Globe services

A globe service provides access to a 3-D view of a globe, originating from an ArcGlobe document (.3dd). To create a globe service, you need to first create the globe document, then publish it as a service. Once you create the service, supported clients such as ArcGlobe, ArcGIS Explorer, and ArcReader will be able to access the globe service remotely.

The steps to follow in creating a globe service are:

  1. Prepare an ArcGlobe Document, ensuring that the document, data, and layer caches are accessible from all server object container (SOC) machines.
  2. Using ArcCatalog or the ArcGIS Server Manager, create and Start the globe service, optionally enabling web access.
  3. Generate a data cache for optimal performance, if not already present.

The following sections explain the process of preparing, creating, and using a globe service, as well as how to improve the rendering speed of the service by creating a globe cache.

Creating the globe document

The first step to deploying a globe service is creating the ArcGlobe document. You'll need to have ArcGIS Desktop with 3D Analyst Extension to do that. For some good introductory information about working with ArcGlobe, see the topic ArcGlobe 3D display environment in the ArcGIS Desktop Help.

A globe service consists of a collection of layers that can be added individually to an application as data. This differs from a map service, which references the entire map document when added to an application as data. Because the ingredients of a globe service are these individual layers, globe document properties such as ambient lights, sun position, background color, exaggeration, and so forth are not reflected in a globe service.

Tips for preparing documents for globe service publishing

When designing a globe document to be published as a globe service, consider the following tips for optimum performance:

Creating the globe service

To create a globe service, follow the steps in  Publishing a GIS resource to the server .

Note that when you publish a globe service using these steps, the wizard will pick the first cache directory registered from among the ArcGIS Server cache directories. If you wish to use a different cache directory, use the Add New Service wizard instead. The topic Adding a new service contains instructions for the Add New Service wizard.

Creating a globe cache

For faster display of your globe services, you can create a cache that stores pre-rendered image tiles on disk. When someone uses a globe service client, such as ArcGIS Explorer or ArcGlobe to view an area of your service, your server can simply retrieve the tile from the cache, instead of taking the time to render the view. It's up to you how big of an initial cache you would like to create, but you should consider creating at least a partial cache to optimize the performance of your services. The scope of the cache you choose to build may depend on the resources that you have available for creating and storing the cache. Information on globe caching techniques is located elsewhere in this documentation. A good place to start is How globe caches work. See also Building globe caches and Tips and best practices for globe caches.

Configuring Web access for the service

By default, globe services are enabled for Web access. To disable or limit Web access to the service, see Securing a service.

When a globe service has Web access enabled, users of client applications can access the service through HTTP. Supported clients of these Web services are the same as the clients that can view a globe server object through local connections, namely ArcGlobe, ArcCatalog, ArcGIS Explorer, ArcReader, and ArcGIS Engine applications.

Allowed operations for globe Web service are Globe, Animation, and Query. All three are enabled by default. Globe is always enabled and can not be disabled as it allows you access to the globe data. Animation allows you to publish along with the Globe any animation contained in the globe document. Query allows you to perform find and identify functionalities on feature data. For a list of the methods associated with each operation, see Securing a service.

When using a globe Web service, ArcGIS Server employs two methods for serving the data tiles. The first and default is via a query string approach, where the client has a knowledge to request for data tiles by specifying rows and columns. Simply enabling the Web service will activate this mode; there is nothing you'll need to do additionally as the webservice administrator.

If the cache directory is exposed as a virtual folder, ArcGIS Server can instead use a Static HTTP GET to fetch the data tiles. To do this, you will need to expose your cache directory as a virtual folder with a read permission. Additionally you'll need to register the virtual folder name as part of the Cache directory in the ArcGIS Server Properties dialog.

Exposing the cache folder as a virtual folder has the added benefit of leveraging the IIS Web server's caching, which will help in performance. Follow the following steps to do so:

  1. Create an administrative connection to the server that contains the globe service.
  2. Right-click on the administrative connection you created to invoke the ArcGIS Server Properties dialog.
  3. Select the Directories tab. From the Directory Type drop down select Cache Directory.
  4. Select the Cache Directory you want to expose as a virtual folder and click the Edit command. You can now specify the virtual folder name for your cache directory.

Note that when exposing your cache directory as a virtual folder for a globe Web service access, you'll need to make sure that the MIME Map types for your cache directory that's exposed as a virtual folder uses a wildcard mapping (.* ) for allowed file types, since the tiles of a globe caches do not have a file type association.

Using the globe service

Once you've created the service and started it, users of client applications such as ArcGlobe and ArcGIS Explorer will be able to consume your globe service by connecting to your GIS server and adding the service as data in their documents. Clients can view globe services through either local (LAN or WAN) or Internet connections.

Does the Web ADF contain controls for consuming globe services?

The Web and Mobile Application Developer Frameworks (ADFs) for ArcGIS Server do not have controls for consuming globe services. ArcGIS Explorer is the recommended application for viewing globe services in a lightweight client.

Web access

By default, globe services are enabled for Web access. Web service developers can work with these through the globe service's Web service description language (WSDL). The URL of a Web-enabled globe service follows this pattern:

http://<server name>:8399/<instance name>/services/<folder name (if the service resides in a folder)>/<service name>/GlobeServer

For example, if you had a service named Toronto in a folder named Canada running on a server named myServer with the default instance name of ArcGIS, the URL would be:
