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Changing the default RGB band combination

Release 9.1
Last modified December 7, 2006
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About changing the RGB band combination

When you add a single-band raster dataset, the value of each cell is drawn as a color or a shade of gray, depending on the data. When you add a multiband raster dataset, three of its bands are combined to form a composite image, where each band supplies either the red, green, or blue display value. From the Raster tab in the Options dialog box, you can choose which band will provide which value. You can specify a different set of defaults, mapping bands to RGB display values for datasets with three bands and those with four or more bands.

How to change the RGB band combination

  1. Click the Tools on the Main menu and click Options.
  2. Click the Raster tab.
  3. Type the number of the band that will provide the red display value for raster datasets with three bands.
  4. Type the number of the band that will provide the green values.
  5. Type the number of the band that will provide the blue values.
  6. Repeat steps 3, 4 and 5 for raster datasets with four or more bands.
  7. Click OK.

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