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Feature classes in a geodatabase in SQL Server |
Release 9.3 | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Field name | Field type | Description |
fid | int | Primary key The unique ID that joins the feature table to the business table |
numofpts | int | The number of points defining the feature |
entity | smallint | The type of geometry stored in the spatial column (for example, point, line, or string) |
eminx | float | The minimum x-value in a feature; with eminy, emaxx, and emaxy, defines the envelope of a feature |
eminy | float | The minimum y-value in a feature; with eminx, emaxx, and emaxy, defines the envelope of a feature |
emaxx | float | The maximum x-value in a feature; with eminx, eminy, and emaxy, defines the envelope of a feature |
emaxy | float | The maximum y-value in a feature; with eminx, eminy, and emaxx, defines the envelope of a feature |
eminz | float | The minimum z-value in a three-dimensional feature, nulls allowed |
emaxz | float | The maximum z-value in a three-dimensional feature, nulls allowed |
min_measure | float | The minimum measure value in a feature, nulls allowed |
max_measure | float | The maximum measure value in a feature, nulls allowed |
area | float | The area of the geometry |
len | float | The length or perimeter of the geometry |
points | image | Contains the byte stream of point coordinates that define the geometry, nulls allowed |
Field name | Field type | Description |
sp_fid | int | Primary key; the unique ID that joins the spatial index table to the business table |
gx | bigint | The spatial index grid x-value |
gy | bigint | The spatial index grid y-value |
eminx | bigint | The minimum x-value in a feature; with eminy, emaxx, and emaxy, defines the envelope of a feature |
eminy | bigint | The minimum y-value in a feature; with eminx, emaxx, and emaxy, defines the envelope of a feature |
emaxx | bigint | The maximum x-value in a feature; with eminx, eminy, and emaxy, defines the envelope of a feature |
emaxy | bigint | The maximum y-value in a feature; with eminx, eminy, and emaxx, defines the envelope of a feature |
NOTE: You'll notice that once you have loaded data or run sdesetup, you will have several i tables and stored procedures in your database. These stored procedures and i tables are used for generating feature IDs for feature classes. The i tables contain a number in their name. This number corresponds to the registration_id of the feature class in the SDE_table_registry table. Editing these tables or stored procedures is not supported and highly discouraged.
All feature class business tables have a DELETE-UPDATE trigger and an INSERT trigger. The INSERT trigger ensures that the spatial column cannot have duplicate values in the business table, while the DELETE-UPDATE trigger manages activity against the spatial column in the business, feature, and spatial index tables. You can view these triggers in SQL Server Enterprise Manager or Management Studio. These triggers are automatically dropped whenever a feature class, either stand-alone or in a feature dataset, is multiversioned. They are re-created when a feature class is unregistered as versioned. If you edit one of these triggers, then register the feature class as versioned, the trigger will be dropped. Maintaining the referential integrity between the business and feature table is important. You should not edit the records of either the feature table or the spatial index table. Several indexes and constraints have been added to the business, feature, and spatial index table to ensure referential integrity is maintained. However, these indexes and constraints are removed when the feature class is converted to the load-only I/O mode, a state that allows for rapid insertion of data into the feature class. When the feature class is placed back into normal I/O mode—the state that allows users to query the feature class through a ArcGIS—the indexes are created and the constraints are enabled. The conversion to normal I/O mode will fail if the unique indexes cannot be built on the business table's spatial column or the feature table's FID column. It will also fail if a value exists in the business table's spatial column that is not in the feature table's FID column. In this case, a reference to the offending business table record is loaded into the SDE_EXCEPTIONS table.NOTE: For an explanation of the types of indexes used in SQL Server, see Indexes in geodatabases in SQL Server.
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<Domain xsi:type="esri:CodedValueDomain">
<Description>Simplified zoning codes</Description>
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...all other fields...
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...all other records...
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