Deploying the application

Once you've selected the map elements for your Web application, the final panel of the wizard appears and displays an overview of the application you're about to create. Note the application's URL, which will also be available in the Applications tab of Manager once you create the application.

If you are satisfied with the application, click Finish to create it, otherwise you can click Previous to return to other panels of the wizard and adjust the application's properties. When you click Finish, the completed application will appear in your default Web browser. This is what users of your Web application will see. Help for using the application is available from a link in the upper-right corner. This help uses a simple set of HTML files that you can customize to include information about any custom tools, tasks, or other functionality that you've added to the application.

After you create the application, it is available for viewing, editing, and renaming in the Applications tab of Manager. When you edit an existing application, you will see a list of items on the left of the screen that correspond to the panels of the original wizard. There's no need to navigate through all of the panels; you can just use the ones that are necessary, then click Finish to complete the edits.

For advanced customizations, you can edit applications that you create in Manager within an IDE (such as Microsoft Visual Studio, or Eclipse). Note that once you've edited the application in an IDE, these edits may be lost if you choose to edit the application again with Manager.

Deploying the Web application to a production server

By default, Web applications created with Manager run on the same machine on which they were created. However, circumstances may require that the application be created on a development machine and later moved to a production server. This involves installing and configuring the appropriate software on the production server, as well as setting up the data and services that the production server requires to run the application.

The procedures for moving an existing application to a production server vary between .NET and Java, and you can find a detailed "Licensing and Deployment" topic in the ArcGIS Developer Help system corresponding to your platform.