If you install FME from the CD, Safe Software automatically installs grid shift files for the following datum transformations:
AGD66 <-> GDA94 (Australia)
AGD84 <-> GDA94 (Australia)
ED50 <-> ETRF89 (Spain)
NAD27 <-> NAD83 (Canada)*
NAD27 <-> NAD83 (USA)*
NTF <-> RGF93 (France)
NZGD49 <-> NZGD2K (New Zealand)
OSGB <-> OSTN97 (Great Britain)
OSGB <-> OSTN02 (Great Britain)
* |
Adding support for NAD83 <-> NAD27 Datum Shifts: When you install FME, one of the installation panels determines which NAD83 <-> NAD27 datum shifts will take precedence in FME. If you choose "Yes" FME will give precedence to the Canadian method in areas near the Canada-U.S. border. If you choose "No" FME will give precedence to the U.S. (NADCON) method in areas near the Canada-U.S. border. NOTE: You can always change the precedence of these files later; for example, if you work with both Canadian and U.S. data. See Maintaining Grid Shift Files. |
If you download and install FME, Safe Software provides grid shift files for the following datum transformations:
NAD27 <-> NAD83 (United States)
If your translation is failing or producing warnings because of missing grid shift files, you can install many of them using the Grid Shift File Installer available on the Datum Transformations and Grid Shift Files page on our website. This installer runs automatically if you install FME from CD.
Safe Software cannot provide grid shift files for the transformations listed below. In these cases, is it necessary to contact the appropriate jurisdiction to obtain the required files.
NAD27 <-> CSRS (Canadian provinces)
NAD83 <-> CSRS (Canadian provinces)
ATS77 <-> NAD83 (Province of New Brunswick)
ATS77 <-> NAD27 (Province of New Brunswick)
DHDN <-> ETRS89 (Germany)
For detailed information on any of these files, select Tools > Browse Coordinate Systems, and press the F1 key.
These text files will be included in the FME Reproject directory when you install FME from CD.
To use the OSTN02®transformation if you are running a beta version of FME, you will have to obtain the OSTN02_OSGM02_GB.txt data file from the Ordnance Survey and place it in the FME Reproject directory. If you install from a current release of the FME CD, the OSTN97.TXT file will already be included in the FME Reproject directory.
Users should not normally have to use this projection to define their own systems – FME ships with the OSGB-GPS-2002 coordinate system, which is based on this projection.
To use the OSTN97®transformation if you are running a downloaded version of FME, you will have to obtain the OSTN97.TXT data file from the Ordnance Survey and place it in the FME Reproject directory. If you have installed FME from the CD, the OSTN97.TXT file will already be included in the FME Reproject directory.
Users should not normally have to use this projection to define their own systems – FME ships with the OSGB-GPS coordinate system, which is based on this projection. For further information, visit:
If you installed a beta or downloaded version of FME, you can add these files with the Grid Shift File Installer available on the Datum Transformations and Grid Shift Files page on our website.
For more information on individual grid shift files, see USE Data Transformation Approximations.