArcGIS
Guide to data that comes with ArcGIS
Licensing and desktop administration
GIS Servers and services