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Geoprocessing tool reference
Environment Settings
Raster Analysis settings
The output , or , for any operation or function. The default output resolution is determined by the coarsest of the input raster .
The output cell size, or resolution, for any operation or function can be set to any size desired. The default output resolution is determined by the coarsest of the input raster datasets.
Learn more about setting the Cell Size
Usage tips
In ModelBuilder
- In ModelBuilder, Cell Size will also show a list of variables. If you create raster dataset, raster layer, or cell size variables in your model you will see these as selectable options in the cell size drop-down list. These choices are easily recognizable because they appear as either "Same as variable <
>" or "Same as layer <
- The list will also show derived data in the drop down list. Derived data by definition does not already exist before the model is executed and therefore can't be selected as the model cell size. So if you are setting the cell size for the entire model do not select derived data.
- You can selected derived data only if you are setting the cell size for a single process and the derived data will be created before the process will execute. In your model diagram you will see a condition connector line appear that forces the model to first execute the process with the derived data element.
- In ArcGIS 9.2, Cell Size is dynamic which allows for the additional selection of raster dataset, raster layer, or cell size variables. However, if you open the cell size environment and choose As specified below, the cell size will become static. The variable you had selected will no longer define the extent and the connector line will be automatically removed from your model. To make cell size dynamic again you will need to re-set the cell size by selecting a different drop-down list choice.
Command line syntax
An overview of the command line window
CellSize <MAXOF | MINOF | value>
<MAXOF | MINOF | value> |
The value of the cell size.
- MAXOF (Maximum of inputs)—Largest cell size of all input datasets. This is the default.
- MINOF (Minimum of inputs)—Smallest cell size of all input datasets.
- As specified below—Specify your own cell size value.
String |
Data types for geoprocessing tool parameters
Command line example
CellSize 20
CellSize MAXOF
Scripting syntax
An overview of scripting in geoprocessing
CellSize (cellsize)
CellSize (Required) |
The value of the cell size.
- MAXOF (Maximum of inputs)—Largest cell size of all input datasets. This is the default.
- MINOF (Minimum of inputs)—Smallest cell size of all input datasets.
- As specified below—Specify your own cell size value.
String |
Data types for geoprocessing tool parameters
Script example
import arcgisscripting
gp = arcgisscripting.create()
gp.Workspace = "h:/workspace"
gp.CellSize = 20
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