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Make XY Event Layer (Data Management)

Release 9.3
Last modified March 8, 2012
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NOTE: This topic was updated for 9.3.1.

Makes a point layer based on x- and y-coordinates from a source table. The layer that is created by the tool is temporary and will not persist after the session ends unless the document is saved.

Usage tips

Command line syntax
An overview of the Command Line window
MakeXYEventLayer_management <table> <in_x_field> <in_y_field> <out_layer> {spatial_reference}

Parameter Explanation Data Type

The table that contains the x- and y-coordinates that define the location of the points in the layer.

Table View

The field in the table that contains the x-coordinates.


The field in the table that contains the y-coordinates.


The name of the point layer generated by Make XY Event Layer.

Feature Layer

The spatial reference of the coordinates in the X and Y fields defined above. This will be the output layer's coordinate system.

Spatial Reference
Data types for geoprocessing tool parameters

Command line example

MakeXYEventLayer D:\tables81\xyevent\data\xy.mdb\places_utm11 latitude longitude places_socal spatial_reference1

Scripting syntax
About getting started with writing geoprocessing scripts
MakeXYEventLayer_management (table, in_x_field, in_y_field, out_layer, spatial_reference)

Parameter Explanation Data Type
table (Required)

The table that contains the x- and y-coordinates that define the location of the points in the layer.

Table View
in_x_field (Required)

The field in the table that contains the x-coordinates.

in_y_field (Required)

The field in the table that contains the y-coordinates.

out_layer (Required)

The name of the point layer generated by Make XY Event Layer.

Feature Layer
spatial_reference (Optional)

The spatial reference of the coordinates in the X and Y fields defined above. This will be the output layer's coordinate system.

Spatial Reference

Data types for geoprocessing tool parameters

Script example

# Description: Creates an XY layer and exports it to a layer file
# Requirements: Python
# Author: ESRI
# Date 2/06/2004

# Create the Geoprocessor object
import arcgisscripting, sys, string, os
gp = arcgisscripting.create()

    # Prepare the variables
    in_Table = r"\\bobmk\temp\xy.mdb\places_utm11"
    in_x = "latitude"
    in_y = "longitude"
    out_Layer = "places_socal"

    # Set the spatial reference
    # NOTE: you must have the "Coordinate Systems" turned on
    # To do this click tools/options and check "Coordinate Systems"
    # in the General Tab
    spref = r"Coordinate Systems\Projected Coordinate Systems\Utm\Nad 1983\NAD 1983 UTM Zone 11N.prj"

    # Make the XY event...
    gp.MakeXYEventLayer(in_Table, in_x, in_y, out_Layer, spref)

    # Print the total rows
    pDSC = gp.describe(out_Layer)
    print gp.getcount(out_Layer)

    # Save to a layer file
    gp.SaveToLayerFile(out_Layer, "D:/temp/places_socal.lyr")

    # If an error occurred, print the message to the screen
    print gp.GetMessages()

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