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Make Service Area Layer (Network Analyst)

Release 9.3
Last modified December 23, 2008
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Makes a service area network analysis layer and sets its navigation properties

Usage tips

Command line syntax
An overview of the Command Line window
MakeServiceAreaLayer_na <in_network_dataset> <out_network_analysis_layer> <impedance_attribute> {TRAVEL_FROM | TRAVEL_TO} {default_break_values} {SIMPLE_POLYS | DETAILED_POLYS | NO_POLYS} {NO_MERGE | NO_OVERLAP | MERGE} {RINGS | DISKS} {NO_LINES | TRUE_LINES | TRUE_LINES_WITH_MEASURES} {OVERLAP | NON_OVERLAP} {NO_SPLIT | SPLIT} {excluded_source_name;excluded_source_name...} {accumulate_attribute_name;accumulate_attribute_name...} {ALLOW_UTURNS | NO_UTURNS | ALLOW_DEAD_ENDS_ONLY} {restriction_attribute_name;restriction_attribute_name...} {TRIM_POLYS | NO_TRIM_POLYS} {poly_trim_value} {NO_LINES_SOURCE_FIELDS | LINES_SOURCE_FIELDS}

Parameter Explanation Data Type

The network dataset on which the service area analysis will be performed.

Network Dataset Layer

Name of the service area network analysis layer being created.


The cost attribute to be used as impedance in the analysis.


Specifies the direction to or from facilities.

  • TRAVEL_FROM — Analysis navigates from facilities.
  • TRAVEL_TO — Analysis navigates to facilities.


Default impedance values at which to break the service area polygons. The default can be overridden by the value of <impedance attribute> for the facility.


Specifies the type of polygon to be generated.

  • SIMPLE_POLYS — Creates simplified polygons which can be generated faster. This is the default.
  • DETAILED_POLYS — Creates detailed polygons, which are more accurate than the simplified polygons.
  • NO_POLYS — Turns off polygon generation for the case in which only service area lines are desired.


Specifies if polygons should be merged if they share similar ranges.

  • NO_MERGE — Creates individual polygons for each facility. These polygons may overlap.
  • NO_OVERLAP — Creates individual polygons that are closest for each facility. The polygons do not overlap each other.
  • MERGE — Joins the polygons of multiple facilities having the same break values.


Specifies if the output should contain nested polygons.

  • RINGS — Does not include the area of the smaller breaks. Creates the polygons going from the smaller break to the larger break.
  • DISKS — Creates the polygons going from the facility to the break.


Specifies the type of lines to be generated.

  • NO_LINES — Does not generate lines. This is the default.
  • TRUE_LINES — Lines are generated, but not with measures.
  • TRUE_LINES_WITH_MEASURES — Lines are generated with measures.


Determines if overlap lines are generated when service area lines are computed.

  • OVERLAP — The lines can overlap when service area lines are computed and there is more than one facility.
  • NON_OVERLAP — The intersecting locations are computed and no overlaps are returned. The point of intersection will be midway, based on the impedance attribute, between the various overlapping service area lines.


Splits lines when they cross a service area break.

  • SPLIT — Splits the lines at breaks and assigns the appropriate cumulative attribute and measure values.
  • NO_SPLIT — The lines are not split at the break level if multiple breaks are specified. This is the default.


When generating the polygons, the geometry of traversed elements from the excluded sources will not be considered. For example: excluding a subway edge source from a pedestrian walk zone polygon, since it is impossible to exit the subway along an edge.


List of cost attributes to be accumulated during analysis.


Specifies optional U-turn restrictions.

  • ALLOW_UTURNS — U-turns will be possible anywhere (default).
  • NO_UTURNS — No u-turns will be allowed during navigation.
  • ALLOW_DEAD_ENDS_ONLY — U-turns will be possible only at the dead ends (i.e., single-valent junctions).


List of restriction attributes to be honored during analysis.


Specifies that the polygons will be trimmed further.

  • TRIM_POLYS — Trims the polygons containing the edges at the prephiery of the service area further to be within the specified distance of these outer edges. By default, this is 100 meters.
  • NO_TRIM_POLYS — Does not trim polygons further.


The polygon trim value is used to trim the service area polygon. The parameter includes a value and units for the value. The default value is 100 meters. This value is used if the Trim_Polys option is used.

Linear unit

Determines if overlap lines are generated when service area lines are computed.

  • NO_LINES_SOURCE_FIELDS — The source fields are not written out to the service area lines layer.
  • LINES_SOURCE_FIELDS — The source fields are written out the service area lines layer.

Data types for geoprocessing tool parameters

Command line example

MakeServiceAreaLayer AllSt_ND '3 Ring Analysis' DriveTime TRAVEL_FROM '1 5 10' MERGE  NESTED Metro;Rail Miles ALLOW_UTURNS Oneways;NoCommercialVehicles

Scripting syntax
About getting started with writing geoprocessing scripts
MakeServiceAreaLayer_na (in_network_dataset, out_network_analysis_layer, impedance_attribute, travel_from_to, default_break_values, polygon_type, merge, nesting_type, line_type, overlap, split, excluded_source_name, accumulate_attribute_name, UTurn_policy, restriction_attribute_name, polygon_trim, poly_trim_value, lines_source_fields)

Parameter Explanation Data Type
in_network_dataset (Required)

The network dataset on which the service area analysis will be performed.

Network Dataset Layer
out_network_analysis_layer (Required)

Name of the service area network analysis layer being created.

impedance_attribute (Required)

The cost attribute to be used as impedance in the analysis.

travel_from_to (Optional)

Specifies the direction to or from facilities.

  • TRAVEL_FROM — Analysis navigates from facilities.
  • TRAVEL_TO — Analysis navigates to facilities.

default_break_values (Optional)

Default impedance values at which to break the service area polygons. The default can be overridden by the value of <impedance attribute> for the facility.

polygon_type (Optional)

Specifies the type of polygon to be generated.

  • SIMPLE_POLYS — Creates simplified polygons which can be generated faster. This is the default.
  • DETAILED_POLYS — Creates detailed polygons, which are more accurate than the simplified polygons.
  • NO_POLYS — Turns off polygon generation for the case in which only service area lines are desired.

merge (Optional)

Specifies if polygons should be merged if they share similar ranges.

  • NO_MERGE — Creates individual polygons for each facility. These polygons may overlap.
  • NO_OVERLAP — Creates individual polygons that are closest for each facility. The polygons do not overlap each other.
  • MERGE — Joins the polygons of multiple facilities having the same break values.

nesting_type (Optional)

Specifies if the output should contain nested polygons.

  • RINGS — Does not include the area of the smaller breaks. Creates the polygons going from the smaller break to the larger break.
  • DISKS — Creates the polygons going from the facility to the break.

line_type (Optional)

Specifies the type of lines to be generated.

  • NO_LINES — Does not generate lines. This is the default.
  • TRUE_LINES — Lines are generated, but not with measures.
  • TRUE_LINES_WITH_MEASURES — Lines are generated with measures.

overlap (Optional)

Determines if overlap lines are generated when service area lines are computed.

  • OVERLAP — The lines can overlap when service area lines are computed and there is more than one facility.
  • NON_OVERLAP — The intersecting locations are computed and no overlaps are returned. The point of intersection will be midway, based on the impedance attribute, between the various overlapping service area lines.

split (Optional)

Splits lines when they cross a service area break.

  • SPLIT — Splits the lines at breaks and assigns the appropriate cumulative attribute and measure values.
  • NO_SPLIT — The lines are not split at the break level if multiple breaks are specified. This is the default.

excluded_source_name (Optional)

When generating the polygons, the geometry of traversed elements from the excluded sources will not be considered. For example: excluding a subway edge source from a pedestrian walk zone polygon, since it is impossible to exit the subway along an edge.

accumulate_attribute_name (Optional)

List of cost attributes to be accumulated during analysis.

UTurn_policy (Optional)

Specifies optional U-turn restrictions.

  • ALLOW_UTURNS — U-turns will be possible anywhere (default).
  • NO_UTURNS — No u-turns will be allowed during navigation.
  • ALLOW_DEAD_ENDS_ONLY — U-turns will be possible only at the dead ends (i.e., single-valent junctions).

restriction_attribute_name (Optional)

List of restriction attributes to be honored during analysis.

polygon_trim (Optional)

Specifies that the polygons will be trimmed further.

  • TRIM_POLYS — Trims the polygons containing the edges at the prephiery of the service area further to be within the specified distance of these outer edges. By default, this is 100 meters.
  • NO_TRIM_POLYS — Does not trim polygons further.

poly_trim_value (Optional)

The polygon trim value is used to trim the service area polygon. The parameter includes a value and units for the value. The default value is 100 meters. This value is used if the Trim_Polys option is used.

Linear unit
lines_source_fields (Optional)

Determines if overlap lines are generated when service area lines are computed.

  • NO_LINES_SOURCE_FIELDS — The source fields are not written out to the service area lines layer.
  • LINES_SOURCE_FIELDS — The source fields are written out the service area lines layer.


Data types for geoprocessing tool parameters

Script example

import arcgisscripting
gp = arcgisscripting.create()

gp.MakeServiceAreaLayer(AllSt_ND, "3 Ring Analysis", "DriveTime", "TRAVEL_FROM", "1 5 10", "MERGE", "NESTED", "Metro;Rail", "Miles", "ALLOW_UTURNS", "Oneways;NoCommercialVehicles" Oneway TRIM_POLYS "200 Feet" NO_LINES_SOURCE_FIELDS )

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