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Hot Spot Analysis with Rendering (Spatial Statistics)

Release 9.2
Last modified January 9, 2009
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Calculates Gi* statistics and applies a cold-to-hot type of rendering to the output z scores.


Gi* Rendered illustration

Usage tips

Command line syntax
An overview of the Command Line window
HotSpotsRendered_stats <Input_Feature_Class> <Input_Field> <Output_Layer_File> <Output_Feature_Class> <Distance_Band_or_Threshold_Distance>

Parameter Explanation Data Type

The feature class for which hot spot analysis will be performed.

Feature Layer

The numeric count field (number of victims, crimes, jobs, and so on) to be evaluated.


The layer file to store the cold-to-hot rendering information. You must include the .lyr extension as part of the file name.

Layer File

The output feature class to receive the results field and Gi z score.

Feature Class

Specifies a distance cutoff value. Features outside the specified Distance Band or Threshold Distance are ignored in the hot spot analysis. The value entered for this parameter should be in the units of the Input Feature Class' coordinate system. There is one exception. If the Output Coordinate System environment variable is set, the value entered for this parameter should be in the units of the coordinate system set in that environment.A value of zero indicates that no threshold distance is applied. This is only valid with the "Inverse Distance" and "Inverse Distance Squared" spatial conceptualizations.This parameter has no effect when "Polygon Contiguity" and "Get Spatial Weights From File" spatial conceptualizations are selected.

Data types for geoprocessing tool parameters

Command line example

workspace e:\project93\data
HotSpotsRendered tracts.shp AGE_65_UP tract65hot.lyr tracts65.shp

Scripting syntax
About getting started with writing geoprocessing scripts
HotSpotsRendered_stats (Input_Feature_Class, Input_Field, Output_Layer_File, Output_Feature_Class, Distance_Band_or_Threshold_Distance)

Parameter Explanation Data Type
Input_Feature_Class (Required)

The feature class for which hot spot analysis will be performed.

Feature Layer
Input_Field (Required)

The numeric count field (number of victims, crimes, jobs, and so on) to be evaluated.

Output_Layer_File (Required)

The layer file to store the cold-to-hot rendering information. You must include the .lyr extension as part of the file name.

Layer File
Output_Feature_Class (Required)

The output feature class to receive the results field and Gi z score.

Feature Class
Distance_Band_or_Threshold_Distance (Required)

Specifies a distance cutoff value. Features outside the specified Distance Band or Threshold Distance are ignored in the hot spot analysis. The value entered for this parameter should be in the units of the Input Feature Class' coordinate system. There is one exception. If the Output Coordinate System environment variable is set, the value entered for this parameter should be in the units of the coordinate system set in that environment.A value of zero indicates that no threshold distance is applied. This is only valid with the "Inverse Distance" and "Inverse Distance Squared" spatial conceptualizations.This parameter has no effect when "Polygon Contiguity" and "Get Spatial Weights From File" spatial conceptualizations are selected.


Data types for geoprocessing tool parameters

Script example

# Perform Hot Spot Analysis for assault incidents

# Import system modules
import arcgisscripting

# Create the Geoprocessor object
gp = arcgisscripting.create()

# Local variables...
workspace = "C:/project93/data"
input = "assaults.shp"
collect_output = "collect_output.shp"
collect_count_field = "Count"
hotspot_output = "hotspot_output.shp"
hotspot_output_rendered = "hotspot_output_rendered.lyr"

    # Set the current workspace (to avoid having to specify the full path to the feature classes each time)
    gp.workspace = workspace

    # Convert assault incidents into weighted point data
    # Process: Collect Events...
    gp.CollectEvents_stats(input, collect_output)

    # Calculate Getis-Ord Gi* statistic and render
    # Process: Hot Spot Analysis with Rendering...
    gp.HotSpotsRendered_stats(collect_output, collect_count_field, hotspot_output_rendered, hotspot_output)

    # If an error occurred when running the tool, print out the error message.
    print gp.GetMessages()

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