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Transfer attributes from features in one feature class to features in another


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The Attribute Transfer tool is used to transfer attributes from features in a source layer to features in a target layer. Source and target layers and the attributes to be transferred are defined in the Attribute Transfer Mapping dialog box. The Attribute Transfer tool is then used to interactively transfer those attributes between features of the source and target layers.

In this example you’ll see how to transfer the street name and type attributes from an existing street to a new street recently added to the database.

Before you transfer attributes, you should set your snapping environment for your source and target layers. This will ensure that you select the correct feature when using the Attribute Transfer tool.

The first step in the Attribute Transfer process is to set the source and target layers. The Attribute Transfer Mapping dialog box allows you to define these settings.

The next step is to specify which fields to use for the attribute transfer. To do so, you select a field in the source layer and match it to a corresponding field in the target layer. The Attribute Transfer tool uses these matched fields to determine which data to transfer.

Prior to performing the attribute transfer, you should verify the attributes of the source and target features. This can be done using the Identify tool.

To transfer attributes between features, click the Attribute Transfer tool on the Spatial Adjustment toolbar, then click the source feature, and then click the target feature. The attributes you specified are transferred from the source to the target feature.

After you transfer attributes you can use the Identify tool to check your work.

To transfer the attributes of a source feature to multiple target features, hold down the Shift key while selecting the target features.

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