Creating a server directory (Manager)

A server directory represents a physical directory on your network that is accessible to all the container machines of your GIS server. As needed, the GIS server writes temporary files to one or more server directories. The server also periodically cleans server directories by deleting files within them at an interval you specify.

There are three types of server directories: Cache, Jobs, and Output.

A default directory of each type is created for you at a location that you specify during the GIS Server Post Install. The default location is c:\arcgisserver.

How to create a server directory

To create a server directory in ArcGIS Server Manager:

  1. Click the GIS Server tab.
  2. In the View menu on the left, click Server Directories.
  3. Click Add directory.
  4. In the Directory box, enter the path to the directory. Use a UNC path, for example, \\myServer\directory1. The ArcGIS Server Container user account that you established during the Post Install must have Write access to this location. You will need to use the operating system tools to set the appropriate access to this location.
  5. Use the Type dropdown list to specify the type of directory you are creating.
  6. Optionally, set the Virtual Directory, for example, http://server_name:8399/directory. This virtual directory should point to the same disk location as the server directory. You must create the virtual directory in your Web server and link it to the physical directory on disk. The virtual directory provides Web applications access to files created by the GIS server via a URL address.
  7. Optionally, enter a description.
  8. Set the cleaning mode and maximum file age. You can have the server delete files at regular intervals based either on the age of the file or when the file was last accessed by a client.

See how to do this in ArcCatalog