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Geoprocessing tool reference > Conversion toolbox

An overview of the Conversion toolbox

Release 9.2
Last modified November 9, 2006
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The Conversion toolbox contains tools that convert data between various formats. The following table lists the toolsets available in the Conversion toolbox and provides a brief description of each.

Toolset Description
From Raster toolset Contains tools that convert raster data to other formats
Metadata toolset Contains tools to validate the metadata content according to a specific metadata standard or export the metadata content to standalone metadata files that can be used with other metadata software
To CAD toolset Contains tools that prepare and convert features to a native computer-aided design (CAD) format
To Coverage toolset Contains tools that convert feature classes to the coverage format
To dBASE toolset Contains tools that convert tables to dBASE format
To Geodatabase toolset Contains tools that convert features and CAD files to geodatabase feature classes.
To Raster toolset Contains tools that convert data to rasters
To Shapefile toolset Contains tools that convert features to shapefiles

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