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Recovery models for Informix

Recovery models for Informix

Release 9.3 E-mail This TopicPrintable VersionGive Us feedback
Note:This topic was updated for 9.3.1.

Informix can use two types of recovery systems: the ON-Archive system and the ontape utility. (You can also use the ON-Bar utility to perform backup and restore operations. See the recommended Informix documentation, IBM Informix Backup and Restore Guide, for differences between these backup and recovery systems and their usage.)

Recovery of an Informix Dynamic Server re-creates data, particularly database spaces, from an archive and backed-up logical log files.

An archive is a copy of either all or some portion of the data that Informix manages. More precisely, an archive is a copy of one or more database spaces (dbspaces) and any supporting data that you might need to restore them.

You create an archive of Informix Dynamic Server data on tape or disk that, ideally, you store in a safe location that is separate from your computer facility.

A logical log backup is a copy on tape or disk of logical log files that you have made full and eligible for backup. The logical log files store a record of Informix Dynamic Server activity that occurs between archives.

You must restore data in two operations. The first operation is a physical restore, and the second, which must follow the first, is a logical restore.

For the recovery of an Informix database, refer to the Archive and Backup for Informix Dynamic Server 2000 and Informix Backup and Restore Guide.

The following command can be used to recover your ArcSDE geodatabase:

dbimport sde –c –d sdedbs –l buffered

where sde is the name of the ArcSDE geodatabase and sdedbs is the name of the sbspace being used.

Once the Informix database has been recovered, if necessary, restore the ArcSDE installation from the ArcSDE media and the dbtune, giomgr.defs, dbinit.sde, and services.sde files from your backup tapes.

See Also

  • Informix backups
  • About database backup and recovery