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About database backup and recovery

About database backup and recovery

Release 9.3 E-mail This TopicPrintable VersionGive Us feedback
Note:This topic was updated for 9.3.1.

Numerous occurrences could lead to data loss: data or database elements could be accidentally deleted; data could become corrupted by the addition of bad data; hardware, such as a disk or server, could fail; or disasters, such as flooding, could destroy your server and storage media.

Since much time, effort, and money are usually invested in an organization's data, it is unlikely that the loss of it would be a trivial thing. For this reason, it is critical that you have a tested recovery plan in place for your geodatabase. Notice the plan should be tested before it is implemented—you can back up all the data you want, but if you can't recover it, it is useless.

Backup and recovery strategy needs vary in accordance with your specific situation. For ArcSDE geodatabases for SQL Server Express, only simple backup and recovery are performed. A simple backup is a full backup. Since ArcSDE geodatabases for SQL Server Express are comparatively small and accessed by fewer users than ArcSDE geodatabases on the other supported database management systems (DBMS), it doesn't take as long to create full backup files, and they can be done more frequently. To learn more about this type of recovery model, see Simple backup and recovery.

For ArcSDE geodatabases on DB2, Informix, Oracle, PostgreSQL, or SQL Server, the type of backups you use, where the backups should be stored, when the backups should be performed, and when and how restoration can be done can be affected by the following interrelated factors:

To see information on creating backups and restoring databases for each DBMS, consult the following topics:

See Also

  • An overview of maintaining an ArcSDE geodatabase
  • Simple backup and recovery
  • Back up and restore geodatabases on an ArcSDE database server