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In its simplest form, a raster consists of a matrix of cells (or pixels) organized into rows and columns (or a grid) where each cell contains a value representing information, such as temperature. Rasters are digital aerial photographs, imagery from satellites, digital pictures, or even scanned maps.

Data stored in a raster format represents real-world phenomena, such as

Thematic and continuous rasters may be displayed as layers along with other geographic data on your map.

While the structure of raster data is simple, it is exceptionally useful for a wide range of applications. In ArcGIS Explorer the uses of raster data as layers may be categorized as follows:

To add raster data to the map

On the Home tab, in the Map group, click Add Content and then click Raster Data... and browse for an image file to add.

ArcGIS Explorer supports the display of many raster formats, including: Imagine image (.img), bitmap (.bmp), JPEG (.jpg, .jpeg), Portable Network Graphics (.png), Graphics Interchange Format (.gif), Tagged Image File Format (.tif, .tiff), ARC/INFO and Space Imaging BIL (.bil), ARC/INFO and Space Imaging BIP (.bip), ARC/INFO and Space Imaging BSQ (.bsq), DTED Level 0-2 (.dted), ERDAS 7.5 LAN (.lan), ERDAS 7.5 GIS (.gis), JP2 (.jp2), MrSID (.sid), RAW (.raw), NTIF (.ntf), USGS ASCII DEM (.dem), X11 Pixmap (.xpm), PC Raster (.map), PCI Geomatics Database File (.pix), JPC (.jpc), J2C (.j2c), J2K (.j2k), HDF (.hdf), BSB (.kap), Raster Product Format RPF, CIB, CADRG (.toc), DIGEST ASRP & USRP (.img).

Georeference a raster

If the raster has a coordinate system defined it will be drawn on the map. If the coordinate system is undefined you will be prompted to georeference the raster. If you choose to georeference a raster you will see the following dialog:

Pan and zoom the map to the geographic location where you want the raster to display. Click the Fit to Display button to move the raster closer to the desired location. Use the Get position button and click a location on the raster. After clicking, the raster will turn off, allowing you to see and click the corresponding position on the map. Repeat this process adding a minimum of 3 control points. Once you have finished adding control points, click Georeference to align the raster with the map at the desired location.

Note: The following formats are supported for georeferencing:

Tip: You can also adjust rasters that already have a coordinate system defined by clicking the Georeference button on the Raster Layers - Tools tab.