Environment commands cross-reference |
Release 9.2
Last modified November 9, 2006 |
Print all topics in : "Using tools in the command line" |
The tables below are arranged by environment category. The first column in the table is the Command Line window command name. Click the command name to display the help reference page for the environment. The second column is the display name as shown in the environment setting dialog box. The last column lists the parameters for the command. For an explanation of the parameters, click on the command name.
Command name | Display name | Parameters |
extent | Output Extent | <MINOF | MAXOF | value> |
geographicTransformations | Geographic Transformations | <value table> |
MResolution | M Resolution | <linear unit> |
MTolerance | M Tolerance | <linear unit> |
outputCoordinateSystem | Output Coordinate System | <outputCoordinateSystem> |
outputMFlag | Output has M Values | <DEFAULT | TRUE | FALSE> |
outputZFlag | Output has Z Values | <DEFAULT | TRUE | FALSE> |
outputZValue | Default Output Z Value | <value> |
qualifiedFieldNames | Maintain fully qualified field names | <QUALIFIED | UNQUALIFIED> |
randomGenerator | Random number generator | <Random number generator> |
scratchWorkspace | Scratch Workspace | <path> |
workspace | Current Workspace | <path> |
XYResolution | XY Resolution | <linear unit> |
XYTolerance | XY Tolerance | <linear unit> |
ZResolution | Z Resolution | <linear unit> |
ZTolerance | Z Tolerance | <linear unit> |
Command name | Display name | Parameters |
cartographicCoordinateSystem | Cartographic Coordinate System | <coordinateSystem> |
referenceScale | Reference Scale | <value> |
Command name | Display name | Parameters |
derivedPrecision | Precision for Derived Coverages | <HIGHEST | LOWEST| SINGLE | DOUBLE> |
newPrecision | Precision for New Coverages | <SINGLE | DOUBLE> |
projectCompare | Level of Comparison Between Projection Files | <NONE | PARTIAL | FULL> |
Command name | Display name | Parameters |
configKeyword | Output CONFIG keyword | <string> |
MDomain | Output M Domain | <value> |
spatialGrid1 | Output Spatial Grid 1 | <cellsize_value> |
spatialGrid2 | Output Spatial Grid 2 | <cellsize_value> |
spatialGrid3 | Output Spatial Grid 3 | <cellsize_value> |
XYDomain | Output XY Domain | <xydomain> |
ZDomain | Output XY domain | <zdomain> |
Command name | Display name | Parameters |
cellSize | Cell Size | <MAXIMUM | MINIMUM | value> |
mask | Mask | <raster_dataset> |
Command name | Display name | Parameters |
compression | Compression | <compression_type> |
pyramid | Pyramid | <pyramid_option> {levels} {interpolation_type} |
rasterStatistics | Raster Statistics | <value> |
tileSize | Tile Size | <string> |