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Geoprocessing tool reference > Environment Settings > Raster Analysis settings

Cell size

Release 9.2
Last modified September 4, 2007
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The output cell size, or resolution, for any operation or function. The default output resolution is determined by the coarsest of the input raster datasets.

The output cell size, or resolution, for any operation or function can be set to any size desired. The default output resolution is determined by the coarsest of the input raster datasets.

Learn more about setting the Cell Size

Usage tips

In ModelBuilder

Command line syntax

An overview of the command line window

CellSize <MAXOF | MINOF | value>

Parameters Explanation Datatype
<MAXOF | MINOF | value> The value of the cell size.
  • MAXOF (Maximum of inputs)—Largest cell size of all input datasets. This is the default.
  • MINOF (Minimum of inputs)—Smallest cell size of all input datasets.
  • As specified below—Specify your own cell size value.

Data types for geoprocessing tool parameters

Command line example

CellSize 20
CellSize MAXOF

Scripting syntax

An overview of scripting in geoprocessing

CellSize (cellsize)

Parameters Explanation Datatype
CellSize (Required) The value of the cell size.
  • MAXOF (Maximum of inputs)—Largest cell size of all input datasets. This is the default.
  • MINOF (Minimum of inputs)—Smallest cell size of all input datasets.
  • As specified below—Specify your own cell size value.

Data types for geoprocessing tool parameters

Script example

import arcgisscripting
gp = arcgisscripting.create()

gp.Workspace = "h:/workspace"
gp.CellSize = 20

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