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Opening a map

Release 9.1
Last modified December 7, 2006
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About map documents

A map doesn't store the spatial data displayed on it, it stores references to the location of data sources such as:

When you open a map, ArcMap checks the links to the data. If it can't find some data—for instance, if the source data for a layer has been deleted or renamed or a network drive is not accessible—ArcMap lets you locate it. If the data is currently unavailable, you can ignore the broken link and display the map without the layer. The layer will still be part of the map and listed in the table of contents; it simply won't display.

Every map can have its own interface. Anytime you change a map's interface—for example, move a button, add a button to a toolbar, or create your own toolbar—the changes are saved to the map. Not only can you make a map look the way you want, you can also tailor the interface to work the way you want.
Learn more about repairing broken data links
Learn more about customizing the interface

How to open a map

Opening a map from ArcCatalog

  1. Start ArcCatalog if it isn't already running.

  2. Learn how to start ArcCatalog
  3. Navigate to the folder in ArcCatalog that contains your map.
  4. Double-click the map to open it in ArcMap.


  • You can only work on one map at a time in a single ArcMap session. ArcMap will close any open map before opening another one. However, you can run multiple ArcMap sessions. Double-clicking a map in ArcCatalog will always open that map in its own ArcMap session. You can also double-click a map in the Windows Explorer to open it.
  • If you are not sure which map you need, you can click the Thumbnails button Thumbnails button on the ArcCatalog Standard toolbar to get a look at the maps the folder contains.

Opening a map from ArcMap

  1. Click the Open button Open button on the Standard toolbar.
  2. Click the Look in dropdown arrow and navigate to the folder that contains the map.
  3. Click the map you want to open.
  4. Click Open.


  • You can only work on one map at a time in a single ArcMap session. ArcMap will close any open map before opening another one. However, you can run multiple ArcMap sessions. Double-clicking a map in ArcCatalog will always open that map in its own ArcMap session. You can also double-click a map in the Windows Explorer to open it.

Opening a recently opened map

  1. Click the File menu.
  2. Click a map from the list of recently opened maps.

Opening a map from the Startup dialog box

  1. Start ArcMap if it isn't already running.

  2. Learn how to start ArcMap
  3. Click File and click Open.
  4. Click the Look in dropdown arrow and navigate to the folder that contains the map.
  5. Click the map you want to open.
  6. Click Open.

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