Test your 3D graphics speed FeedbackFeedback E-mail this topicE-mail this topic Print this topicPrint this topic

This is a simple test which measures the efficiency of your computer in terms of its graphics speed and provides you with an indication of the performance to expect when working in the 3D display. The test measures the frame rate which is how many complete images can be displayed in one second.
Graphics speed results
The calculated frame rates are categorized as follows:

Should you get a Poor result, then you should ensure that the latest graphics card drivers are installed then re-run the test. Subsequently if there is still no improvement, and you are also unhappy with the performance of the application, then you could consider upgrading to a faster graphics card and adding more memory (RAM) to the computer.

To run the 3D graphics speed tests
  1. Click the ArcGIS Explorer Button and then click the ArcGIS Explorer Options button.
  2. On the ArcGIS Explorer Options dialog click Resources.
  3. Click the Run Test button. Note that the button will only be enabled when in 3D display mode.