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Extensions > Spatial Analyst > Getting started with Spatial Analyst

An overview of Spatial Analyst

Release 9.3
Last modified April 24, 2009
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Note: This topic was updated for 9.3.1.

ArcGIS Spatial Analyst provides a broad range of powerful spatial modeling and analysis features. You can create, query, map, and analyze cell-based raster data; perform integrated raster/vector analysis; derive new information from existing data; query information across multiple data layers; and fully integrate cell-based raster data with traditional vector data sources.

With ArcGIS Spatial Analyst, you can:

Learn about other types of analysis you can perform on your data using Spatial Analyst tools by browsing through the "Spatial Analyst functional reference" or the "Analysis concepts" book of the Spatial Analyst Help.

How do I access Spatial Analyst functionality?

The Spatial Analyst toolbar contains some of the most common Spatial Analyst functions and is useful when you only need to run individual tools. It also contains interactive tools for contouring and creating histograms. If you use Map Algebra, the Raster Calculator provides an interface for typing Map Algebra syntax.

Learn more about the Spatial Analyst toolbar.

If you need to perform the same operation on multiple inputs or run a sequence of operations to model and analyze a complex spatial relationship, you can automate your workflow by running geoprocessing tools. You can connect tools in sequence in a model to create a workflow that can be easily modified and re-run, or you can write a script that will run the same tool on multiple inputs.

Learn more about the Spatial Analyst toolbox.

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