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Create Random Points (Data Management) (ArcInfo only)

Release 9.2
Last modified November 29, 2010
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NOTE: This tool is available with an ArcView or ArcEditor license, if the Spatial Analyst extension or the 3D Analyst extension is installed.

Creates a user specified number of random points in an extent, in the polygons of a feature class or along the lines of a feature class. Learn more about how Create Random Points works.

Usage tips

Command line syntax
An overview of the Command Line window
CreateRandomPoints_management <out_path> <out_name> {constraining_feature_class} {constraining_extent} {number_of_points_or_field}

Parameter Explanation Data Type

The ArcSDE, personal or file geodatabase, or workspace in which the output feature class will be created. This workspace must already exist.

Workspace | Raster Catalog

The name of the feature class to be created.


The feature class which contains the features into which the random points will be placed. If a polygon feature class is specified, points will be randomly placed into the polygons. If a line feature class is specified, points will be randomly placed along the lines.

Feature Layer

The extent into which points will be randomly placed. The extent will only be used if no constraining feature class is specified.


The number of points to be randomly placed. When a single number is specified, each feature in the feature class will have the same number of randomly placed points. When a field is specified, the number of randomly placed points is equal to the value of the field specified for that feature.

Field | Long
Data types for geoprocessing tool parameters

Command line example

CreateRandomPoints c:\data\project samplepoints # c:\data\project\studyarea.shp 500

Scripting syntax
About getting started with writing geoprocessing scripts
CreateRandomPoints_management (out_path, out_name, constraining_feature_class, constraining_extent, number_of_points_or_field)

Parameter Explanation Data Type
out_path (Required)

The ArcSDE, personal or file geodatabase, or workspace in which the output feature class will be created. This workspace must already exist.

Workspace | Raster Catalog
out_name (Required)

The name of the feature class to be created.

constraining_feature_class (Optional)

The feature class which contains the features into which the random points will be placed. If a polygon feature class is specified, points will be randomly placed into the polygons. If a line feature class is specified, points will be randomly placed along the lines.

Feature Layer
constraining_extent (Optional)

The extent into which points will be randomly placed. The extent will only be used if no constraining feature class is specified.

number_of_points_or_field (Optional)

The number of points to be randomly placed. When a single number is specified, each feature in the feature class will have the same number of randomly placed points. When a field is specified, the number of randomly placed points is equal to the value of the field specified for that feature.

Field | Long

Data types for geoprocessing tool parameters

Script example

# Create geoprocessor
import arcgisscripting
gp = arcgisscripting.create()
gp.overwriteoutput = 1

# Create random points in an extent defined simply by numbers
gp.outputcoordinatesystem = r"Coordinate Systems\Projected Coordinate Systems\World\Miller Cylindrical (world).prj"
gp.CreateRandomPoints("C:/temp", "myRandPnts.shp", "", "0 0 1000 1000", 100)
gp.outputcoordinatesystem = ""

# Create random points in an extent defined by another feature class
gp.CreateRandomPoints("C:/data", "testpoints.shp", "", "C:/data/studyarea.shp", 100)

# Create random points in the features of a contstraining feature class
# Number of points for each feature determined by the value in the field specified
gp.CreateRandomPoints("C:/data/county.gdb", "randpeople", "C:/data/county.gdb/blocks", "", "POP2000")

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