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Constructing a sketch vertex using angle and distance


Segment 2 of 7

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To start a sketch, click the tool palette dropdown arrow and click the Sketch tool. Move the pointer to the broken section of the road casing in the top left corner of the canvas. The pointer should snap to the end of the road casing feature. Once the first vertex of the new road casing is properly placed, you can use a variety of methods to construct the rest of the line feature.

Before creating the second vertex, you must first set the length of the line. Press Ctrl+L or right-click the map and click Length.

If you move the pointer after you've set the length, you'll notice that you can’t stretch the line further than your length measurement. This is called a constraint. You must also set an angle constraint to create the second vertex. Press Ctrl+A to set the direction to the next vertex.

Ctrl+L and Ctrl+A are two of the keyboard shortcuts that you can use to make editing quicker.

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