Our online community consists of an enthusiastic group of users and Safe Software staff participating in our various online resources.
FME User Central
FME User Group
FME Certification Program
FME User Central is an access point to technical resources for FME users. Be sure to bookmark this site to get direct access to all the information, tools and news you need to build your FME expertise.
fmepedia is Safe Software's user collaboration site. Based on Mediawiki, fmepedia is a wiki that is maintained both by Safe Software staff as well as members of our user community.
The FME User Group is a forum for FME users to ask questions, receive help, and exchange information on FME products. Questions about FME formats, processing capabilities, future plans, documentation, FME Objects, mapping files and coordinate conversion issues are welcome.
The Safe Software FME Certification Program is a technical skill credentials program that identifies high-quality, knowledgeable FME consultants and trainers. There are two designations available: FME Certified Professional and FME Certified Trainer. Individuals who receive these prestigious designations must demonstrate deep expertise in FME and meet the quality standards set by Safe Software. Certification offers FME experts a great way to gain a competitive edge in their industries.
This program supersedes the previous FME Most Valued Professional (MVP) program.