Display information about layers in popup windows FeedbackFeedback E-mail this topicE-mail this topic Print this topicPrint this topic

One of the basic things you can do when working with a map is to ask the simple question, "What's that?". To do this with a ArcGIS Explorer map that contains feature layers or features in a map service, click on a feature to display information about it, in the same way you do when you click on a result. The information presented in a feature's popup window is generally based on the tabular information associated with the feature. You can control which field values appear in the popups by choosing them in the Popup Content panel of the Layer Properties dialog as described below.

Here's what you can do with popups associated with feature layers or features in a map service:

To display information associated with a feature

Click the feature. If a feature is a multi-part feature (lines or polygons) you can click any part to display the value.

To display attachments associated with a feature

If a feature in an ArcGIS layer has attachments, you can view these via the popup window.

Click the feature to open the popup window for the feature. Attachments are shown as hyperlinks at the top of the popup window; if there are image attachments, one image will be displayed within the popup window.

Clicking the hyperlink will open the attachment in the default program for the file type; if there is no default program a dialog box will ask you to select a program to open the file with.

To disable popup functionality for a layer

In the Popup Content panel of the Layer Properties dialog choose the Don't display a popup window option:

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To display specific fields in the popup window

In the Popup Content panel choose Display the field values checked in this list option. When you click the feature the popup lists the checked field values associated with the popup:

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To display the target of a hyperlink field value, for example, an URL, in the popup window

In the Popup Content panel choose Use the value of a field as popup content. When you click the feature the popup displays the Web site page or whatever the hyperlink points to:

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To select a field to use for the popup title
In the Title and Parameter Field section of the Popup Content panel of the Layer Properties choose the field that will display at the top of the popup's window. By checking Display as Tip you can display this text as a tip as you hover over the feature with the mouse.

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View the attributes in a table window
Click the feature layer in the table of contents and then click the attribute table button on the tools tab.

A table window will display showing all of the records for the feature layer.

Selected records will hi-light on the map, and they can be written to a CSV file or be added to the map as a note. if you double click on a record ArcGIS Explorer will zoom to the feature on the map.

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