Setting Dataset Fanout Properties

See About Fanout for more information on dataset fanout.

See Setting Feature Type Fanout Properties for more information on setting feature type fanout.


  1. Select the output dataset in the Navigation pane, right-click and choose Fanout Dataset:

  1. An Edit Fanout Parameters dialog will appear.

Combining Feature Type and Dataset Fanouts

You can combine Feature Type and Dataset Fanouts.

For example, if you are working with a directory-based format and you perform a feature type fanout on attribute A and a dataset fanout on attribute B, then you'll end up with multiple directories of files, with the filenames dependent on the values of attribute A.

Dataset Fanout and Temporary Disk Storage

Note that a Dataset Fanout can have a huge impact on temporary disk storage, since there is no guarantee that features arrive at the fanout in a single dataset group. Therefore, FME has to write all of the datasets to temporary storage then fan them out afterwards.

Feature Type Fanout has no similar issues, so you may get away with it if your destination format is directory-based.