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Geoprocessing > Automating your work with scripts > Scripting object: Properties and Methods

Geoprocessor object

Release 9.3
Last modified January 19, 2010
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Note: This topic was updated for 9.3.1.

Scripting is the ability to use the geoprocessor functions from any number of current scripting environments, such as Python, VBScript, JScript, and Perl. A new ArcObjects component, the geoprocessor object, is the main vehicle for exposing the geoprocessing functions to the scripting languages. It is an object that provides a single access point and environment for the execution of any geoprocessing tool in ArcGIS, including extensions.

The geoprocessor object methods and properties are exposed for scripting and command line usage. They do not exist as tools in any toolbox.

For further information about scripting; its uses within a GIS; and which scripting language to use, as well as additional samples, see An overview of writing geoprocessing scripts.

Some methods and properties behave differently depending on whether a 9.2-version or 9.3-version geoprocessor is used. For a breakdown of the differences, see Differences between geoprocessor versions.

Learn more about the geoprocessor programming model

A - F

Expression Explanation
AddError Adds a return message of severity = 2 to the queue.
AddFieldDelimiters Adds field delimiters to a field name to allow for use in SQL expressions.
AddIDMessage Adds an error or warning message complete with ID code.
AddMessage Adds a return message of severity = 0 to the queue.
AddReturnMessage Adds a message, from the function message queue, to the return queue.
AddToolbox Gets the specified toolbox and exposes its functionality.
AddWarning Adds a return message of severity = 1 to the queue.
CheckExtension Checks license availability of a specific type of extension.
CheckInExtension Returns the license to the License Manager so other applications can use it.
CheckOutExtension Retrieves the license for a specific type of extension.
CheckProduct Checks which desktop licenses are available.
ClearEnvironment Resets a specific environment setting to its default.
Command Parses the specified command line as a string.
CopyParameter Copies the selected parameter definition to the specified parameter list.
CreateObject Specifies the geoprocessor object model object to be created.
CreateRandomValueGenerator Returns an object that is used to create random values.
CreateScratchName Creates a scratch path name of the given data type.
CreateUniqueName Creates a unique name.
Describe Describes such properties as type, name, spatial reference, domains; versioning for DataElements such as FeatureClasses, Tables, GeoDatasets, CoverageFeatureClasses, Datasets, RelationshipClasses, Files, Layers, and Workspaces; as well as geoprocessing objects such as TableViews and FeatureLayers.
Exists Tests if the specified input exists and returns a Boolean value.

G - L

Expression Explanation
GetInstallInfo Returns a dictionary object of installation properties.
GetMessage Gets the specified message descriptions that were returned.
GetMessages Gets all message descriptions that were returned.
GetParameter Selects the specified parameter, by its index position, from the list of parameters. This method returns an object.
GetParameterAsText Selects the specified parameter, by its index position, from the list of parameters. This method returns a string.
GetParameterCount Returns the parameter count of a tool.
GetParameterInfo Returns a list of parameter objects for a tool.
GetParameterValue Returns a tool's parameter default value.
GetReturnCode For the specified message index, where the severity = 2, the error code is returned.
GetSeverity Returns the severity of the message of the given index (0 = ok, 1 = warning, 2 = error).
GetSystemEnvironment Gets the specified system environment variable.
InsertCursor Inserts rows into a table or feature class.
IsSynchronous Determines if a tool is synchronous or asynchronous.
ListDatasets Lists all datasets that fit the search criteria. Specifying search conditions (wildcard) and a feature type will limit the results.
ListEnvironments Lists all environment settings that fit the search criteria. Specifying search conditions (wildcard) will limit the results.
ListFeatureClasses Lists all feature classes from the selected workspace. Specifying search conditions (wildcard) and a feature type will limit the results.
ListFields List all the fields in the specified table, feature class, or shapefile. Specifying search conditions (wildcard) and a field type will limit the results.
ListIndexes List all the indexes in the specified table, feature class, or shapefile. Specifying search conditions (wildcard) will limit the results.
ListInstallations Returns a list object of the install types, suitable for use with GetInstallInfo.
ListRasters Lists all rasters from the selected workspace. Specifying search conditions (wildcard) and a feature type will limit the results.
ListTables Lists all tables from the selected workspace. Specifying search conditions (wildcard) and a table type will limit the results.
ListToolboxes Lists all toolboxes that fit the search criteria. Specifying search conditions (wildcard) will limit the results.
ListTools Lists all tools that fit the search criteria. Specifying search conditions (wildcard) will limit the results.
ListWorkspaces Lists any workspaces within the selected workspace. Specifying search conditions (wildcard) and a workspace type will limit the results.
LoadSettings Loads environment settings from an Extensible Markup Language (XML) environment settings file.

M - R

Expression Explanation
MaxSeverity Sets the maximum severity.
MessageCount Returns a numeric count of all the returned messages from the last executed command.
OverWriteOutput Allows or restricts the overwriting of existing outputs.
ParameterCount The number of parameters returned.
ParseFieldName Truncates a portion of the specified field name.
ParseTableName Truncates a portion of the specified table name.
ProductInfo Reports what the current product license is.
QualifyFieldName Prefixes a field name string with the <database>.<username> if required.
QualifyTableName Prefixes a table name string with the <database>.<username> if required.
RemoveToolbox Removes access to named toolbox for this current session.
ResetEnvironments Resets all environment settings to their default settings.
ResetProgressor Resets the progressor back to its initial settings.

S - Z

Expression Explanation
SaveSettings Saves senvironment settings to an XML environment settings file.
ScriptVersion Returns the geoprocessor version based on the arcgisscripting.create() method.
SearchCursor Establishes a cursor for searching through field rows.
SetParameter Sets the specified parameter property using an object. The set parameter is selected from the existing parameter list by its index.
SetParameterAsText Sets the specified parameter property using a string. The set parameter is selected from the existing parameter list by its index.
SetProduct Defines the desktop license used by a script.
SetProgressor Establishes a progressor that allows information to be passed to a progress dialog box.
SetProgressorLabel Updates the progressor label.
SetProgressorPosition Updates the progressor position.
TestSchemaLock Tests if a schema lock can be acquired for a table, feature class, or feature dataset. A number of tools require a schema lock on the input data because they alter the data’s schema. The Add Field tool is an example of such a tool. If a tool requires a schema lock and it cannot acquire one at the time of execution, an appropriate error message is returned. The method does not actually apply the schema lock.
Toolbox Specifies the toolbox for the current geoprocessing session.
UpdateCursor Positionally updates and deletes rows in a table.
Usage Displays the syntax for the specified function.
ValidateFieldName Returns a valid field name based on name restrictions present in the output geodatabase.
ValidateTableName Returns a valid table name based on name restrictions present in the output geodatabase.

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