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Supported raster formats

Release 9.1
Last modified September 16, 2005
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The following table gives a description of the supported raster formats and their extensions.

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Format Description Extension(s)
ARC Digitized Raster Graphics (ADRG) Distributed on CD–ROM by the National Geospatial-IntelligenceAgency (NGA). ADRG is geographically referenced using the equal arc-second raster chart/map (ARC) system in which the globe is divided into 18 latitudinal bands or zones. The data consists of raster images and other graphics generated by scanning source documents. Multiple files:
Data file—extension *.img or *.ovr
Legend file—extension *.lgg
Band Interleaved by Line (ESRI BIL), Band Interleaved by Pixel (ESRI BIP), Band Sequential (ESRI BSQ) This format provides a method for reading in and displaying decompressed, BIL, BIP, and BSQ image data. By creating an ASCII description file that describes the layout of the image data, black-and-white, grayscale, pseudo color, and multiband image data can be displayed without translation into a proprietary format. Multiple files:
Data file—extension *.bil, *.bip, or *.bsq
Header file—extension *.hdr
Colormap file—extension *.clr
Statistics file—extension *.stx
Bitmap (BMP), Device-Independent Bitmap (DIB) format, or Microsoft Windows Bitmap BMP files are Windows bitmap images. They are usually used to store pictures or clip art that can be moved between different applications on Windows platforms. Single file—extension *.bmp
Compressed ARC Digitized Raster Graphics (CADRG) Distributed on CD–ROM by NGA. CADRG is geographically referenced using the ARC system in which the globe is divided into 18 latitudinal bands or zones. The data consists of raster images and other graphics generated by scanning source documents. CADRG achieves a nominal compression ratio of 55:1. Single file—no standard file extension
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Controlled Image Base (CIB) Panchromatic (grayscale) images that have been georeferenced and corrected for distortion due to topographic relief distributed by NGA. Thus, they are similar to digital orthophoto quads and have similar applications—such as serving as a base or backdrop for other data or as a simple map. Single file—no standard file extension

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Digital Geographic Information Exchange Standard (DIGEST)
Arc Standard Raster Product (ASRP), UTM/UPS Standard Raster Product (USRP)
DIGEST datasets are digital replicas of graphic products designed for seamless worldwide coverage. ASRP data is transformed into the ARC system and divides the earth's surface into latitudinal zones. USRP data is referenced to UTM or UPS coordinate systems. Both are based on the WGS 1984 datum. Multiple files:
Main raster image—extension *.img
General information file—extension *.gen
Georeference file—extension *.ger
Source file—extension *.sou
Quality file—extension *.qal
Transmission header file—extension *.thf

Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) Level 0, 1, & 2 Created by NGA (formerly the Defence Mapping Agency—DMA). Single file—various file extensions *.dt0, *.dt1, *.dt2
All possible file extensions are available by default (*.dt0, *.dt1, *.dt2).
ER Mapper A proprietary raster format from ER Mapper. Produced using the ER Mapper image processing software. Multiple files:
Header file—extension *.ers
Data file—usually same as header file without the *.ers extension, but could be any and is defined in the header file.
Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) A proprietary image format that is highly compressed and requires an LZW license from Unisys. Allows high-quality, high-resolution graphics to be displayed on a variety of graphics hardware and is intended as an exchange and display mechanism for graphics images. Single file—extension *.gif
ERDAS 7.5 GIS Single-band thematic images produced by the ERDAS 7.5 image processing software. Multiple files:
Data file—extension *.gis
Colormap file—extension *.trl
ESRI GRID A proprietary ESRI format that supports 32-bit integer and 32-bit floating point raster grids. Grids are useful for representing geographic phenomena that vary continuously over space and for performing spatial modeling and analysis of flows, trends, and surfaces such as hydrology. Directory Colormap file—extension *.clr
ESRI GRID Stack Used to reference multiple ESRI GRIDs as a multiband raster dataset. A stack is stored in a directory structure similar to a grid or coverage. Directory
ESRI GRID Stack file Used to reference multiple ESRI GRIDs as a multiband raster dataset. A stack file is a simple text file that stores the path and name of each ESRI GRID contained within it on a separate line. Single file— possible file extension*.stk
ERDAS IMAGINE Produced using the IMAGINE image processing software created by ERDAS. IMAGINE files can store both continuous and discrete single-band and multiband data. Single file—extension *.img
Intergraph Raster Files:
CIT—Binary data; COT—Grayscale data
Intergraph's proprietary format for 16-bit imagery (CIT) and unsigned 8-bit imagery (COT). Multiple files:
Binary imagery— extension *.cit
Grayscale imagery—extension *.cot
Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) File Interchange Format (JFIF) A standard compression technique for storing full color and grayscale images. Support for JPEG compression is provided through the JFIF file format. Single file— possible file extensions are *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.jpe
ArcCatalog only recognizes the .jpg file extension by default. To add .jpeg or .jpe files to ArcMap without renaming them, add those file extensions to ArcCatalog or drag those files from Windows Explorer into your map.
JPEG 2000 A compression technique especially for maintaining the quality of large imagery. Allows for a high-compression ratio and fast access to large amounts of data at any scale. Single file—extension *.jp2
ERDAS 7.5 LAN Single- or multiband continuous images produced by the ERDAS 7.5 image processing software. Multiple files:
Data file—extension *.lan
Colormap file—extension *.trl
Multiresolution Seamless Image Database (MrSID) A compression technique especially for maintaining the quality of large images. Allows for a high-compression ratio and fast access to large amounts of data at any scale. Single file—extension *.sid
ArcSDE Rasters Raster data stored within an ArcSDE database. Stored in SDE database
Tag Image File Format (TIFF) (GeoTIFF tags are supported.) Widespread use in the desktop publishing world. It serves as an interface to several scanners and graphic arts packages. TIFF supports black-and-white, grayscale, pseudo color, and true color images, all of which can be stored in a compressed or decompressed format. Single file— possible file extensions *.tif, *.tiff, *.tff
ArcCatalog only recognizes the .tif file extension by default. To add .tiff or .tff files to ArcMap without renaming them, add those file extensions to ArcCatalog or drag those files from Windows Explorer into your map.
ERDAS RAW Provides a method for reading and displaying files that are not otherwise supported by another format but are formatted in such a way that the arrangement of the data may be described by a relatively small number of parameters. By creating an ASCII description file that describes the layout of the raster data, it can be displayed without translation into a proprietary format. The format is defined in the ERDAS IMAGINE software. Single file—extension *.raw
Portable Network Graphics (PNG) Provides a portable, legally unencumbered, well-compressed, well-specified standard for lossless bitmapped raster files. It is meant as a replacement for .gif files and supports a large range of bit depths, from monochrome to 64-bit color. Its features include indexed-color images of up to 256 colors and effective 100 percent lossless images of up to 16 bits per pixel. Single file—extension *.png
National Image Transfer Format (NITF) Developed by NGA as a standardized format for images and supporting data. It has become the standard for digital imagery and imagery-related products for the United States intelligence community and other departments and agencies of the U.S. government and is now being adopted as a standard by civilian organizations (ISO/ANSI) and governments outside the United States (for example, NATO). Single file—extension *.ntf

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